Traverser Management System

Chapter 106: Nine Turns Xuan Gong

Zheng Yu laughed: "In fact, alchemy is very simple. Just let the mental power control it not to fall into the bottom of the pill furnace and burn it. If you keep turning it into a pill, there will be no possibility of failure!"

"Mind control? Is it God control? Without using spiritual power, you can control objects only with divine consciousness. This is a method that can only be possessed by powers above the Nascent Soul stage!" Xu Qiao'er covered her mouth, some Looked at Zheng Yu in horror!

Zheng Yu touched his head, isn't this mind-controlling object different from that of divine consciousness? He said with some doubts in his heart: "Does it have to be after the Nascent Soul Stage before we can reach the control of God's consciousness?"

"Yes, only the divine consciousness after breaking the pill and becoming an infant has the power, and we can only use divine consciousness to control objects. The divine consciousness we use can only control the aura. By controlling the aura, we can manipulate the object again!"

Xu Qiao'er is a little strange that Zheng Yu is already a great monk in the foundation stage now, so I don't know these things of common sense!

She continued: "Divine consciousness can also be used as a means of deterrence, usually for soul attacks! But if there is no special soul attack method, it is very dangerous to use divine consciousness to attack!"

Xu Qiao'er continued with a reminiscence expression: "My dad told me at the beginning that divine consciousness is equivalent to an extension of the soul. If the other party intercepts your divine consciousness, it will cause damage to your soul, so there are very few people. Will use divine consciousness as a means of attack!"

What Zheng Yu said, he suddenly thought that he seemed to have another yin man's method!

Zheng Yu grinned and turned the topic aside: "How is your father's injury? How long will it take to recover?"

When Xu Qiaoer heard Zheng Yu talk about her father’s injury, she smiled, and immediately put aside her previous doubts, and said to Zheng Yu: “Daddy has recovered very quickly in the past few days. Now the meridians on her body have recovered to 60%. His dantian has also swollen, and it is estimated that he will be able to fully recover in just two days. Then I can accompany my father to help you sell the elixirs!"

For things like alchemy, just give it a try. Of course Zheng Yu doesn't plan to do this for a living in the future!

On this day, Zheng Yu is combing through his meridians and running the spiritual power in his body!

Although you can exchange countless items and countless techniques in the system, you must continue to understand and deepen everything on your own. Although the power directly obtained is powerful, you still have the ability to use it!

Without such water milling skills, Zheng Yu would not be able to become strong!

Even if he was given a Rank Nine Golden Pill, he had to have a strong physique to be able to withstand such a powerful medicine!

Even if you can withstand this kind of medicinal power and gain a powerful force, you can't use it without the corresponding means!

Therefore, Zheng Yu is very serious to experience the aura contained in his body now, so that all the aura can move with his heart!

Zheng Yu once again cultivated his magical power of not bad vajra, and he had already reached the level of great perfection of the power of vajra is not bad at first!

This time, the re-cultivation felt like it was a matter of course. It was very simple to succeed in the cultivation, and it did not consume a bit of the original source. After just a few days, it has been restored to the level of the year!

But now this King Kong is not bad divine art has reached its apex, and this Shaolin unique school has no possibility to rise again!

The current physical defense is no longer helpful to his current realm!

His King Kong is not bad for his magical skills. Compared with the physical body of the Golden Core monk I saw before, it is simply the difference between paper and steel, which made Zheng Yu a little frustrated after trying it!

There are countless body exercises in the system, but the price is not low. As long as the exercises of cultivating immortals, they are counted up by tens of thousands, and then you want to upgrade him, that is, double, double, and double. !

The origin that Zheng Yu possesses now, even a single technique may not be able to cultivate him to the top!

In the final analysis, the current origin point is too scarce. After a few days, it is nothing more than a few hours in the other two worlds!

There is no source of income at all. Because the time difference between the two sides is too great, Zheng Yu can only rely on himself now!

The power of King Kong is not bad. Zheng Yu took the big phoenix long sword and cut a sword at himself. Unexpectedly, the big phoenix long sword easily pulled out a hole in his arm, the golden defense on his arm. Hood, couldn't hold the sharp edge of this spiritual weapon at all, and the blood kept flowing!

Zheng Yu sighed!

Zheng Yu is now very eager for a technique in the system panel. This technique is also brilliant in the prehistoric world. Its name is "Nine-turn Profound Art"!

The Nine Turns Profound Art is the best and most cost-effective method for body training that Zheng Yu can obtain at this stage!

When Zheng Yu just started to traverse the plane, in order to save his life, he used to change the magical power of King Kong. He felt that as long as his defense was strong enough and others could not move, he would only have to fight others on his own!

Zheng Yu thought the same way in his last life, and after meeting that golden core monk who refined his body, Zheng Yu was even more affirmed of his thoughts!

The cultivator of the Golden Core Stage was already wounded like that, and he had come to a set of 18 martial arts, and they couldn't break the defense of others!

Although at that time I was only in the Qi training stage, and there was no realm to build a foundation, but it was enough to illustrate the benefits of a strong defense!

If at that time I already had the realm of the foundation period, I would definitely be able to gain tens of thousands of source points!

But in the end, he ran away in despair!

Since then, Zheng Yu has become more and more certain, that he must have the strongest defensive power!

For the Nine Turns Profound Art, if you want to change to the first level, you need a full 1 million source points, and then to upgrade to the second level, you need 1.5 million, and for each level you upgrade, you need an increase of 500,000!

To reach the highest level of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, a total of 27 million origin points are required!

Zheng Yu's practice of the secrets of the uncorrupted magical skills of Zheng Yu only spent tens of thousands of origins in total. This nine-level profound art would actually use 27 million of the origins to reach the level of Dzogchen!

One can imagine how powerful this exercise can bring him.

It is estimated that if you have cultivated to the highest level of the Nineth Rank Profound Art! So in this world of cultivating immortals, whether you walk horizontally or vertically, there is no threat!

Even if you encounter the expulsion of the plane consciousness again, you dare to fight him!

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