"Twenty degrees left! Aim the bow at the enemy's fortress! All gun ports on both sides are ready! Your only target is the soldiers on the ground! Qianyun! Follow my instructions and aim the main gun at the enemy!"

After making the final announcement to the Ximu people, Aarons issued several instructions in one breath.

Although he could use his mental power to transmit the order to everyone's brain, doing so would make his already overloaded brain even more overloaded - in order to last longer, he had to start verbalizing the order.

But even so, he was not much relieved.

"Third Legion! Tell me how long it will take to complete the retreat!"

[In about thirty minutes, we can reach the designated location and establish a defense line! Captain... please! 】

Thirty minutes... Even if thirty minutes in this world is not that long, how long can the Yumenhua last?

"Everyone, prepare for battle--"

Even though his mental power was close to overdrawn, Aarons still tried his best to cover every crew member with his mental power.

Although he could not help much in the battle, this could at least slightly reduce the negative emotions of others.

"Target - Ximu Land Fortress! Maximum combat speed on both sides... Forward!"

The carbon-uranium engine roared, and the surging magic power produced by the magic source furnace was transmitted to various parts of the ship along the complex pipelines.

The huge black warship began to charge at countless enemies.


[The enemy magicians seem to be dispersing! They want to use magic to detonate our shells in advance! ]

[Just speed up the loading speed! If one round is not enough, fire one more round! ]

When the Yumenhua began to move, Ximu's army also began to move.

The Douqi warriors could not attack the warship, so they reorganized their formation, got on the mobile Warcraft chariot, and began to pursue the retreating imperial troops.

The artillery on the Yumenhua poured down a rain of fire on them.

"I saw it... The weapon that attacked us just now is on that tower! Qianyun, use the main gun to test it first!"

The huge land fortress that looked like a castle was even larger than the several hundred meters long Yumenhua. The top of the towering spire in the center of the fortress was constantly emitting heart-pounding magic.

The weapon could penetrate the defense of Yumenhua just now with a shot beyond the visual range. Now the distance between the two sides is less than a kilometer. If it is hit again-

"It glows at this time... It's bad! All ships are ready for impact prevention! Full left rudder!"

Aarons' bad premonition quickly came true.

The top of the fortress's giant tower suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and the rich magic even deflected the surrounding light-the Yumenhua, which sensed the danger, also deviated greatly at the same time and forced an evasive action.

But the scale of the battleship was too large. Even if Aarons and the crew had reacted in advance, they were still a step slower in the end.

The dazzling beam of light cut through the sky in an instant, directly hitting the right front of the Yumenhua. The defensive magic array was mercilessly torn and burned, and a big hole was drilled in the seemingly indestructible hull.

Then, the flames and smoke of the explosion erupted from the inside of the pierced hull.

[Ahem—the magic barrier failed! The hull was pierced! ]

[Damage control! Isolate the damaged cabin and put out the fire immediately! ]

[The 30th and 42nd magic circuits are damaged! Tactical sergeant, three people were killed! ]

Every report sent by the crew hit Aarons's brain like a heavy hammer.

I failed to protect these people... and next, more people will die because of my incompetence.

So what else can I do?

"Prioritize stabilizing the hull—main gun, return fire!"

[Understood! I will never miss! Main gun—fire! 】

Although it was indeed penetrated by the enemy's magic, the Yumenhua was not actually fatally injured.

After shaking for a while, it returned to stability, and at this time, the main gun that had been fully charged also shot a dark red stream of light at the opponent.

——After the powerful psychic beam hit the outer wall of the fortress, it immediately exploded with gorgeous flaming flowers on it.

"...Not magic defense, but composite soil and steel?"

However, when the flames from the main gun finally dissipated, Aarons noticed a shocking fact.

The huge land fortress was not equipped with a magic wall like a battleship, but a simple and rough earth, stone and steel covering.

This simple and heavy armorAlthough it is impossible to completely block the psychic explosion or magic bombardment, it is not possible to penetrate it completely with just one or two shots.

"Change tactics! Don't worry about the fortress anymore, aim all weapons at the ground forces that intend to pursue our army!"

It is difficult to completely destroy the fortress with the existing weapons on the Yumenhua-so Aarons immediately changed the target of attack.

As long as the number of enemy soldiers is reduced, even if the fortress can still operate, the momentum of the Yumu people's attack on the empire will be weakened.

[The gun position is understood! Before we are shot down, try to fire all the shells! ]

[Logistics team! Hurry up and take out all the shells in the warehouse! If the ammunition depot is hit, we will be finished! ]

The destructive rain of fire falling from the sky became more intense.

The Warcraft chariots carrying a large number of soldiers could not charge at high speed like cavalry, so they became the best targets for artillery - each shell could destroy at least three moving chariots, which meant that at least thirty Ximu people were burned to ashes by the psychic flames.

When thousands of people were completely submerged by the blazing flames in just two minutes, the Ximu people immediately changed their stupid tactics.

[There is a small magic array capable of anti-aircraft on the fortress! Oops - the defense wall can't block all the magic! ]

"Turrets No. 5 to No. 15 change their attack targets and try to suppress the opponent's firepower!"

After realizing that its main weapon could not sink the battleship quickly, the huge land fortress immediately launched all its anti-aircraft firepower - the barrage composed of countless small magics flew into the sky like a heavy rain, and continued to explode on the magic defense wall of the Yumenhua.

Although the power of these magics is not strong, the magic defense of the Yumenhua is actually not that reliable.

[One shot broke through the defense and hit directly! The port turret No. 13 is damaged! It can't turn! ]

[Ugh... Damn it... It was hit directly... It's great to fight with you guys in the end——]

[... The port turret No. 8 exploded! Damn it—— The uninjured people continue to fight! ]

The ammunition in a turret exploded after being hit, causing the whole ship to tremble.

And the continuous disappearance of life also made Aarons, who was sitting in the captain's seat, feel the pain as if being cut by a sword.

[Ha! In this case, let's have a competition... Let's see who can kill more enemies before dying! Captain, I'm going to start manual aiming! ]

[Stupid, you just like fighting, right... I'm competing with you! ]

[... That's right, this last journey is quite suitable for us! ]

——He can't do anything.

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