Traverser Management System

Chapter 110: Madly earn the origin

"50 thousand low-grade spirit stones? This... this pill is a Jedi deep in a hundred thousand mountains. I took it out after nine deaths! These 50 thousand spirit stones..." Zheng Yu supported it with his right thumb. Holding the chin, the index finger and **** twisted the beard on the chin, making a look of embarrassment!

"Senior! There is also a sword-like spiritual tool! It was given to me when I was refining a pill for my friend. I am a pill-refining device, and I can’t use this kind of sword-like spiritual tool. It can be given to seniors together!" Dan Qingzi was worried that Zheng Yu would go back, and saw Zheng Yu hesitate, and immediately increased the price.

Zheng Yu just swindled him. If he really can’t bring out other things, it’s fine to sell him the 50,000 Lingshi of Zhanyan Pill. How can he know that one end of the posture actually blows up another one worth 100,000? The spiritual weapon of the origin point!

Zheng Yu himself was a little unexpected, and he had such a gain! He blinked, his heart was already blooming with joy. He calmly said to the pill Qingzi: "I am in short supply of Lingshi at this time. Seeing that you want this pill so sincerely, then exchange it for you!"

Zheng Yu pushed the small medicine bottle on the table forward, Dan Qingzi quickly grabbed it, his face was ecstatic, and he continued to say to Zheng Yu, "Thank you senior, thank you senior!"

Dan Qingzi took out the storage bag, with a painful expression, gave all the spirit stones to Zheng Yu, and also took out the knife-like spirit tool, but then he looked at this one in his hand. The small medicine bottle opened up frowning brows again!

Zheng Yu's heart was already overwhelmed. He pretended to use a storage bag to collect all these spirit stones, but in fact they have all been recycled into the system!

The original income of 600,000 yuan made Zheng Yu's eyes glow green. Although Zheng Yuren was still here with Dan Qingzi, his heart had already flown to all the shops selling pills!

This pill, Zheng Yu, was exchanged for 50,000 origin points. He thought it would be very good to be able to exchange for 10,000 lower-grade spirit stones, but this thing knows that it is so expensive!

50,000 origin points, in exchange for 500,000 origin points, a business like this, of course, the more the better, the more you do!

After a few polite words between the two, Zheng Yu said to Dan Qingzi: "I have something to do in this seat, so let's say goodbye!"

Dan Qingzi was holding the small medicine bottle in his hand. He has not let go until now. It is estimated that he is also anxious and wants to take it for research soon, so he didn't leave Zheng Yu!

Dan Qingzi said to Zheng Yu again, and said: "I still have to guard the shop, it is not easy to send it off! I really appreciate the seniors for reluctantly giving up, seniors please go slowly!"

Both of them were anxious to do their own things. Regardless of Dan Qingzi's eagerness when he turned and went downstairs, he stood up quickly and walked towards the next shop selling pills!

There was another pill shop not far away. Zheng Yu let go of his mental energy and swept past the shops on both sides. There were no more than ten pill shops here!

Zheng Yu calmed down his turbulent heart for a while. Wearing leather armor on his thin body, with that fluffy big head, releasing his power of life and death, with a smile of Ruowu, he walked into this pill shop!

The decoration of this shop is much better than the previous one. With decorations like this, at least this shop should be richer than the previous one!

Zheng Yu smiled in his heart, quietly exchanged another Zhanyan Dan from the system, packed it in a small porcelain bottle and put it in the storage bag, and then walked into this shop with a big stride!

A few minutes later, Zheng Yu walked out with a face of joy, and walked in along the next pill shop. Just like this, one after another, Zheng Yu returned to the inn where he rented an hour later!

I had known that things were so simple, where would I need Xu Qiao's father and daughter to help him build a foundation?

Saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Zheng Yu had just changed back to his own attire and saw Xu Qiaoer hurriedly ran in from outside, yelling: "Zheng Yu, Senior Zheng Yu, my dad was injured. Go and save him!"

"What's the matter?" Zheng Yu heard Xu Qiao'er say that when his father was injured by someone, he had already walked from the room to Xu Qiao'er!

"It's too late to explain, let me go! Let's talk as we go!" Xu Qiao'er spoke quickly and her tone was very urgent!

Zheng Yu listened to her and walked out with her. Zheng Yu saw that Xu Qiao'er was too slow, so he grabbed Xu Qiao'er's arm directly, raised his hand and released the big phoenix sword, and Zheng Yu took her directly into the air. !

When the person was in the air, Zheng Yu said, "Which direction? Show me!"

Suddenly Xu Qiaoer flew into the air, making her panic, but after hearing what Zheng Yu said, she knew that it was Zheng Yu who was flying with her imperial sword!

She immediately observed the road below carefully, pointed to the south, and said, "It's over there!"

This time it was the realm of Dzogchen during the foundation construction period, and the speed of the flying sword did not know where it was faster than before!

Now Zheng Yu is full of confidence, and he has eight million origin points on his body, if he needs it! You can break through at any time!

So no matter who took away Xu Qiao'er's father, Zheng Yu was not at all shocked. Zhuji Dzogchen couldn't beat you, so I'm the golden core. Jindan, if it doesn't work, I will be in the prime of life. The Yuan Ying period is not good, the big deal is to spend more of the origin point, and directly to break through!

What's more, I have so many origin points enough to break through to the realm of the tribulation period!

Before Zheng Yu had time to exchange the Nine Rank Profound Art, Xu Qiaoer had already rushed into his yard!

However, there are priorities, Zheng Yu is not in a hurry to break through the realm in such a short time, it is still important to save people!

"What happened?" Zheng Yu took Xu Qiao'er and flew toward the south! They had already flown out of the Xianjia Fair, and Xu Qiao'er did not call to stop, indicating that the place where the incident happened was not in the Xianjia Fair!

Zheng Yu was a little puzzled: "Didn't you just come back directly after you sold all the medicines in the Xianjia Bazaar? Why did you get out of the Xianjia Bazaar? Your father was injured by someone outside. ?"

"Senior Zheng Yu, please save my dad!" Xu Qiao'er begged Zheng Yu with tears in her eyes!

In normal times, she calls Zheng Yu's real name directly without adding the word senior. It seems that she is indeed very anxious, for fear that Zheng Yu will not save her! Even the word "senior" has already been called out!

"I will save it, I will definitely save it, don't worry, tell me bit by bit, tell me the ins and outs of the matter, first tell me who the other party is?" Zheng Yu calmed down. Xu Qiao'er is excited!

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