"Since you were once my father's subordinate, please tell me directly, will you and the City Office help me regain control of the Marquisate?"

Because he didn't have any trump cards in his hand, Aarons directly expressed his thoughts - even if the other party refused, he would not suffer any substantial loss.

"The Marquis has been kind to me, and I am here as the director of the office to allow the Marquisate to retain a territory where the main family can directly issue orders."

After losing the military power and the local branches firmly controlling the office, the Marquisate, which was hollowed out, can still control the core area of ​​the territory - this is entirely due to the director of the office.

"And you are now the only bloodline left by the Marquis, so I have to tell you - no."

"Wait... why?"

"First of all, the person who induced and forced the Marquis to give up the right to send troops was the current emperor. And the reason why the Marquis allowed the family and relatives to govern themselves in various places was also because he was worried about the suspicion of his majesty."

According to this statement, in fact, Marquis Moti was excluded by the emperor of the empire as early as ten years ago.

The emperor not only took away the Marquis's right to have an army in the territory, but also forced him to take the initiative to undermine his own power, making it almost impossible for him to control the operation of the territory.

"So if the emperor doesn't want you to control this territory at all, even if we are willing to cooperate with you, you can't make any achievements."

"... So you have to maintain a neutral attitude and wait and see the situation, and wait for the imperial capital to summon me before making a decision?"

"You are really sharp-minded and intelligent... You don't look like an incompetent and stupid person at all."

Hearing such an evaluation, Aarons rolled his eyes in his heart.

If he were still the unlucky guy, he probably wouldn't have thought of these things at all. But now he has 40 years of life experience, and he has seen this kind of thing many times.

It's like a company boss squeezes out an excellent middle-level manager, not only assigning him to a department with no business at all, but also replacing almost all of his subordinates, making his work difficult.

But if the company's management can't continue, you can choose to change jobs, but the nobles of the empire don't have many options.

"...Since the emperor is so suspicious, has my father never considered defecting to a neighboring country?"

"The Marquis is a loyal hero. He once told us subordinates that people like him will inevitably be feared, but as long as he is alive, he will never betray the empire."

"But he is dead now, and it may be the emperor who did it."

If the death of the Marquis' family is related to the emperor of the empire, then his life may also be in danger. Although he is a weak person with no strength and no popularity, as long as the Marquis's bloodline is still there, the emperor still can't rest assured.

"That's unlikely... You probably don't know that His Majesty summoned the Marquis's family this time to arrange a marriage for the second young master."

"This... My brother is only thirteen years old this year. Is he going to get engaged so early?"

"The second young master has an amazing talent that has not been seen in the empire for a hundred years. The martial god guarding the imperial capital once commented that the second young master's strength is likely to be raised to the level of level five within ten years, and there is even a chance to impact the rare level six in the world."

Aarons has no idea what the concepts of level five and level six are, but he probably understands why the Marquis is so suspected and excluded, but why his life has never been threatened.

"The emperor still needs a strong man like my father, right?"

"That's right, and His Majesty has actually mentioned that he wants the gifted second young master to marry into the royal family directly."

If this emperor is really a tyrant, then he would have killed the Marquis's family long ago. However, in the past ten years, the emperor has only undermined the power of the Marquis, and even deliberately left the Marquis the option of fleeing to a neighboring country--

Maybe they have already made some secret agreement.

"Unfortunately, someone interfered, and my father and brother have completely disappeared from this world."

"I am not a noble, and I cannot understand the secret struggle between your majesty and the grand dukes. But the death of the Marquis and the second young master is indeed a serious loss to the empire."

"I guess your majesty will not do such a thing that harms himself and benefits others."

But this only means that the possibility of being killed by others is not high.

Whether he can inherit this territory depends on what decision the emperor will make.

So in order to leave a way out, the city magistrate must not support it openly before the dust settles.Aarons.

"Forget it, it's good for me that you can remain neutral."

"Master, although the city office cannot unconditionally support all your actions, we will still give priority to your general needs as much as possible."

"That's not necessary, but since I'm here...then you can just tell me about the Marquisate and neighboring countries."

After all, I had almost no knowledge of these things before, so when Aarons met the relevant people, he didn't know how to communicate at all.

"Do you want to know the overview and history of this area? No problem, please wait."

After hearing this request, the serious director quickly took out a map from the drawer of the desk and placed it in front of Aarons.

"Please look. The Marquisate is located in the southwest corner of the empire, bordering the Principality of Collins to the west and the Kingdom of Cardia to the south. It is a very important transportation route."

After the director's explanation, Aarons finally understood the basic situation of the Marquisate-

Although the Principality of Collins has a cold climate, it is rich in grain, while the Kingdom of Cardia is dry and rainless, and only minerals are relatively rich. The two countries have complementary resources and should have exchanged what they have and supported each other. But the huge mountains that naturally divide the border between the two countries block the possibility of direct trade.

However, the Cardia-Corinth Mountains, which stretch for thousands of miles, stop abruptly when they extend to a certain position in the east, and become a flat and huge wasteland.

——And this wasteland connecting the two countries outside the mountains is the territory of the Marquisate of Moti of the Armand Empire.

"Since fifty years ago, the three countries have been competing for the ownership of this area. Whoever can control this area can interfere with the fate of the other two countries."

Although the empire does not have only this foreign trade channel, in order to prevent the union of the kingdom and the principality, a lot of resources and troops have been invested in this area.

The Empire could not completely expel the two united countries, and the two countries could not guarantee that the trade routes would not be cut off by the Empire. In the repeated attacks, this tug-of-war lasted for twenty years.

And when history came to thirty years ago, a person who could break the balance of the situation finally appeared.

——That was Marquis Moti.

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