Traverser Management System

Chapter 108: Zhu Yan Dan

"The predecessor's pill has not only repaired my whole body trauma, but also improved my life by two levels. Xu Wanguang has no longevity and is willing to sell the pill for the predecessor in return for his life-saving grace!"

Zheng Yu listened to Xu Wanguang's yelling from one of his seniors, and was unwilling to change his words, so he just let him go. The realm of cultivating immortals is such a reality, and the realm determines everything. As long as the level of cultivation is high, he must be called a senior!

Xu Wanguang insisted on calling him seniors and repeatedly mentioning this matter of life-saving. Zheng Yu couldn't help it. He didn't know what to use Xu Wanguang's title, so he simply said directly: "Now your injury has recovered. , I’m afraid Sister Qiao’er should have explained the matter to you clearly, and in these two days, I will try to sell all these Jidan Zhujidans!"

Xu Wanguang nodded and said: "Yes!" Obviously put himself in a subordinate position!

But when he heard Zheng Yu call Qiao'er as his sister, he raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything!

Now is the time to talk about business, if you have to entangle these generational issues, it is indeed too shameful!

Zheng Yu asked Xu Qiao'er to take out all the pills and hand them to Xu Wanguang together, so that he could start selling the pills tomorrow!

A total of forty Jidan Jidans made Xu Wanguang's eyes widened. He hadn't looked away for a long time. If he had even one Jidan Jidan himself in the first place, he wouldn't be able to only have the four-level foundation Jidan realm now, and behind this. The dual realm of Zheng Yu is still stained with light!

Xu Wanguang sighed in his heart, stretched out his hand to take the Jidan, Zheng Yu gave him the price of Jidan, then turned around and returned to his yard!

In this Xianjia Bazaar, it is a relatively peaceful place. From the beginning to the end of every Xianjia Bazaar, there will be a great person sitting here. When you enter the Fairy House, the low-grade spirit stone you handed in is actually for this mighty one!

After everyone handed in the spirit stone, they would understand that there was a mighty power suppressing here, and there would be no more trouble here!

It can be called great power, which is above the Yuan Ying stage. If you don’t have the ability to provoke, it’s best not to make trouble here, so Zheng Yu is now very relieved to hand over forty foundation-building pills in his hands, and sell each one at the price of three thousand lower-grade spirit stones. !

After swapping out these foundation pill with the origin point, and then swapping it back for the recovery of the spirit stone, Zheng Yu will have 600,000 origin points in income! Adding these 600,000, and the remaining 200,000 on the body, it has reached the 800,000 source point!

But these 800,000 origin points are not enough for Zheng Yu to switch to Rank Nine Profound Art!

So he is going to do another thing!

There are countless kinds of shops in the Xianjia Market, and there are indeed many shops selling medicinal pills!

When Zheng Yu calculated that the foundation of Jidan and his origin were not enough to change the Rank 9 profound art, he already had other ideas!

Zhuyan Pill is actually not very useful. It has only one effect, which is to completely freeze one's appearance at the moment of taking it, and it will not change until death!

Although there is only this kind of effect, this kind of pill is as high as Tier 4, and it requires countless spiritual herbs to be refined. These spiritual herbs are not so easy to find. Some spiritual herbs are not so easy to find. It is something that is about to become extinct in the world of cultivating immortals!

Moreover, wanting to gather together a set of spirit stones that were used to refine the spirit herb medicine of Zhuyan Pill was already beyond the limit of the fourth-grade medicine pill!

This kind of pill has a single function and does not have any ability to improve gong power. No alchemist is willing to refine it, and the alchemist wants to refine this kind of pill, but he can't get all the medicinal materials!

However, this kind of pill is surprisingly popular in the entire world of cultivating immortals. Someone once offered a price of 300,000 low-grade spirit stones and wanted to buy one, but in the end they failed to achieve their wish!

That is a first-class figure of the magic door saint! Such a powerful force has never achieved what they wanted. One can imagine how difficult it is to refine this kind of pill!

When Zheng Yu heard this rumor, he reluctantly spent 50,000 source points and replaced it with a Zhanyan Pill. When he was on the plane of Heavenly Dragon, he used to change this Yan Yan Pill. Of course he knew the effect of this pill!

Zheng Yu put Zhuyan Dan into the medicine bottle, then put the bottle into the storage bag, and rearranged his outfit. At this moment, he is the weird hunter with a fluffy big head and a thin body!

Zheng Yu randomly picked a shop selling pills and walked in. A clerk at the door saw Zheng Yu and didn't say anything, so he made a gesture and led him in.

Zheng Yu looked very novel, and he didn't understand why he hadn't entered yet, so the other party would give himself up.

This little second seemed to see Zheng Yu’s doubts, and smiled slightly: “It’s the first time this uncle has come to Linhai City. We have a lot of shops here, and various chambers of commerce will set up shops here. There is a lot of traffic here, so The business is very good, because the goods in all the stores are not much different, except of course those specifically produced by certain schools."

Of course, it’s not the first time that Xiao Er in the shop has encountered such a thing. Seeing Zheng Yu’s puzzled expression, you know what Zheng Yu is wondering: "So, in addition to selling goods, we also want to allow customers to choose our store to buy things. We can only provide better service to our customers."

Zheng Yu nodded vaguely, and said in his heart: "What we sell is not a commodity, but a service!" Such an advanced sales awareness, for the first time, he discovered that he was in the world of Xianxia!

Seeing Zheng Yu looking in a daze, Xiao Er from the shop didn't care. He said, "What does uncle need?"

This is the second time that Xiaoer Dian has called his uncle, but Zheng Yu now has this look, so he can only quietly endure it!

"I don't know what the cultivation base of this uncle is? I can recommend the applicable medicine for you!" Xiao Er from the shop was all smiles, smiling from beginning to end!

Xiaoer Dian is just an ordinary person, but after dealing with immortal cultivators for many years, he has not seen Zheng Yu's cultivation skills!

Of course, there will not only be immortals in such a big city. There are tens of thousands of people in a fairy family bazaar, all of which are immortal cultivators. If there are tens of thousands of immortal cultivators gathering next to the Shiwan Da Mountain, the demon race in the Shiwan Da Mountain would have exploded long ago.

In fact, even if the shop's Xiaoer has a cultivation base at this moment, he shouldn't see what Zheng Yu's current cultivation level is!

Zheng Yu had changed his head with the phantom mask. At this moment, all the spiritual power was suppressed by the phantom mask, and even the slightest aura was not exposed. Therefore, even if Xiaoer Dian has practiced his eyesight here for many years, he has never seen Zheng Yu's cultivation skills!

"Yuan Yingqi!" Zheng Yu said three words, almost not scaring Dian Er to lie on the ground!

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