Traverser Management System

Chapter 144: Treasure Hunter

Zheng Yu shrouded everyone's spiritual power, and listened to what they were talking about, and maybe he could find the reason why these people came.

"Master, can we casual cultivators really be able to **** them? I just saw a lot of disciples of the Demon Sect have rushed past! These disciples of the Demon Sect are all killing people without blinking, Master, or let's go back!" The little boy, at most, only has the cultivation base of the fifth layer of Qi refining. He asked his master nervously.

"Our immortal cultivators themselves are fighting against the heavens, the earth, and the people. We have to fight for everything. If you don’t fight, you won’t be able to achieve longevity. If you don’t have resources, you can’t cultivate. You will always be lower than others. , Even if you die, you have to fight for a future!"

His master hated iron and steel and taught his apprentices. These words he said were the normal state of San Xiumen.

The little boy's expression became firm, and he didn't seem to be as scared as he was just now. He seriously said to his master: "Master, you are right, I understand!"

"This is the first time in the world of cultivating immortals in hundreds of years that such a powerful force of heaven and earth has occurred. If it weren't for the birth of a heavy treasure, it would be fine. If it is, this is the day when we are in the early days of casual cultivating!" Reached out and touched the little boy's head, said with a smile!

"Why?" the little boy asked suspiciously.

"Hundreds of years ago, the Xianjia Dongfu was born, and it is so similar to the previous coercion! Back then, countless loose cultivators entered the Xianjia Dongfu. At this time, there was one of the most powerful Sanxian in the world. Bloodstained ancestor!"

With longing and yearning on his face, as well as his admiration for the bloodstained ancestor, he explained to the little boy.

The little boy also beamed his eyes and asked his master, "Master, this time the pressure of heaven and earth? Is there a new Xianjia Dongfu born again?"

His master stroked his beard, his face was a bit solemn, but his tone was affirmative: "I don't know if I'm a teacher, but the world is rumored, so it's right to think about it!"

Zheng Yu had been quietly listening to the conversation between the two, and probably understood why these monks would flock to him.

Where is the birth of Xianjia Dongfu? It's just that I have survived the catastrophe once by myself!

He was a little dumbfounded, the number of people in the range of his mental power now exceeds 100!

During the Qi training period, the base period, the Golden Core period, the Nascent Soul Stage, the highest among the people who have arrived now is the Nascent Soul Stage. These people have no threat to themselves at all.

It's all small shrimps, I guess I can't break through the formation that I released, just ignore them!

At this time, Zheng Yu already has the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, and the power of the Nine Turns Profound Art has been constantly instilled. With the passage of time, it will become stronger and stronger, even if there are more people, it doesn't matter!

So Zheng Yu closed his eyes again, completely ignoring the crowds.

Over time, five hours later, the number of people here has reached thousands, and the densely packed camps are all scattered. In this place, I searched carefully!

Everyone knows that the buzzing sound just came from here, and the elders in his door also told him that the transmission of the coercion that day began from here.

Since there is nothing wrong with the place, it means that I did not find it carefully, but these people even turned three feet over the land, but they still didn't find anything!

The location is here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Countless people have camped here, so they just squatted down here!

I didn't find it. Maybe someone else could find it. The place is only so big. Whoever finds it can't escape the eyes and ears of others, and enjoy the results alone!

Another day has passed, and countless people are like headless flies, turning around randomly here. Now people who know or don't know each other, they will ask: "Did you find it today?"

Then the two shook their heads, staggered their bodies, and continued to search. Everyone had a belief in their hearts that there was nothing wrong with the place, and the treasure was here!

Zheng Yu sat cross-legged here, carefully comprehending the energy transmitted from his body, and he felt that the aura between himself and the heavens and the earth became more compatible.

With a wave of your hand, you can gather countless auras together, change their shapes at will, let them become your own arms, and attack for yourself!

The speed of energy transmission is getting faster and faster. After the body absorbs it, the useless energy that escapes is transformed into aura and sprinkled on the hill where it is.

All the people who are looking for the outside world are excited, they feel that the aura of their position is getting higher and higher, and the aura is getting more and more abundant!

This was not a change over the years, but suddenly it became like this. They thought this was the harbinger of the birth of Xianfu, and they made holes in the ground more diligently!

In the past two days, the disciples from the larger schools outside began to contact their elders. The supreme elder of the Six Dao Demon Sect is already on the way here, because there are too many people here, the Six Dao Demon. Zong's disciples don't think they can enjoy the treasures alone!

On the other side, the great elders of the Supreme Demon Sect were also on their way, and they thought exactly the same as the people of the Six Dao Demon Sects!

After that, countless casual cultivators heard that this place had been occupied by immortal cultivators, and determined the place where the treasure was born, and more people were also gathering here.

In the previous two days, Zheng Yu occasionally observed the busy immortal cultivators outside to see what they were doing or what fun things had happened.

However, at this moment, Zheng Yu has completely ignored them. He has reached the ninth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, and there are still two days left before he can break through the Nascent Soul Stage and reach the realm of God Transformation. The physical body will directly reach the immortal level!

He didn't have any fear about the robbery, after the thing came, it was purely to give himself the origin point.

Not only was he not afraid, but he also had some expectations. At this time, Zheng Yu's mind had all been devoted to the transmission of energy.

The energy is transmitted to his body, he still needs to feel it carefully, otherwise it will happen that he wanted to pick up a cup, but crushed it!

The power control is something Zheng Yu needs to practice now. In just a few days, his power is already invincible. If they are not used correctly, the dissipation of these energy will also produce a lot of waste!

Just after Zheng Yu devoted himself to the power control, a few ruthless people came outside the big formation.

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