The manager who built the shelter for the demons and has been protecting them is actually a human.

This is indeed surprising, and Aarons is indeed a little curious about it.

"Is this the place?"

"The manager is not in good health now and cannot come to greet you."

"Really... I will try to save time."

Even though he has almost no memory, Aarons still maintains his original style of doing things - of course, he himself cannot realize this.

However, after knocking on the door of the dome building, Aarons did not hear any response.

My sister said that the manager is not in good health... Is there something wrong?

"It doesn't matter. Just go in directly."

"Oh... excuse me."

After carefully pushing open the door, Aarons walked into the house with Yalu.

However, as soon as he walked into the door, he immediately smelled a strange smell that reminded him of the word "decay" for some reason.

"Is there really anyone here?"

Even if he had no memories, Aarons didn't think this room was for living - there was nothing here that could be called furniture, and there was no sign of life.

But the girl beside him nodded to him, trying to dispel his doubts.

"Yes, it's up there."

After slowly climbing up to the second floor along the creaking wooden spiral staircase, Aarons felt that his limited physical strength was almost exhausted.

But after pushing open the only door on the second floor, he finally saw the manager of this shelter -

"Hmm... this, this is it?"

... Can that really be called a person?

Leaning against a huge chair was a dead tree that was about to rot - the legs were empty, and the upper body was so dry that only the skeleton and withered and cracked skin were left.

If it weren't for the normal outlines of the shoulders, neck and head, Aarons would even think it was just a corpse.

"Welcome... You are the little human from the outside world that others mentioned, right?"

Although the man's face was not as decayed as his body, his appearance also looked full of signs of aging. And the other party's voice was already quite hoarse, like the rubbing of tree bark, which made people's hair stand on end.

Aarons could only recognize from the face full of wrinkles and black spots that the other party seemed to be a woman... That's all.

"Are you shocked? Haha... Don't worry, I'm just an old guy who is about to die."

"You... What's going on?"

If I say that I am not curious about this at all, it must be a lie.

Aarons certainly wants to know what this "human" called the administrator is. Even if he has no memory, his curiosity has not disappeared.

"Before I answer your question, I have to do a test on you first... Is it okay?"

"No, but I... I almost don't remember anything now."

"Haha, that's just right - then let me ask you, do you know what the girl next to you is?"

The girl next to you... Yalu, what is it?

Aarons knew that Yalu was definitely not his biological sister, but he did not have any doubts about the girl.

After all, someone had told him before that it was Yalu who saved him from dying with great effort - if he still questioned the other party's thoughts, then he would be repaying kindness with enmity.

"I don't know, but she said she was my sister, so I took it as such."

So no matter what Yalu was, Aarons did not intend to delve into it.

"Then I want to tell you - she is actually a demon beast, a common enemy of humans and demons. And her real name is..."

"... [Fog Phantom Star]."

As the girl's somewhat dull voice sounded around him, Aarons suddenly found that he was surrounded by a faint mist - and these mists seemed to be part of the girl's body.

But Aarons felt a bit lonely in it.

"No... Her name is Yalu, my sister."

Demon beasts should be a terrifying existence.

But Aarons didn't think so - even if he didn't feel any power from himself that could be used for fighting, he didn't have any fear of the girl beside him.

So he gave his answer based on this simple thought.

"Heh... little guy, your answer is very good. To be honest, I was quite surprised when I found that the monsters that I had lived with for hundreds of years suddenly turned into human-like appearances."

"That's because I want to find my sister."

The light mist quietly dissipated, and the girlShe tilted her head and looked away.

Seeing the girl like this, Aarons subconsciously reached out and touched her head.

"Since you are so tolerant, we don't have to worry so much. Just ask any questions, little one."

"Oh, that's rude... who are you?"

Although Aarons really wanted to know if there was any way to restore his memory, he still politely asked about the other party's situation.

This way of communicating with people seemed to have been engraved in his soul and became something like instinct.

"I am an old thing who has lived from the Demon War to the present... You don't need to know my original name, and the Demons generally call me Huang Yayin."

"Really? Then can I call you... Senior Yayin?"

Aarons always felt that he had heard this strange way of naming somewhere... but since he had no memory at all, he just passed it by.

"Okay... I heard that after the war, humans also started to name themselves after the demons, so it's okay for you to call me anything."

"So, have you lived for a thousand years? Why did it become like this?"

This is a question that may involve the other party's privacy, so Aarons does not expect to get a definite answer.

However, after hearing this question, the dead tree-like human body just laughed hoarsely and unpleasantly.

"This question should not be asked by me... Ask those people outside, they will give you the answer."

The people outside should refer to the demons in the village.

Although Aarons has the relevant knowledge of the demon war in his head, he does not have any special aversion to the demons, the enemy of mankind.

It's as if he has dealt with the demons before, and even has a very close relationship with them.

"We know you want to get back your lost memories, but you should take a good rest here first... Some things, even if you are anxious, will not help."

The other party seemed to know his situation very well and saw through his thoughts.

Aarons did not have to come up with a definite answer immediately - although he had almost no memories, he was still a person with healthy limbs and could live independently.

Maybe his memory would suddenly recover one day, or it would never come back, but this would not prevent him from having a new life here.

As long as he survived... Why did he have such a strange idea?

"The little guys of the demon clan will help you... You should go and talk to them first."

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