However, the battle did not end there.

Karin, who was out of control, did not stop attacking. She forcibly pulled the mercenary, who was already bleeding and unconscious, up from the ground, and then grabbed the other's neck with one hand and threw him to the back.

The terrifying force instantly broke the mercenary's neck, and his body was smashed to the ground, completely turning into a ball of tattered rags.

"This, this guy is a monster!"

The merchants were still enjoying the scene of the mercenary warrior unilaterally ravaging the opponent, but they did not expect that the man would lose his life in a flash.

After violently killing the enemy, the wolf girl with red eyes suddenly turned her eyes to them.

"Don't, don't come over! You monster... get out of here!"

The cowardly merchants fled without hesitation when they saw this, and the mine manager who was arrogant just now knelt on the ground with his legs softened.

The miners who were originally under his command had long disappeared, and the violent wolf girl was now walking towards him step by step.

"Don't come over! Don't... I don't want to die!"

The uncontrollable fear made his crotch wet in an instant, and although he struggled to retreat with all his strength, his body would not obey.

—— And the next moment, his body was strangled by the neck and lifted up.

"Huha... The beast who dared to murder the young master... all deserved to die!"

"No, no, no, I didn't do anything! Sir, spare me, Sir, spare me!"

After realizing that the fingers on his neck were slowly tightening, the mine manager finally howled miserably.

His voice quickly spread throughout the square, scaring the guards who had been suppressed by the alien mercenaries, and even knocked several people over.

But this voice seemed to be the only one that did not reach Karin's ears. The force on her hand became stronger and stronger, and soon the man's face turned purple due to suffocation, and only desperate mutterings were left in his throat.

At this time, a group of people rushed in from the gate. However, after seeing this frightening scene, the leading man reached out to stop the others around him.

"Don't show mercy! These traitors who secretly sold the empire's assets must be eliminated immediately!"

"Sir, wait! I have something else to do..."

"Karin, do it!"

——The person who made such a cruel declaration was Aarons himself.

After hearing the order from her young master, the brown-skinned and red-eyed wolf beauty immediately responded.

She suddenly loosened her right hand and took a half step back. However, when the suffocated and fainted man was about to fall to the ground, her right leg kicked the other party three times accurately and quickly like thunder.

The sternum collapsed, the neck was broken, the jaw was shattered-Kalin's violent power took the life of the mine manager in an instant.

However, after the fierce attack, her body seemed to have run out of fuel, and she lost balance and fell to the ground.

"Aarons Moti, the eldest son of Marquis Moti, is here! Everyone stop resisting and surrender now, otherwise you will be treated as treason and killed without mercy!"

-Several soldiers in the uniforms of the city hall also came out at this time and stood on both sides of Aarons.

These people had just rushed over to take over the mine not long ago, and they happened to meet Aarons outside, so they rushed over together.

"Captain, those merchants haven't run far yet. If you have anything to say, just arrest them and question them. The people in the mine will be dealt with by the people in the city office!"

"Understood. All team members, listen up! Go and arrest those people from the Chamber of Commerce immediately!"

After hearing the instructions, the mercenaries immediately changed their target and chased after the merchants who had just fled in panic.

The soldiers from the city office immediately filled their positions and took a battle stance towards the guards of the mines.

"I, we surrender! We are just following orders, not wanting to betray the empire!"

"Disperse your fighting spirit and raise your hands!"

After seeing that all the enemies around him had been suppressed, Aarons quickly walked towards the collapsed Karin.

Although the mercenary's body with a tragic death halfway through made him feel sick, he immediately rushed to Karin's side and stretched out his hands without hesitation to help the wolf girl up.

"Master...Master, I..."

"...Why didn't you run away just now? I didn't save you to die in vain."

Although his tone was merciless, Aarons was carefully checking Karin's injuries.

Fortunately, except for the broken prosthesis on his left hand, his neck wasExcept for a mark of being strangled on her body, the wolf beauty did not suffer any other injuries.

"It seems that there is no big problem. Can you stand up?"

——It was because he saw Karin was almost strangled to death through the telescope that Aarons rushed to the scene in such a hurry.

"I'm sorry... Master, I just..."

"It seems that I am exhausted. Hey! Leader over there, come and help if you have nothing to do!"

When he found that Aarons seemed to be doing something, Kulan, who was still waiting for other members, ran over immediately. After Aarons pointed at Karin and his shoulders, he immediately understood and moved.

"Okay, Miss, your master is going to carry you back. Come... Hold on!"

"Master, Master! I can't..."

"Shut up and rest. I still have this little strength. Don't raise any objections."

After Aarons carried Karin awkwardly, the mercenary leader Kulan put away the subtle smile on his face and put on a thoughtful expression.

"Sir, I'm actually a little curious about your young lady's performance in the battle just now."

"I don't have time to answer your questions now. Let's talk about this kind of unimportant things after she goes back and has a good rest."

"Sorry, I was a little hasty. Please take her back to the car first. I still have something to ask those merchants. Of course, I will hand her over to the city government for disposal after asking. Please rest assured."

Because he was worried about Karin's health, Aarons had no intention of asking other questions. He didn't even arrange to plunder the mine funds. He just turned around and walked out in the direction he came from with Karin on his back.

——After watching the two leave like this, Kulan's eyes became sharp.

"... How many secrets does the Marquis family have that can make a person without fighting spirit knock down a warrior with fighting spirit head-on?"

Thinking of Aarons' arrogant attitude that has never changed from beginning to end, Kulan's face quietly revealed a hint of vigilance.

"This young master who is called a waste...I'm afraid he is not that simple."

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