As for tracking Loki's whereabouts, Ye Qingyang has no hope at all. Don't forget that Loki is the god of tricks, good at 72 changes, this skill is comparable to the big cousin's Mystique.

After receiving the position sent by the Cyclops, Ye Qingyang instantly turned into a streamer and flew away!

At the same time, at a cafe in Brooklyn, Watson and George sat face to face.

George's complexion was calm, but anyone who knew him knew that beneath the calm surface was rough waves.

Watson looked at his old boss. For so many years, he and he had always been a teacher and a friend, and he believed in his teacher unconditionally.

Today, George specially asked Watson to come, and George said in a hurry

"A new task was issued from above."


The words were only the beginning, the coffee cup in Watson's hand was heavily smashed on the table, the ceramic coffee cup and the wooden round table had a fierce conflict, and the sudden noise was particularly harsh in the quiet cafe. .

This made many people who enjoy this quiet leisure time startled and cast glares, but neither of them paid any attention to the strange gazes of others.

Watson was frustrated by a series of incidents recently. First, his undercover identity was known to Tony. He had already determined to die, but Tony was a cunning man, and he used his wife, children and police status as threats and wanted to protect himself. Tiger is on top.

Watson didn't know why Tony valued himself so much. He was just a trivial undercover, and he wasn't a crouching dragon or phoenix. He was not good at assisting the prince in the position.

Besides, the internal situation of the bombing gang is so complicated. If you take a wrong step, then you will be lost.

Today I received a call from George. He wanted to confide in his distress. He wanted his master to answer his questions and show himself a clear path, instead of continuing to give some shit tasks.

Watson felt a sigh of relief in his chest, he couldn't swallow, he couldn't vomit, he said, enduring uncomfortable.

"What's this time? What the hell are you going to do? Last time, I clearly said that as long as Tony dies, I can regain my police status. I clearly said that this is the last time.

George did not show too much expression because of Watson's anger. He took a cigarette from his pocket, took a deep breath, and said

"The plan has changed, and the organization is compelled to—"

Watson only felt that his chest was about to explode, and his tone of voice rose.

"What a bullshit situation! Tony is dead! Is it wrong for me to want to return to my original profession? You can't just grab my wool and squeeze it, is it my fault for not bringing Tony to justice? Now that Tony is dead, it will be counted on me? Whose attention is this, who is it that came up with the attention!"

George's eyes were blurred, he didn't know what he was thinking, facing Watson's question, he said lightly

"If you ask, you can't ask, there are only three people in this world who know your identity."

There was a sneer in Watson's heart, three people?

Yes, not counting the dead Tony and the living tiger, there are indeed only three people.

"Is it Inspector you or Chief Musk?"

George heard this and said with some dislike

"You rude fellow, Chief Musk is my friend, is it your friend? You don't speak well. I think you have been in the underworld for more than ten years, and you have really become a gangster."


Watson was so angry and funny when he heard this, I turned out to be an unruly gangster in his eyes!

Is this what the superiors say about an undercover police officer for more than ten years?

Watson only felt a little sad at this moment. The sorrow was greater than the death of his heart. Tony, the gang leader, could still know the reason and move his affection. Although the methods were despicable and cruel, Watson asked himself, if he was in that position, would he not Would it be better than Tony?

He has no answer.

Watson leaned back weakly in his chair and said

"I don't want to continue doing it anymore, please abide by the agreement."

George took a puff of smoke, and the cyan cigarette smoke swirled around, making the face under the dim light a little hazy.

"Can't do it anymore?"

"Yes, I can't do it."

George nodded and continued smoking

"Okay, then don't do it, don't do it, just hand in your resignation letter. Didn't you also succeed in getting involved in the bombing gang? After handing in your resignation letter, let's live your underworld life well. Also, I guess that way. Even better, the police’s bowl of rice is not delicious, and it’s not something anyone can eat. Well, how much money do you earn a month? Surely a lot, right?"


George’s words were like an extremely sharp knife, which plunged deeply into Watson’s heart. At this moment, his heart almost stopped beating. Without the blood supply from the heart, all the capillaries in his body began to become Cold, at this moment, his blood began to cool down.

It's as if the temperature in this early spring dropped below zero.

Although the cafe was still warm, Watson's body seemed to be stripped and thrown into the ice and snow, shaking constantly.

"Do you think what you are talking about now is still human?"

Watson looked at the very familiar face in front of him, feeling so strange and cold, strange like a beggar suddenly seen on the roadside, cold like riding a bicycle in the cold wind and heavy snow for an hour without gloves.

George glanced at Watson and continued

"But if you let them know that you were a police officer, what would they do?"

It was this sentence that made Watson no longer able to control his anger. A rush of heat poured in from the soles of his feet and hit his brain at a speed of 180 kilometers per second. He grabbed George by the collar and slammed him. The ground pulled up, and across a small round table, the coffee on the table was knocked over by George's body and fell to the floor.


With a crisp sound, the ceramic cup was smashed to pieces, and the coffee inside was like a pool of blood, thick and piping hot, spilling all over the floor.

Watson watched George gritted his teeth and said

"What do you want to do to me? What do you do?"

At this moment, he was blessed, and seemed to understand many things.

No wonder I have been hiding for so many years and nothing happened, but Tony found out that he was an undercover agent when he was dying of injury. The New York Police Department's undercover files are top secret!

How could Tony, a gangster boss, break through?

If there is no help from the inner ghost, who will believe it?

With this thought, everything can be explained.

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