"Hehe, it's normal that you don't understand. After all, you and he just made a choice that makes you feel at ease."

In the puzzled expressions of Karin and the other two, the manager, who was like a dead tree, sneered sarcastically.

A choice that makes you feel at ease - what does this mean?

"Don't you understand? Hehe, let me ask you a question first - why do you think he chose to sacrifice himself without hesitation at that time?"

The manager should have known what happened at that time, and Mo Qianyun, who witnessed it at that time, had a more solemn expression at this time.

"Ya Lu can see the memory of that little guy, so she also told us a lot of things. So I want to ask you, do you know what mistake you made?"

"...make, mistake?"

"Let's put it another way...do you really need him?"

This question was like a bolt from the blue, and it exploded directly in the hearts of the three people.

Karin subconsciously wanted to refute, but before she could say anything, her body stagnated because of the sudden thought in her mind.

——She was acutely aware of the existence of a certain deviation.

"Although you have more or less gained a new beginning because of him, do you really need his existence in the rest of your life after you have regained your new life?"

This is a sharp and embarrassing question that faces the essence.

Although Aarons did change their fate, after completing the transformation, they were much stronger than Aarons, and there was actually no reason for them to stay with this weak man.

"You may never think about this question, but he always has the answer - do you want us to say it?"

There is no need, because Karin and the other two have fully understood the manager's meaning.

Aarons knew that he was "not a necessary person", so he tried his best to improve his value expectation to be equal to them... and when he realized that he could not achieve this goal, he decisively chose to give up his life.

——Because he knew that he was a burden.

"We, actually..."

"Is it ridiculous? We can probably guess how you treated him at that time - you should have told him that he didn't need to do anything, just sit there and watch."

That's right - they did say so, and they did so.

At first, they were simply afraid that Aarons would be in danger, but Aarons was still stubbornly taking risks for some reason.

So they thought that they had not done enough, so they simply took on more work, leaving Aarons with less to do.

"You took away his value of existence with your own hands, telling him that he just needed to be a useless person - but he actually knew very well that if he really chose to be a useless person, then you would probably immediately abandon his existence without any value."

In the final analysis, it was because Aarons was not a real weakling.

He had no power to fight the enemy, but his heart was stronger than many warriors.

Because he knew his own weakness, he would look up to a higher world and constantly try to move forward with his own strength.

Others were attracted by his "strength" and chose to stay by his side and become his driving force.

- But the person who should have been closest to him denied the meaning of his existence so far.

"So have you thought it through - do you really need him? If you think he is only suitable to be placed at home as a decoration, then just give him to us... Yes, we really need his power."

This is no longer a question, but a provocation with a heart-piercing meaning.

Karin, Zhu Ying and Mo Qianyun are all strong men who can fight against hundreds of people alone. They have the right to choose their own life direction - even if they decide to leave Aarons, they can survive alone in the future and even have the opportunity to find a better life partner.

...But what does it mean to do this?

"What's wrong? Can't answer? Then let's change the question - do you plan to choose your own life by your own will, or do you plan to set a price for yourself and wait for better people to buy you?"

"No! We are... not..."

The manager's words were actually an insult to Karin and the other two.

Because Aarons is a strong man like them, they are attracted to him.

But they are conceited about their own strength, not only denying Aarons' value, but also unreasonably asking him to be a weak person.

So do they like Aarons's strong nature?Or do they like the feeling of being superior to others?

Going further, if they don't think Aarons is a strong man in their hearts... then their essence is no different from those weak people who want to be dominated by stronger people?

"So do you understand now? Why do we have to seal his memory - because people like him don't need those burdens at all, just a chance to go all out is enough!"

"We are not burdens! We are -"

"Then answer me! What are you to him!"

When the cruel and ruthless facts finally revealed the disguise, the three people who had been subconsciously ignoring this fact knew the real answer at this time.

- They are actually insignificant people.

"... At the beginning, the young master once told me that he didn't expect me to do anything for him from the beginning."

At that time, Aarons had nothing - no wealth and power to use, and a reputation like dead branches and fallen leaves, and even no one he could trust.

But Aarons still held a trace of sympathy and picked up the downtrodden and disabled girl.

"Even if I didn't exist, the young master would definitely have come to this point... So, for the young master, I am a dispensable person."

After fully understanding the deviation in her heart, Karin finally expressed her thoughts.

Although Zhu Ying and Mo Qianyun's situations are different, their thoughts are actually similar to Karin's.

"But since we have chosen to move forward with the young master, we will never abandon him! We did make a mistake before... But now there is still a chance to save everything, we will never repeat the same mistake!"

Kalin knew very well that such high-sounding words were actually an excuse.

If Aarons was really dead, then even if they had any ideas, they would never have the chance to tell them in this life - it was because Aarons was still alive that she could say such shameless words.

But now, there is no better way.

"Oh, that's right - you rushed to him in such a hurry, which can be regarded as consistent with your words and deeds. But..."

After a dry and hoarse sneer, the management talent who was like a dead wood finally said something that comforted the three people who had been frightened.

"--It's not up to me to decide whether to forgive you."

"...What do you mean?"

"I actually lifted the seal of that little guy a long time ago, so let him give you the answer himself-well, if you have heard enough, come out to meet your little girls!"

So in the astonished eyes of the three people, Aarons, who kept rubbing his eyebrows with his hands and had a distressed expression on his face, suddenly came out from the small house inside.

"...Thank you for your advice, Teacher Yayin."

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