Traverser Management System

Chapter 115: In the dark

What neither party knew was that at this moment they had a pair of eyes, watching them from a distance, especially Zheng Yu!

This is a man who looks very young, with a long sword on his back, full of brilliance, just looking at it like this, you can feel the powerful spiritual power contained in that long sword!

An elegant robe, tailored appropriately, the whole person looks ecstatic!

His appearance is five points similar to Zheng Yu's mother. At this time, there is no aura leaking out of him. His eyes have been looking at Zheng Yu's face, with inquiry and memories in his eyes!

The trace of connection in the bloodline made him feel that this young man he had never seen before was so familiar, he knew that he must have found the right person!

He stood in place, his whole body and the surrounding aura became one piece, integrated with the environment, making it impossible for people to discover, he quietly watched what was happening before him, and did not intend to intervene in the past for the time being!

It has been a while since Wan Jianzong came out, and that small village had been visited before, and it had become a piece of white ground, with nothing left!

The tomb in Houshan that my sister said was already empty!

I heard from my sister that this child has not practiced since he was a child, just an ordinary person. At that time, his heart was anxious, thinking that the child had already suffered an accident!

He was hurt in his heart, but he didn't return to the sect right away, and he didn't know how to face to go back to see his sister!

He has not been walking in the world of immortality for many years. He thought: It's okay to go out and relax!

After more than ten years of grievances and grievances, once dissipated, he just wanted to relax outside!

He recently heard that there was a Fairy Fair here, and there was nothing serious about it anyway, so he turned around.

I don't know if people are in the market! I met the scene where Zheng Yu confronted the Golden Core monk. His consciousness was swept away, and he didn't intend to take care of the messy things in this world of cultivation!

But when his consciousness swept past, he suddenly took shape, he frowned, and thought in his heart: Why is this person so familiar!

The feeling in the dark made him feel that he did not recognize the wrong person. The monks in the Nascent Soul Stage could already snoop a little bit of the fragments in the river of fate. A whim and a thoughtful thought made him directly find the Lord. !

What makes Yang Xinyu strange is that this child has reached the level of foundation building in just ten days without being taught!

He set off from Wan Jianzong without stopping all the way, and directly found the small mountain village back then!

There were only ten days during this period, but when he saw Zheng Yu, he had actually reached the realm of foundation building!

This made him very shocked: Is this child born with a Taoist body?

Before coming, he had gone to find his sister and learned everything about the child from her. He knew that when Yang Xinlian was brought back to the sect, Zheng Yu was just an ordinary person with no cultivation skills!

My sister's cultivation base was abolished, maybe she didn't notice the difference between her own children!

I don't know, what kind of good fortune this child has gotten in the past ten days? You can reach such a realm so quickly!

Such good materials and beautiful quality, if they are brought into the sect, under the unlimited resource supply of the sect, they will surely soar into the sky and unstoppable!

After so many years of grievances, Yang Xinyu didn't want to say more! Yang Xinyu is just an emotional person. In his heart, family affection is always the first!

He does not want to manage the various disputes between the right way and the magic way. As the next lord of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, he has been accused by his father countless times!

In any case, he treats his sister well, no matter what she does, he is his own sister after all! No matter what she did, she was the only relative besides her father, and now she added another Zheng Yu!

The grievances of the previous generation let it go with the wind, these have nothing to do with children, and Zheng Yu has such a strong aptitude, he won't just sit back and watch when he wants to come! !

At this time, Yang Xinyu didn't know what kind of attitude he should go out to face Zheng Yu. He went up and told him directly that I was your uncle?

Or tell him all the grievances and grievances from ten years ago?

Still have to tell him that your father can actually be regarded as dead in my hands?

Back then, his ten thousand swordsmanship had destroyed Zheng Yunsheng's heart veins. He took his younger sister to escape with his severely injured body, but he still couldn't carry it anymore. In the end, he should have died in his hands!

He stood in place, blended into the environment, quietly observing the progress of the situation!

At this moment, his thoughts are chaotic, just standing quietly, not knowing what he is waiting for?

At this moment, Zheng Yu certainly didn't know that he had come with a very powerful backup, and he was still racking his brains, wanting to delay time!

Every time I delay a little time, I will be stronger, and it is expected that within an hour, I will be able to break through to the Golden Core Stage!

However, the Golden Core cultivator at the Dandao Sect opposite did not seem to plan to give Zheng Yu time. The guy had already drawn out the long sword, and he was muttering words, as if he would try to kill the three Zheng Yu at any time!

Four Elephant Array (small), one-time appliance: Driven by 2 high-grade spirit stones, it can defend against attacks below the meta-infant stage. After it is turned on, it can protect for 120 minutes. It will be automatically destroyed when the time is up! The exchange price is 10,000 original points!

This is the item Zheng Yu found in the system just now. He originally wanted to directly exchange for a big killer, so that the Golden Core cultivator on the opposite side would belch directly!

But the exchange price of those things is really not low, and many of them are scoped kills. If you want to kill them individually, click to kill such moves, or items, are all 100,000 points of origin!

Zheng Yu changed his mind. If I was just defensive, after the transfer of my own Nine Ranks profound art was completed, I could let him die whatever I wanted. Isn't that enough?

Then Zheng Yu found this array, which is both cheap and practical, that is, 2 high-grade spirit stones are a bit more expensive! It takes five thousand origins, and all these things add up to 20,000 origin points!

Zheng Yu calmly walked to the place where Xu Wanguang and Xu Qiao'er were. He used his body to block in front of the two of them, always ready to exchange this four-image array from the system!

This kind of thing produced by the system is good, as long as it is confirmed, it can be used directly within 0.1 second! There is no need for him to operate it himself!

Just when Zheng Yu walked in front of the Xu family, father and daughter, the Jindanqi monk on the opposite side moved!

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