Aarons finally brought along the crew members who applied to join.

Half of those who wrote their wills were old veterans who had already served on the ship, and the other half were volunteers who had been following Aarons.

In fact, these people were not the only ones who planned to join - but the younger and more promising ones had been persuaded to leave by others before.

"Marquis, now all the crew members have entered their posts, I will be responsible for the management of the other personnel who remain in the base... Do you have anything else to tell me?"

Although she was reluctant, Jiang Yue would not go to battle with Aarons.

Because there were still many valuable assets in the base, one person had to stay - and the Cadians could launch an attack at any time, and this base would become an important outpost at that time.

And if Mo Qianyun was not there, Jiang Yue would be the only one who could activate [Night Crow].

"No problem, Teacher Jiangyue, you can get off the ship... Take care."

"... You too."

After watching the sage leave reluctantly, Aarons immediately began to adjust his mood.

Since he had decided what to do, he would never regret it.

"All ships, listen to the order, the Yumenhua will officially set sail in ten minutes - our first target is the Duke of Booker, and after providing appropriate support to Her Royal Highness the Princess, we will immediately turn south to the second target, Sunset City, the capital of the Sunset Kingdom."

After solemnly putting on the captain's exclusive one-shoulder cloak, Aarons came to the command room of the bridge.

In this not-so-big room, there are only the guard Mo Qianyun who is responsible for providing magic support for various magic equipment, and several navigators who are responsible for integrating various departments.

And the female magician Mu Li, who had been assisting Jiangyue in research and development, has also become a navigator at this time.

"This action was not authorized by the Empire, so we will not receive any medals or rewards. Our battle will inevitably hurt many civilians in the Kingdom of Dusk, and we may be cursed in the future."

This is not a just battle-Aarons actually intends to end this war in a very extreme way.

Because he has no time to waste. If the traitor who wants to destroy the empire completes all his plans, the entire empire will eventually fall apart.

At that time, there will be more people sacrificed in the war.

"So all the problems and consequences of this action are entirely the responsibility of me, Honorary Marquis Aarons Moti. All actions taken by all the crew members on the Prison Gate Flower are in compliance with the orders issued by me as the acting captain."

-This is the most critical division of responsibilities.

This is not a combat operation allowed by the Empire, so if the crew members survive by chance, then some people in the Empire may use this as an excuse to persecute them.

After Aarons took all the responsibilities, the pressure these crew members may face in the future will be much less.

"Time's up. Now, all departments will start the last self-inspection!"

[Report from the power room, the magic source furnace and carbon-uranium engine are running normally, the floating array output is stable, and it can take off at any time. ]

[Report from the operations room, the magic power channel of the defense array is normal, and all weapon station staff are in place. ]

[Report from the logistics department, the existing supplies are sufficient, and the support personnel have completed the inventory. ]

Although it seemed that he had forgotten something important, Aarons decided to set off as soon as possible after receiving the report.

"All ships listen to the order-Yumenhua, set sail!"

With Aarons' order, the huge black warship sprayed violent and turbulent winds downwards, and slowly rose into the sky from the berth of the airport.

And when the huge hull merged with the ethereal mist that always stayed in the sky, the warship with a great mission finally began its official voyage.


"According to the plan, we will arrive at the Duke of Booker in two days. I don't know what's happening there now, and I don't know if I can contact Her Royal Highness the Princess."

In fact, as long as he drives the warship there, Claire will definitely see him - but Aarons is not sure if they will have a chance to meet.

After all, the Duke's territory is now full of spiritual power, and the warships that need to use magic to stay afloat cannot land at all.

"We will only stay there for one day. If we can't contact Her Royal Highness the Princess during this period, we will try our best to eliminate any targets that may pose a threat."

Whether it is the Duke of Booker or the hidden enemy, Aarons does not intend to let go.

But the Prison Flower is notToo much ammunition and fuel can be wasted there. If they want to rush into the territory of the Kingdom of Sunset alone, they must make a feint attack on the southern front.

"Qianyun, if we enter combat mode, you will go to the main gun immediately. I hope that the main gun will not use the magic power of the magic source furnace as much as possible, so only you can charge the rail gun."

"Yes, I will be on standby at any time."

"Okay... During the cruise mode, the entire ship will rotate personnel according to the scheduled arrangement. Each crew member must ensure six hours of sleep and two normal meals a day during this period."

Although this standard is difficult to guarantee in wartime, ensuring such a living standard before the real battle will help boost morale.

Aarons had never been a soldier in his previous life, but he still learned some basic knowledge in this life.

He had jokingly thought about how to command a warship before, but when it really came to this time, he began to get nervous.

What should I do to keep those who follow me alive?

"Brother, are you worried?"

"Ah, that's right... Yalu!?"

However, just as he was about to sink into his thoughts, an unexpected girl's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Why are you here! Didn't I ask you to..."

Why is this little girl on the ship? I should have told her to stay in the base!

——No, I haven't seen her at all in the past few days!

"Yalu will protect brother."

An abnormal and terrifying mental power instantly spread throughout the warship, and those people in the captain's room who were originally surprised by the unexpected passengers quickly ignored this abnormality.

She actually rewrote everyone's cognition so easily!

"...I have important things to do. Although you can stay on the ship, you must not disturb me."

"No, disturb brother."

Although Aarons was indeed a little worried about her safety for a moment, he threw away the idea when he thought of her terrifying strength.

——Even if the ship was really sunk, this unidentified girl would definitely survive.

"No problem, let's keep going."

So, the Prison Flower, which was always shrouded in a misty fog, slowly sailed towards the Dukedom of Booker under the command of Aarons.

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