Traverser Management System

Chapter 142: 凤 灵 Advancement

The **** is gone, and the **** is dead.

This big drama actually lasted more than three hours, and the sky was already bright at this time.

When the Demon Sect disciple took out the jade ruler from the storage bag, Zheng Yu discovered from his mental power prying that this thing was definitely not a mortal thing.

From the information fed back from the system, he affirmed this point even more: the broken fairy weapon was recovered with a value of 7 million origin points.

The immortal weapon rated as broken by the system is definitely an immortal weapon. Although this thing is broken, it can still isolate the aura. If it is a complete one, I don't know how powerful it is.

If Zheng Yu got it, he would never recycle it directly. The purpose of this thing is definitely not just to isolate the aura.

Zheng Yu has already figured out the purpose of this jade ruler!

Everyone has finished walking, and now there is only Wang Xue under this mountain. It's dawn, and the brother has left. Now she is only one person left. She sighed and planned to go straight on the road!

She didn't know. At this moment, there were a pair of eyes watching her, and her every move was under that person's eyelids.

Zheng Yu's whole body is now connected to the spirit, and he can easily integrate with the spirit. The world can find him, except for the monks above the Mahayana period, and there will be no other people.

Now that he has made a decision, Zheng Yu intends to take the jade ruler directly into his hands. This kind of broken fairy tool is not small for him.

He stepped forward, without even leaving a residual image on the spot, and he was already in front of Wang Xue. He stood there and looked at Wang Xue quietly, but Wang Xue was mad at her brother. I found that there was already a big living person in front of me!

Wang Xue was packing her things at this moment. She was going to go to the place where the treasure that everyone was spreading was born. Anyway, she just went south, absolutely correct!

Zheng Yu was immersed in the world, and followed Wang Xue step by step. The two walked side by side. Wang Xue didn't know who was next to him. Zheng Yu thought it was very interesting!

His mental power enveloped Wang Xue, and he explored her body and found the jade ruler. He stretched out his hand to make a move at Wang Xue, and the jade ruler reached Zheng Yu's hands in an instant!

He touched the jade ruler and probed it with spiritual power, and found that there was other space in the jade ruler, and the space contained a strong spiritual energy.

It just seems to be isolated by something, unable to radiate, and this immortal artifact has no artifacts, no wonder it is called a broken immortal artifact!

An immortal weapon without a weapon spirit is incomplete, and many functions cannot be used. Zheng Yu closed his eyes and thought for a long time before reaching out and taking out the Fengming sword!

This fairy weapon has completely dissipated the spirit of the spirit, and I don't know how many years it will take until the next spirit is born.

Zheng Yu decided to incorporate this thing into his Fengming Sword and upgrade Fengming Sword to an immortal weapon!

Now a spirit weapon has no effect on him, and his casual attacks are much higher than the attack of a spirit weapon. If you can upgrade Fengming Sword to an immortal weapon, you can be considered aggression. Of weapons!

Just relying on Fengming Sword to connect with his own mind, Zheng Yu didn't plan to abandon it.

If you redeem a fairy weapon from the system, it doesn't say that you have no connection with it, and you have to cultivate a mind-sense connection with it again. I don't know when it will be used like the current Fengming Sword!

Now there is such an opportunity in front of us, don't use it for nothing!

However, Zheng Yu didn't want to use it on Wang Xue with this method that was the same as stealing. After all, she was a cute little girl, and Zheng Yu's face was not so thick!

Afterwards, Zheng Yu randomly searched in the system, and found a few items that isolate the aura. There are only items in the system that you can't think of, and nothing you can't find! It's just that there is a difference in price.

So Zheng Yu wanted to find a jade ruler-shaped object to isolate the aura. It was simply too simple!

He chose a jade ruler shape. Although the two things are slightly different in appearance, what does it have to do with it?

Zheng Yu put the jade ruler that was able to isolate aura back on Wang Xue's body, and then disappeared!

Zheng Yu returned to the top of the mountain again, looking for a way to merge the two items in the system! It turns out that there are simply too many such methods: forging, smelting, alchemy, fusion, and all kinds of methods!

There are all kinds of things, even the price is messy, fantasy, magic, fairy, prehistoric, almost all planes have a way of fusion!

The prices of these fusion methods are also very different. Zheng Yu thought about it. If we want to learn it, we will learn it well. Maybe we will need it in the future. He simply chose an ancient method of refining treasures!

This method of refining treasures has reached the highest level, and even acquired magic weapons can be practiced. It is not a problem to integrate a small fairy weapon!

Keeping the characteristics of the jade ruler can isolate the spiritual energy, and then extract the phoenix spirit body, the phoenix wings and the jade ruler fuse, and finally put the phoenix spirit body in!

Then I gave this new fairy tool a new body shape.

Zheng Yu closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, thinking about what exactly should this new fairy artifact look like?

At this moment, the jade ruler and the Fengming sword have merged into one body, forming a sphere in the sky, and the phoenix's spirit body is also in the sphere, whispering softly!

The phoenix spirit body seemed to be telling Zheng Yu something. Zheng Yu listened carefully. After a while, he smiled and nodded, and said, "If this is the case, then I will let you have a new body again!"

The sphere in the sky began to change and began to stretch. Phoenix's head appeared, lifelike. It turned its head and glanced at Zheng Yu, with gratitude and joy on its face!

Then the body of the phoenix appeared, and the phoenix feathers actually moved under the breeze, completely changing according to their original form! There is no difference from the real Feng Yu.

On the body of the phoenix, the shape of two wings was gradually outlined. The wings of the phoenix stretched out and looked beautiful. Under the sunlight of the morning, they exuded golden light, red to dazzling!

The tail wing of the phoenix appeared, one after another, stretched and elongated, each tail feather was carefully crafted, and each tail feather was ingenious!

In this way, the entire form of the phoenix appeared in front of Zheng Yu's eyes, and the phoenix opened his mouth with a soft cry, resounding between heaven and earth!

Zheng Yu laughed heartily and was very happy. He could clearly feel the excitement of Phoenix at this moment!

He stretched out his hand and touched the body of the Phoenix, and a feeling of connectedness was transmitted to his mind!

Phoenix can only convey his own feelings, but cannot communicate with Zheng Yu very clearly, but it doesn't matter. At this moment, Phoenix can clearly hear every command Zheng Yu gives.

Just like this moment!

As soon as the phoenix's wings spread out, it became bigger in the air. At this moment, the size of the phoenix has been enlarged dozens of times compared with the previous one. A huge phoenix spread its wings in the sky, quietly waiting for Zheng Yu!

Zheng Yu stepped forward, just standing on Phoenix's back, and Phoenix raised his hair and let out a loud phoenix sound that resounded across the world!

"From now on, you will be my mount, Feng Ling!"

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