"......Are you okay?"

After everyone left, Aarons slowly walked to the expressionless Xia Ye.

After a short silence, he finally squeezed out these few words.

"Thanks to you for telling my daughter the plan in advance during the day, my daughter didn't panic."

Although Xia Ye didn't seem to have any special feelings about what happened just now, Aarons still felt his powerlessness.

Because he was very weak, he had to use the power of others to solve such a small matter. If something went wrong just now, Xia Ye, who was the bait, would be very likely to be hurt.

Today, I was lucky enough to solve the problem without anyone getting hurt...but what about next time?

"You should have understood that I am not a powerful person...not now, and not in the future."

"Young Master?"

"You may also be hurt because of me in the future, but I don't have the power to protect you...I am really incompetent."

Aarons was indeed dissatisfied with his crossing.

Because he didn't gain any power, many simple options were not available to him. The failed experiences in his previous life also quietly eroded his self-confidence.

And this time, he really understood what kind of pain "incompetence" is.

"I will try my best to send all of you to a place where you can live a stable life. Before that, you can only suffer a little."

"Master, you have made the best choice today, why do you still deny yourself like this?"

Aarons didn't understand why he had such negative thoughts.

Maybe it was because the unlucky young master was always called a waste, or maybe it was because he had no successful experience after crossing over.

Aarons had no idea what he should do to be recognized, and he didn't know whether the choice he made was right or wrong.

"... Maybe I'm just a little tired, let's go home."

Aarons, who couldn't get an answer, gave up thinking temporarily and returned to the mansion with Xia Ye.

Although it was time for people to fall asleep, in the activity room, everyone except the young children was waiting for Aarons' return.

"Okay, everything has been resolved... What's wrong? Are you all sitting here, waiting for me to say something?"

Els and Meili sat at the table in silence, Karin, who was in charge of guarding, stood quietly beside them, and the Mo family couple had no idea what had just happened.

Only the old gardener Raul, who knew the reason, was shaking uncontrollably because of fear.

"Xia Ye found out a few days ago that the servants who had escaped before came back to plot against me, so I asked her to act out a play. Now those scumbags have been arrested by the city government. I plan to give some rewards to the guards tomorrow and let those scumbags stay in jail for a few more years."

"This, this... That's not the case! Master!"

"Old man, are you a little confused? What I just said were all 'facts'. Do you have any objections to what I said?"

When Aarons emphasized the word "facts", he was actually telling everyone that he did not intend to hold anyone responsible for this matter.

Aarons could understand why the old gardener would do such a stupid thing without thinking.

This was just like the old people who were threatened and defrauded in his previous life - first they were threatened not to tell others, then they followed the instructions to do certain things step by step, and finally they were defrauded of a large amount of money or other things.

Under strong fear, it is difficult for an elderly person to think rationally.

"This, this... Master..."

"Els, Mary. It's so late now, the old man should rest, you two should take him back to the room and sleep."

"Yes, Master."

Aarons's implication was also very clear - the old gardener would be confused after hearing such news, so he asked the two young people to comfort him.

Even if Aarons did not intend to pursue any responsibility, the old man might be hit by guilt.

"Uncle Mo and Aunt Mo, you should go back and have some rest. It's not a big deal. I'll go talk to the children tomorrow."

"Thank you, young master. You should have some rest too."

After watching the middle-aged couple leave the room, Aarons sighed deeply.

Although this matter was relatively perfectly resolved, it might still leave some grudges in the family's hearts.

Aarons himself was actually very dissatisfied with his own actions.

"Karin,Close all the doors first. Xia Ye... I need to talk to you. "

The wolf girl, who had been serious from the beginning, relaxed a little at this time. She closed all the doors in the room and even drew all the curtains before slowly returning to the table.

Xia Ye, expressionless, stared at Aarons across the long table, waiting for the next conversation.

"You said before that you believe in the principle of equal exchange. Not only did I treat you wrongly, but I also made you bear part of the responsibility. So... name a price."

"... What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to compensate you for your loss. If gold coins can be used for compensation, just tell me the amount you want. If you want something else, I will try my best to get it for you. "

Aarons' tone was quite serious.

In his previous life, he didn't like to mistreat others, and this habit indirectly caused him to lose a lot of property - and in the other world, he still couldn't change this habit.

"What I want..."

Unexpectedly, Xia Ye didn't express her wish immediately.

She first lowered her head slightly to avoid his sight, and then slowly reached out to take off the round glasses with intellectual beauty.

"I always thought you were a lawless evil person, but now it seems that you are just a kind ordinary person. "

When Xia Ye raised his head and looked at Aarons again, a suffocating and strong sense of oppression suddenly enveloped the whole room.

——The pair of originally clear and deep dark blue eyes had turned into a charming blood red for some reason.

"I shouldn't have attacked someone like you..."

When Aarons' brain had just recovered from the momentary fear and started to work at high speed again, Xia Ye suddenly stretched out his hands to him and Karin, and pointed those slender fingers at their bodies.

"The web that binds darkness and corruption blooms in my hands--[weave]."

When the clear and indifferent chanting sounded in the room, countless black silk threads flew from all directions out of thin air, completely binding the two people who had not yet reacted.

And the beautiful curled horns of the white-haired sheep girl also ignited black flames at this time.

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