"Since there are rules, forget it. But Manager Feng, I still have to ask one more question."

"You say, I will answer any question you ask."

Aarons rubbed his eyebrows lightly as if in distress, and seemed not very satisfied with the result of the negotiation. The round man sitting opposite him always maintained a somewhat hypocritical smile, which made people feel a little disgusted.

"If only the Marquis himself can withdraw this money, then next time the Marquis comes to withdraw it in person, you will not find other reasons to refuse, right?"

"How could that be? As long as the 'Marquis' comes in person, we will definitely hand over the deposit to him without a penny less."

Listening to the word "Marquis" deliberately emphasized in the other party's tone, Aarons couldn't help laughing.

He had completely understood the other party's hint, so there was no point in staying here.

"That's all right, Manager Feng. I'll take my leave today."

"Oh, you're too polite, young master. If you want to save money, you can come to me anytime in the future."

After watching Aarons walk out of the bank alone without getting anything, the manager who was smiling just now suddenly changed to a gloomy expression.

"Tsk, how can such a useless young master inherit the position of the Marquis? I guess someone else will have to take charge of this territory in a while."

Of course, Aarons didn't hear Manager Feng's mumbling. After leaving the bank, he began to wander around the street.

In fact, he was just testing the manager's reaction just now.

The news of the annihilation of the Marquis' family has spread throughout the city. Judging from the servants who stole the property of the Marquis's mansion and ran away, most of the people here are probably acquiescing to the demise of the Marquis' family.

Although he, the eldest son, has the right to inherit the title, the empire should not allow a weak person without any reputation and strength to rule this territory.

When the empire publicly announces the death of the marquis, this territory will be transferred to other nobles.

"It seems that they have already started to plan for a new lord, these guys who change their minds with the wind."

But there is no way, after all, he is just a second-level mortal who is not even a warrior, and he has no good reputation in the territory.

And the most important thing is that he now has no money to maintain normal expenses.

"This is too bad a start."

Although Aarons didn't know much, he still remembered that the city management fees and border defense military expenses in the territory were actually borne by the Marquis' family.

Every year, the Marquis' family has to pay at least 100 gold coins in management fees to repair the infrastructure in the territory and pay the salaries of civil servants.

In order to show loyalty to the royal family, the Marquis' family gave up their private army a long time ago and paid regular military expenses to the border garrison directly under the empire.

This royal legion usually does not intervene in any affairs of the Marquis' territory, nor is it under the command of the Marquis. The Marquis only needs to pay a hundred gold coins of military expenses every year, which is enough to dispel the emperor's concerns.

"Even a military god who has fought against foreign enemies several times will be afraid of being too successful."

Although he didn't understand what his cheap father was thinking at the time, Aarons had already cursed him in his heart.

This is equivalent to him owing two million foreign debts before he started anything. Every day when he opened his eyes, he had to think about where to earn the few thousand yuan today.

This is much more exciting than a mortgage.

By the way, a year in this world is a standard 360 days, but there are only 20 hours a day, and only 50 minutes per hour.

"Although it's just the beginning of the year, this fucking pressure is too great!"

Fortunately, the Marquis had just paid off this year's money not long ago, so Aarons at least had a chance to breathe.

Just as Aarons was thinking about what he was going to do next, a deserted little shop on the side of the road attracted his attention.

"A shop selling magic source stones? Is the boss here?"

Before, Aarons didn't know much about such an important resource as magic source stones, but now he feels that he should make up for it.

"Oh, young master. How come you have time to come to my shop today? Would you like a glass of water?"

"No, no, I'm just curious."

The shop owner is a strong-looking man, about 30 years old, and he is very enthusiastic towards people like Aarons.

Although he didn't plan to buy anything, Aarons still planned to take the opportunity to learn about this magical thing called magic source stone.

"You sell magic source stones? Can I take a look?"

"I'm so sorry, the big ones are all sold out today. I only have this small piece left, can you try it?"

The shop owner turned around and took out a black stone from the cabinet and handed it to Aarons casually.This stone doesn't look special, and it doesn't feel special when held in the hand.

"Uh, I don't know whether this thing is good or bad, can you tell me briefly?"

"Oh, I forgot, young master, you don't usually come into contact with this kind of thing. Then let me tell you about the characteristics of this thing."

While holding the stone that looks like a piece of coal in his hand, Aarons listened carefully to the explanation.

"This thing was suddenly discovered many years ago, and no one knew what it was at first."

Later, people found that after activating the magic source stone in a special way, it would steadily and slowly release a kind of energy called spiritual power.

"Spiritual power is somewhat in conflict with the fighting spirit and magic we practice. Not only can it not be directly absorbed by people, but long-term contact will also cause harm to people."

At first, everyone thought that this stone was useless garbage, but soon magicians invented a technology to convert spiritual power into magic power.

So the abundant reserves of magic source stone became a stable energy source, which directly promoted the rapid development of industry.

"However, the characteristics of this thing are also quite strange. First of all, it cannot return to its original state after being activated, and it will continue to release spiritual power until it is completely evaporated."

"So it's a battery... It's okay, just continue talking."

"Then, the speed at which it releases spiritual power is actually very, very slow. It will take a month to use up the small piece in your hand."

Although the reserves of this stone are almost inexhaustible, its efficiency in releasing spiritual power is far lower than people's expectations.

"But later, everyone found that as long as a large number of activated magic source stones are put together, they will resonate and increase the speed of releasing spiritual power."

"Isn't that great?"

"Hahaha... Master, do you know why the front of my store is so small?"

It stands to reason that this convenient energy should be available to every household, but looking at the scale of this store, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Don't be shocked. Although putting a large number of magic source stones together and activating them can increase the output of spiritual power, once a certain limit is exceeded..."

"Exceed the limit?"

When Aarons heard this, he already felt something was wrong.

When the shopkeeper gave the final answer, he threw the stone in his hand directly.

"Exceeding the limit, they will suddenly lose control, forcibly activate all the magic source stones around, and then trigger a huge explosion that can completely annihilate a city!"

How can this be a safe and stable alternative to alien electricity?

The released energy is harmful to people, and the volatilization speed is very slow. Controlling the quality can improve the efficiency of energy output?

Finally, once a certain critical value is exceeded, it will cause a terrifying explosion that blows up the city?

"What the hell is this!"

-This is simply the nuclear fuel of the magical world!

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