Traverser Management System

Chapter 121: Meet for the first time

Although Zheng Yu's realm is still a golden core at this time, his physical body is comparable to a monk in the maturity stage, and it is still growing!

There are two levels in the Golden Core Stage, and each hour will increase by one level, until the Nascent Soul Stage!

He stood quietly on the top of the mountain, and there were traces of lightning strikes on the surrounding ground.

The previous embarrassing appearance disappeared, a peony robe with a folding fan in his hand, at this time he looked like a handsome scholar who was outing!

At this time, his bare skin was as white as jade. If you look closely, you can still find that his smooth face seems to be exuding a precious light. At this time, even if he is given the title of a jade-faced young man, it is all right!

Zheng Yu stood here quietly at the moment, looking at the woods under the mountain, and said: "Come out, the person who helped me to abolish the golden core monk just now should be you, right?"

Although the words were questioning, but with a positive tone, Yang Xinyu at the foot of the mountain knew that he must have been discovered!

But what was strange to him was: Even if he had passed the golden core, he shouldn't have discovered the figure that the cultivator deliberately hidden in the Nascent Soul Stage?

How did he know that Zheng Yu's realm is no longer easy to divide, and even Zheng Yu himself doesn't bother to struggle with this problem!

The mana dispatching of the Golden Core Period, but possessing the physical body of the Mahayana Period, and I don’t know how powerful it is!

Spiritual power is equivalent to the divine consciousness of the world of cultivating immortals, but it is much more powerful than divine consciousness!

Zheng Yu found that if there is an ordinary person within the scope of his spiritual power, he can easily use his spiritual power to obliterate his thinking and manipulate his movements, and the latter is not possible with the spiritual consciousness!

No matter how powerful the consciousness, or soul power, even if it can easily obliterate the opponent's consciousness, it can't control his physical body unless it is taken away!

If you inject mental power into the body of this person who obliterates the mind, and within the scope of your spiritual power, this person is equivalent to his clone!

At the same time, mental power has another function. Within the scope of one's mental power, all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be controlled by oneself!

And the spiritual power is integrated into the aura into one, regardless of each other, just like aura!

And just after Zheng Yu let go of his spiritual power, within the scope of his spiritual power, he found a humanoid object that could not be integrated into his spiritual power!

He felt it carefully, he was stronger than the Jin Dan stage, but much weaker than himself, he should be regarded as a monk in the Nascent Soul stage!

The Yuan Ying Period is not a realm of a bad street, and the entire Cultivation Realm has only a few hundred in the Yuan Ying Period. Within the scope of this small fairy family market, where are there so many infancy monks!

Under the detection of the spiritual power that incorporates aura, this small spot that cannot be integrated is as vivid and outstanding as a firefly in the night, Zheng Yu immediately knew there was a person here!

Zheng Yu looked over with his eyes, the place was empty, but he still stared at it tightly with his eyes!

Yang Xinyu looked at his nephew's gaze, and knew that he could not escape again, so he revealed his figure and stared at Zheng Yu!

This is the first time Zheng Yu and Yang Xinyu have met, and they both looked at each other carefully!

Yang Xinyu's previous "seeing" was observed with divine consciousness, and this was the real first meeting!

The dress of his nephew made Yang Xinyu a grin. This kind of sorrowful dress can never appear on him!

He prefers simple and elegant, indifferent! But Zheng Yu's body is too high-profile and too conspicuous!

But what makes Yang Xinyu strange is that the high-ranking aura from Zheng Yu's body is comparable to that of his own father!

Although this person had saved himself before, Zheng Yu didn't know his purpose of following him all the time!

If one's mental power has not expanded again, and the current new ability has not appeared, if he still can't find him, maybe he will always be followed by him!

Without knowing the purpose of the other party at all, Zheng Yu directly released his aura and let the other party know that he is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead!

He was also looking at each other. He looked at Yang Xinyu's face, and he always felt familiar. After taking a few more glances, he suddenly remembered that it seemed to be very similar to his mother's face!

After Zheng Yu broke Yang Xinyu's figure, the two stood and looked at each other at a distance of 1,000 meters!

Yang Xinyu looked at Zheng Yu's face that looked exactly like his father. For a moment, he had mixed feelings and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak!

Zheng Yu thought for a while: At this moment, don't say he is a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, even if his realm is two levels higher, what can he do to me?

No matter what his purpose is, he can't hurt me or hurt me. What am I afraid of him?

This person looks so similar to his mother, but he has never heard his mother say any other relatives?

I haven't had a clue about this matter so far. Now that someone has found it, I should be able to find a breakthrough here!

"Thank you for the life-saving grace of this predecessor just now, I don't know what the predecessor is following here, is there anything you want to tell me?" Zheng Yu's momentum retreated like a tide, retracted from the body, and asked Yang Xinyu indifferently!

"Don't call me senior, you should change your name. I am your mother's brother. This time I went down the mountain to find you. I thought it was nothing. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"What?" Although Zheng Yu had an idea in his heart, he didn't expect such a close relationship!

Zheng Yu's thoughts were like electricity: After this person found himself, he didn't directly start! On the contrary, he saved me. It should be kind, and his cultivation level is not low, he has reached the height of Yuan Ying stage, but why his mother is an ordinary country girl!

The **** stone in front of his father's grave was actually wrapped in a top-grade spiritual tool, why did his father die so early!

Those who took their mothers away, thinking about it now, the degree of spiritual suppression is between the Golden Core and Nascent Soul Stages, and there is no lower realm!

This pile of piles flashed in Zheng Yu's mind one by one, all of them were doubts!

Now that someone who claims to be his uncle ran over, maybe it's time for the truth to come to light!

Zheng Yu looked at the person in front of him again!

The appearance of people in Xiuxian didn't change much, the higher the realm, the more so. He looked at this person who seemed to be about the same age as his own, and he curled his lips!

My mother is already a little bit old, and the person in front of me who claims to be his mother’s brother is actually only seventeen or eighteen, really...

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