After realizing that he and the unlucky young master were both ignorant, Aarons immediately started to read the promotional materials that Xia Ye brought.

However, these materials were only used to attract passengers, and did not record any technical information or design ideas. Aarons flipped through them for a long time, and only knew that the flying ship he was riding was the smallest in the empire.

"…The rated carrying capacity is 500 people or 50 tons of cargo, using a magic source furnace as the main power source, carrying 30 sets of magic arrays, and the maximum magic level that can be released is four."

When Aarons saw the word "magic source furnace", he already began to not recognize the words, and when he saw "magic array" and "compound magic", his soul had already left his body.

Who can understand what you write like this! I have never learned magic!

"Magic source furnace... Master, I heard about this thing when I was a mercenary."

After reading the information with Aarons, Karin was the first to tell the information she knew.

"This thing comes from a country in the southwest of the continent. It was originally installed on ocean-going ships. Although I don't understand the technology, I heard from others that it is a simplified and reduced version of the Spirit Source Furnace used by the Spirit Source Factory."

The Spirit Source Furnace is a device that uses a special magic array to continuously activate the magic source stone to release stable spiritual energy. Although the design principle is relatively simple, in order to achieve the highest cost-effectiveness, the size of the equipment actually built is quite outrageous.

The Spirit Source Factory, which is responsible for supplying energy to Moti City, covers an area of ​​nearly one-fifth of the city itself, and the magic source stone consumed every day is at least two tons.

- This not only shows how versatile spiritual energy is, but also shows that the output of spiritual energy is actually a very inefficient thing.

"In order to reduce the size, the main structure of the magic source furnace must be made of the fur, bones and flesh of high-level magic beasts, and other materials must be processed with alchemical potions with special processes. When I was a mercenary, I often went to hunt level 5 magic beasts because these things were quite precious."

After listening to this explanation, Aarons could understand the reasoning - after all, many places in the world of the previous life could build nuclear power plants by themselves, but it was not so easy to shrink the reactor and put it in an aircraft carrier or submarine.

"It seems that the technology of the empire is quite advanced."

"Master, although I only know a little about magic, if you want to make a ship of this size fly, you should need at least hundreds of level 4 wind magic."

... Do you know a little? Have you figured out the structure of this ship with those silk threads everywhere in your hand?

Aarons looked at Xia Ye beside him, fiddling with the black silk threads in his hand expressionlessly, and finally didn't say much.

"Anyway, there are a lot of these things flying back and forth over the empire every day... I've learned a lot today."

The airship had already left the ground at this time. Although the final height it rose was only about three or four hundred meters, it was enough to cross most obstacles on land.

"The propeller at the back uses wind and fire compound magic, which can allow the ship to fly about three hundred miles in an hour. According to this calculation, we can reach the imperial capital in four or five hours."

One mile here is about half a kilometer, so a simple conversion speed is three kilometers per minute - the train that Aarons often took in his previous life seemed to be about this speed.

After having a basic concept, Aarons was no longer so surprised.

"Let's talk about something else... I can't judge what the emperor thinks of that territory now, and I don't know anyone in the imperial capital... I don't even have any way to get information."

Aarons carefully searched the memory of the unlucky young master, but only saw the sad experience of being sent to the Imperial Capital Academy at the age of thirteen, being despised and excluded by various noble children, and finally being persuaded to drop out of the academy at the age of fifteen.

Although it seemed that someone did have good intentions towards him at that time, he not only didn't know the other person's name, but even couldn't remember his appearance clearly.

"I estimate that there is a high probability that the territory will be taken back, and I will probably be reduced to an honorary earl or viscount, leaving me to find a place to fend for myself."

The descendants of nobles without territories will be naturally downgraded, and even dukes will become civilians after three generations. It is precisely by this rule that the empire maintains the balance of aristocratic power, allowing civilians to have the qualifications and opportunities to compete with noble children.

"How about robbing someone else's territory?"

"This isn't a chaotic world... If I bring people to rob someone else's territory today, everyone in the empire will gather together to destroy me tomorrow. You see, even if my father and my brother are dead, other nobles won't dare to come and say that the Marquisate will belong to them from now on.”

——If it was a chaotic era where heroes from all walks of life were fighting for fame and expanding territory, then relying on killing might indeed make a name for oneself.

But now is a peaceful era, most people are enjoying a stable and prosperous life, and the superiors also have clear rules for the replacement of the old with the new. At this time, if someone suddenly comes out and says that I want to conquer the world and compete for the Central Plains, it would be strange if everyone doesn't think you are crazy.

Although this is not completely impossible, how much popularity and resources do you need to persuade the people who are not in a survival crisis to support you in raising an army to attack the territory of other nobles?

"Then it seems that if the young master wants to turn over, there is only one way to go."

Xia Ye, who had already retracted the silk thread, stretched out his hand to push his glasses, and then expressed his suggestion expressionlessly.

"Find a noble who has territory to marry, or marry into the other party's family, and then wait for your partner to inherit the territory. ”

“You might as well let me go to war…”

The idea is indeed correct, but who would look down on a useless person without talent?

Nobles with territories will of course carefully choose their heirs. From the fact that Marquis Moti designated his talented second son as his heir, we can know that blood inheritance actually accounts for a large proportion of this matter.

If his heir has a third or fourth level strength, then the lord certainly hopes that the next generation will also have such strength. And the offspring of two equally talented people will certainly have a higher possibility of having stronger talents.

“Anyway, I heard a long time ago that some lords would even find many breeding partners for their children in order to make their third generation have fourth or fifth level talents. If my brother is a few years older, I guess he will be treated the same way. ”

This kind of hatching and brushing individuals is still suitable for doing in the game-Aarons is actually quite unhappy with such rules.

“I am a waste who can never reach the third level in my life. Who will marry the daughter who can inherit the family business to me? The most likely person I can marry is someone who is as untalented as me, right? "

But none of these options work, and Aarons doesn't know what else he can do.

"Anyway, let's take it one step at a time. If it doesn't work out, I can just learn from Kuran and become a mercenary. If I can't do anything in the next few years, I'll admit defeat, and you two can just crush me and be done with it."

Anyway, if I can't do anything, I can just be a puppet for Xia Ye and Karin... But if it really comes to that, I guess my life will be over.

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