——A miracle really happened.

The Prison Flower, which should not have appeared here, really reversed the fate that should have ended for Claire.


And the person who commanded the ship was the one she begged at the last moment.

Aarons Moti... the only partner she recognized in this life, the one who repaired her trauma and filled her heart.

"Why did you... again..."

The tears could not stop falling, and the emotions were out of control like a huge tide - Claire no longer knew what she should do now.

That's right... she was the one who was most afraid of being left behind.

"Alas, I didn't expect the young master to suddenly appear at this time... We haven't told him anything yet."

"This is God's will, oh... I thought I had to merge with the stinky spider again to block the attack."

"Just kidding later. Captain Kulan, immediately take everyone out of the opponent's attack range, at least beyond the current distance of the Prison Flower."

Although she was indeed shocked by this sudden change, Xia Ye still calmly gave instructions to the people around her-of course, she also pulled up the princess who was already in a daze and ran towards the truck with her.

It is estimated that Keliya will not be able to think normally for a while.

"Miss Zhu Ying, go up and report our current situation to the young master immediately, and help him calibrate the firepower."

"Understood. Please be safe."

The maid with cherry hair nodded very obediently, then spread her wings again and flew high into the sky in one breath.

Xia Ye, who dragged Keliya and jumped directly onto the truck, simply took off the glasses she used for disguise. When the demon's horizontal pupils were truly revealed, her aura also changed dramatically.

"Hold on tight... I'm not responsible if you get thrown off!"


Aarons has sensed Keliya's existence.

After resonating with Yalu and greatly enhancing his mental power, his perception can fully grasp every detail within a few kilometers.

Why does Yalu have such a strong mental power? Who is she?

"Yes, the smell of my sister."

"... Here? Are you sure?"

"Very faint, not sure."

I don't know what she discovered, Yalu suddenly mentioned her unknown sister.

But Aarons didn't have time to care about such things, because he was now commanding the Yumenhua to climb quickly and bomb the upper layer of the floating island with the greatest firepower.

As long as the opponent's upper layer is cleaned, the Yumenhua, which has a height advantage, doesn't have to worry about the opponent's counterattack.

"Starboard, all gun ports ready--"

The automatic loader and the fire control system controlled by mental power, coupled with Aarons's precise battlefield analysis ability, the shooting error of the carbon-uranium artillery on the Yumenhua is almost negligible.

And the large-caliber shells that can instantly release high-heat shock and spiritual power are enough to blow any magic barrier and physical defense into pieces.


When all the side guns spit out dark red flames again, dozens of shells whizzed towards the upper floating island that had begun to melt and crack.

Because Duke Booker wanted to kill Keliya, Aarons would never let him live until tomorrow.

[The top structure was completely destroyed! We can't fire psychic beams upwards! ]

[Damn it, who is commanding that battleship... Could it be that Aarons Moti! ]

When another round of shells exploded on the upper layer of the floating island, Duke Booker's angry voice finally came from the radio.

"Of course, Duke... you must die here today!"

While bombarding the floating island, the Yumenhua was also climbing rapidly.

Aarons did not intend to give the other party any chance to react - because the size of this floating island was indeed too large.

Even if the upper layer had been completely melted by several rounds of bombardment, the main structure of this floating island was not damaged at all. If the other party insisted on escaping, the existing firepower of the Yumenhua would not be able to completely destroy it.

And the existing ammunition could not be wasted casually, so Aarons could only think of some ways to win with one blow.

[Stupid... you are as stupid as that old Morty! I am here to protect this empire... and you don't even know who the enemy is! ]

"Of course I know... you want to kill my princess, then I will kill you... it's that simple!"

Aarons' voice was soon broadcast, and the Yumenhua had already aimed its bow at the floating island again - so that the main gun operated by Mo Qianyun could easily hit any part of the floating island.[You idiot! The enemies of the Empire are about to launch a full-scale attack, but you still have to deal with an old man who is loyal to the Empire! You can do such a thing for a wild woman who came from nowhere... You are a traitor to the Empire! ]

However, Aarons ignored the other party's angry abuse.

"... Yalu, tell me how to destroy the things in it."

"The shell is very strong."

[Report. Master, I have observed the weak point of the floating island structure. Please shoot at the position I marked. ]

Yalu didn't know how to shoot down the floating island, but the voice of Spider Sakura suddenly reached Aarons' ears at this time.

[Prediction. There is a 90% probability that the external main structure will disintegrate after hitting it, and then the internal core can be attacked. 】

"Got it, go... Qianyun! Prepare to fire continuously at the marked parts!"

After getting the countermeasure, Aarons' mental power expanded again with all his strength - the maid with cherry hair reported the situation to him and flew to the floating island at a high speed, and then released obvious flashes at several points.

So several red flames that pierced the sky instantly pierced the huge rock plate like a spear.

[Confirmed. The key points of the external main structure have been destroyed, and part of the floating island rock plate has begun to disintegrate. 】

After the key nodes were destroyed by the terrifying carbon-uranium orbital cannon, the huge rock plate shell of the floating island fortress suddenly shook violently.

The frantic collapse like a landslide began - huge rock blocks broke and peeled off in the vibration, and a large number of obvious cracks appeared on the outer wall far away from this direction.

[Report! My Lord Duke, the shell of the fortress... is about to collapse! 】

[What? ! How did that guy do it? ! 】

When the Duke's panicked voice came out along the broadcast that was not turned off, Aarons's emotion, which was forced to remain calm because of his ability, suddenly became excited again.

"The inside is exposed! Good opportunity - Qianyun!"


The railgun, which had been fired several times in a row and most of its structures were seriously overheated, was actually causing Mo Qianyun to suffer the pain of being burned by fire.

But when she heard Aarons' order from the communicator beside her, she still held the firing handle and the grip for transmitting magic power without hesitation.

"Being driven by the master... is the meaning of my survival!"

And her consciousness, along with the red spear that cut through the sky again, pierced the fortress body that had lost the rock barrier.

——The main gun hit.

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