Traverser Management System

Chapter 139: The villain died of talking too much

This is just one of the tricks, and there is another trick that is even more terrible.

Dividing the lightsaber, transforming the sword with the true essence, is a pure mass destruction move. This move is the second style of the Wanjian Jue, and it always has the meaning of a thousand swords.

One sword comes out, with the true essence of the sword, one is divided into two, two is divided into four, and four is divided into eight, endless.

When Wan Jianzong’s pioneering ancestor used this move, the sky was full of sword aura, the sky was full of divine swords, and the sky was covered by the sun. Not to mention shooting out, just putting it there would scare people to death.

It's just that the second style has some flaws in its use, the true essence will directly blast, all the true essence will be assembled, and the sword will be transformed at the same time.

Wang Xue blushed a little. She could only use these two tricks. The second trick was used. If the opponent didn't die, she might be finished. How can it be easily used.

Now, if she gathers Huajian in her body's true essence, she can only be transformed into a hundred or eighty pieces. Although the master gave the Spirit Gathering Pill, it takes time to gather spirits after taking it.

This demon disciple doesn't know this. Although he still has a few magic weapons for defense, it is impossible to defend against a hundred or eighty swords at the same time. Unless there are seven or eight high-level golden body charms, they are continuously superimposed on the body.

"Little girl, I have a grudge against this kid, he stole my things. I want to get it back, so leave it alone." Liu Changtian felt that this girl was dumb and should be very cheating.

"I have heard what you just said. It is both a robbery and a robbery. I want to save this person. The brother said that the road is not fair and draws a knife to help." Wang Xue is not so easy to deceive, although he has just left the mountain. , Did not go through too many things, but the most basic right and wrong is still very clear.

There is another sentence that Wang Xue didn't say in Wang Xue's heart: He was a ghost, and he was ugly, not a bad person.

It is estimated that looking ugly is the point.

"Since you won't let me, then I'm not polite. To put it bluntly, you little Niangpi just won't listen." The disciple of the magic road took out a small flag from his arms and threw it into the air. Taller than his own.

A ghost head protruded from the flag, a few sparse hairs on his head, ghost fires faintly burning in his eyes, and a harsh, unpleasant laughter came out. Then he rushed towards Wang Xue.

When did Wang Xue have seen such a battle, Hua Rong was scared at the time, and she stood there blankly without any movement. She was probably frightened and stupid.

She doesn't move, doesn't mean the sword doesn't move. The most powerful thing about the Supreme Magic Sword is that it will automatically protect it, but it consumes the spiritual power of the Magic Sword itself.

The sword light suddenly flourished, turning into a blue light, and the misty light passed towards the ghost head cover.

Guitou originally thought he was about to succeed, so he was about to bite Wang Xue with his big mouth open.

Unexpectedly, he took a mouthful of the blue light, the spiritual energy in the blue light burned the ghost's head scorchingly, flying around the sky. Regardless of the amount of cyan light, it will not disperse if it covers the ghost head.

Only then did Wang Xue react, seeing the sword in his hand, the brilliance was no longer there. The spiritual power of the sword itself dropped rapidly, and he hurriedly injected spiritual energy into it.

The blue light flew back to the sword, and the brilliance on the sword was dim.

Brother Wang Xue, who was hiding in the woods, could see clearly. When the ghost appeared, he was very anxious and was about to rush out. At this time, the magic sword appeared, saved Wang Xue, and hid his figure again.

Wang Xue sensed the weakening of the magic sword's spiritual power. Only then did he get serious, and remembered in his heart: Master said that the world of comprehension is very uneasy. It is one thing that the people of the demon sect are not worthy of human life.

At the time, I didn't think so, but now that I think about it, I feel that what the master said is too reasonable.

Wang Xue was angry, the fire was raging, raising the magic sword in his hand was a sharp stabbing.

The sneer was endless, and saw a sword aura formed from the little girl's hand, and then shot out.

The opposite Demon Sect disciple suddenly burst into death, the ghost head is still flying in the air, the Soul Eater sail is still floating above his head, and the first sword aura is already close to his chest.

He snorted, and the Soul Devouring Sail on his head was brushed across his chest, and he kept under his feet, rushing out in one step.

After the puff, the Soul Eater became a sieve.

Wang Xue was so powerful that he was determined to behead the demon here, and the tip of the sword turned the direction and continued shooting.

The brother in the woods behind looked at him with embarrassment. In the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, many disciples used this trick to always have some time to accumulate qi. Although this junior sister is a disciple of the immeasurable faction, in terms of the aptitude for accumulating qi, it is a complete mess.

When the Demon Dao disciple used the Soul Devouring Sail to block the sword qi, he finally found some breathing time.

Three kinds of treasures were taken out from the bosom, one bead per bell, one foot.

These were all robbed things, the bell could be big or small, and it covered himself, the sword gas clinked, and the whole body of the bell was bright and dark. He didn't expect this thing to last long. Known as the strongest attack of the Golden Pill Stage, the sword technique of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, such an attack is not so easy to endure.

Zhong just used it to block, just to buy him some time with the jade ruler.

There was a flash of blue light on the jade ruler, and the word "Dingkong" was written.

He threw the jade ruler toward the sky, and the ruler shone a little blue light, wisps of light, covering Wang Xue in an airtight manner.

"Haha. Look you can still shoot sword energy." This jade ruler didn't know where the demon disciple got it, and it actually played a role in isolating the spiritual energy.

Wang Xue suddenly felt that the spiritual energy of the whole body was not one with herself, and she couldn't mobilize the spiritual power of her body. Not to mention that the sword can't be shot or not, but the magic sword is a bit unable to hold it. There was despair in her eyes.

The demon disciple laughed and said, "Little girl, I'm afraid now. I'm robbing someone. If something is hindering your righteous path, if you haven't robbed you, you will jump out to fight the injustice. Now you have fallen into my hands, just now. Keep shooting that Rao Shi Zi Jian Qi, now you shoot me."

At this moment, the Demon Dao disciple was very proud, and the jade ruler was determined to be empty, and immediately decided whether to win or lose, what a dear.

"Look at your sword's eye for a long time. The best magic sword. This sword sold me tens of thousands of spiritual stones. You don't have to worry about it in the late stage of the golden core. Just say that you guys of the sky are rich. , One by one sects are helping.” Seeing that the situation is set, the demon disciple began to speak out.

He retracted the big clock that was covering his body and looked at this superb magic sword: "I hate the faces of you people the most. If you cry out for justice, you will shout and kill us at the magic door. Everyone is a cultivator and asks. ..."

"Ten Thousand Thunder Talisman, cleanse demons!"

The disciple of the Demon Dao suddenly found that the top of his head was densely packed for hundreds of thousands of thunder, and he smashed it straight at him, cracking in his ears.

In an instant, the whole body of this Demon Dao disciple was chopped full of holes, and the lightning strikes were not complete. After a series of sky thunders, they burst open, and instantly there was no **** left by the Demon Dao disciple.

The surrounding dust was flying, and this demon disciple didn't even have time to scream.

A black light flew out from the explosion dust, and the dim black light gathered together, looking exactly like this demon disciple, but now it has a soul body alone. There was a bead in his hand, but it was one of the three treasures he took out before.


"It's me! Has anyone told you, don't talk too much nonsense when you are a villain, it is easy to be overturned!" A figure walked out of the woods.

"Brother?!" Wang Xue suddenly relaxed. Sit on the ground.

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