Armand VII was an emperor who wanted to make a career.

Although he knew it would be difficult to completely overthrow the power of the nobles from the day he took over the throne, he still tried many methods to take back a lot of power from the nobles.

Since the nobles did not care about the authority of the royal family, they did not care much about the selection of ministers. Armand VII took advantage of this negligence and selected many capable people from the people to join various departments.

When the original powerful ministers were quietly sidelined, the emperor shifted his target to the army.

"The army of the empire is the sword and shield to defend the country, and it cannot become the private soldiers of the nobles."

Because this matter really concerns the normal operation of the country, the nobles did not dare to disobey the emperor's decision in public.

In the end, the emperor allowed the nobles of the fiefdom to have private armies in exchange for the control of several legions. However, the military expenses of these legions can only be raised by the royal family itself.

Although the emperor at that time did worry about military expenses for a long time, the invasion of the Cardia-Corinth coalition gave him a turning point.

"At this critical moment, please join me, my fellow citizens, to resist the foreign enemy!"

Since no one knew how much land the aggressive coalition wanted to get, even the three dukes who had their own troops in their territories had to invest a lot of resources in the border defense.

The emperor not only took the opportunity to obtain a large amount of military funds, but also fortunately discovered a military genius-Maren Moti.

After dealing with the coalition forces on the great plains on the western border of the empire for several years, the young general finally caused a split within the coalition forces.

When the Principality of Corinth took the initiative to seek peace, the Kingdom of Cardia had to sign an armistice agreement with the empire.

So after the war, Armand VII, who was only 40 years old at the time, reached his peak in domestic reputation.

"I will confer Maren Moti the title of Marquis of the Border, and he will continue to guard the border for the empire."

Due to the emperor's popularity and Maren Moti's military exploits, the great nobles at that time failed to prevent the birth of new nobles.

And Marquis Moti also became a nail hammered by the emperor in the noble circle, causing some differences between the nobles of the fiefdom and the nobles of honor.

——If you can get the fiefdom from the emperor if you do a good job, then why should you abide by the rules set by the great nobles?

Although these contradictions have never been put on the surface, the emperor has indeed successfully weakened the voice of the great nobles.

"But it seems that I can only do so much."

Marquis Moti, who was discovered and promoted by the emperor, did increase the power of the royal family.

But if you want to completely overthrow the great nobles of the three dukes and more than ten marquises, these are far from enough.

Although the great nobles divided the power of the royal family, they were not stupid and greedy. Under their rule, most of the people in the noble territory lived and worked in peace and contentment, and had little desire to fight.

Armand VII was of course very clear that without sufficient popular support, it would be difficult for him to forcibly shake the existing power base.

"Then let's leave these things to the next generation. When my children and the little guy from Marquis Moti's family grow up, we will complete what I couldn't do together."

So in the next 20 years, the emperor did not make any moves against the great noble circle-

Until Marquis Moti's family died in an "accident", leaving only a "waste" eldest son without any talent in the territory.


"Mr. Wushen, what do you think of the current situation?"

Although Armand VII, who was over 60 years old, was still quite majestic, his eyebrows had lost their former sharpness.

The warrior next to him, who had strange spiritual blue crystals growing on his body, had served in the royal family for nearly a hundred years, but he still looked like he was only in his early forties.

"I don't know much about politics, but I can see clearly the current situation. The empire will probably change soon."

"Hehe, the kid from the Moti family is the last stone to break the balance."

Even if Aarons Moti didn't exist, the fragile balance between the nobles would be broken by the hidden betrayer.

But the eldest son of the marquis, who was always despised as "waste" by everyone, accelerated this long process countless times.

"If he hadn't publicly said that he would support Loran's succession and killed the heir of the Booker family, I'm afraid these things would have to wait until I die."

Some key actions of Aarons did disrupt the originally calm situation.

Although the contradictions among the nobles had existed for a long time, they had not reached the point of life and death.

And secretlyAlthough the latent betrayers wanted to use the hands of foreign enemies to destroy the foundation of the empire, they did not have the right opportunity.

These things would probably have to wait until the emperor died and the new emperor ascended the throne when the political situation was unstable before they would happen - but Aarons used his not-so-good hand to force all the players on the field to put out their chips.

- I'm going all-in, if you don't follow, I'll continue in the next round.

Then, Duke Booker, who didn't like to suffer losses, couldn't hold back and launched a counterattack, but lost his heir.

"Old Booker's loss gave everyone a good opportunity... If I wasn't old now, I would have wanted to do something else."

After sighing with some regret, the emperor suddenly felt dizzy for no reason.

He was indeed a little old... He drank some wine when he met guests yesterday, but the drunkenness has not subsided yet.

"His Royal Highness Kunlan will be a good emperor, and the little guy from the Moti family will probably make those nobles bleed."

"After this is over, give him the record that old Moti left for me... It's a pity that Keliya is not my biological daughter, otherwise I would let that kid be a prince, and I would be worthy of old Moti who left earlier."

Many nobles knew that Keliya was actually the emperor's adopted child. Although giving the adopted daughter the position of a princess without power is not a big deal, many people cannot accept letting her husband become a prince.

"Forget it, this is all about the children, I... um..."

"Your Majesty?"

"The wine of the Covenant Alliance has a strong aftereffect..."

The emperor, who wanted to stand up and take a book, suddenly felt dizzy again and fell back into his chair.

Realizing that the emperor's condition seemed a little bit wrong, Lingqing Wushen immediately grabbed the Linghua on the table and contacted the imperial doctor in the palace.

"Your Majesty's physical condition is a little abnormal, send someone here immediately."

"Haha, Your Excellency Wushen is overthinking. I just drank too much yesterday. It's just a small question--"

However, before the emperor finished speaking, he suddenly trembled all over the chair.

"Small, small question... No... Nothing..."

--Before Lingqing Wushen put down the Linghua microphone in his hand, the emperor who was slumped in the chair foamed at the mouth without any warning and fell down.

"Damn it! The emperor has an emergency! Hurry up and send someone!"

Thinking of the emperor's special reception of a group of travelers from the west of the continent yesterday, Lingqing Wushen keenly realized that this was not a disease.

The Star-Seeking Brigade of the Covenant Alliance must be a problematic organization!

"There is no other way... We must preserve the royal bloodline."

Thinking of the oath he made to the fourth emperor in the past, the Wushen, who had lived for more than a hundred years, immediately dialed the number of the Ministry of the Interior.

"I am Lingqing Martial God! Seal off the palace immediately! Do not let anyone in or out for the time being! Send someone to notify the eldest prince immediately... No, let the third prince Roland Armand return to the imperial capital to meet the emperor!"

In order to fulfill his promise and preserve the bloodline of the Armand family... After the emperor suddenly fell down due to an unknown emergency, the Martial God who protected the country chose his own protection object on his own initiative.

——And this is the beginning.

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