Traverser Management System

Chapter 146: Save people

A big battle is in sight.

Wang Xue's heart was a little nervous, and she also took her magic sword in her hand, and it was half out of its sheath.

The group of Demon Sect disciples on the opposite side were joking and joking. They didn't think where the four turtles in the urn could escape, it was nothing more than a dying struggle.

When the first spiritual energy surged, the battle began.

"Wan Jian Jue, split the lightsaber! Junior brothers and sisters, retreat quickly, and I will block them for you." Tang Yun came up and released a killer move. There were too many people on the opposite side.

He was simply not sure that he would survive, so when he came up, he directly used a trick that consumes a lot of spiritual energy!

I want to use this trick to block these magic door cultivators, so that my junior and younger brothers and sisters can escape. Although they are not the same junior and younger brothers and sisters, the three factions are in the same spirit and are the leaders of the right way.

One of these three escaped, and all of them were able to help them return to Wan Jianzong to report the news of their death!

The power of the light-dividing sword is that it can penetrate aura through the sword body, splitting into countless sword shadows, and launching an attack. This trick is quite expensive, but at the same time it is powerful.

Jian Xiu's own offensive ability is very strong, and the monks of the same rank can hardly resist his edge. This time Tang Yun exhausted her aura!

The sky full of sword shadows cast down, and the opponent's Demon Sect cultivator was shocked. No one thought that this person could act decisively and directly cast a killer move.

Wang Xue and the other two cultivators of the Alchemy Sect looked at each other. The two cultivators of the Alchemy Sect first retreated. They did not take a few steps before being stopped by a few demon cultivators.

The cultivator of the Dandaomen is not high in his own realm, and he doesn't have any particularly powerful means of attack. From the moment he gets entangled, he is directly at a disadvantage.

Before the two cultivators of the Dandao Sect could fight back, they were severely suppressed.

Before Wang Xue could retreat, he was stopped by two Demon Sect monks. They attacked without a word of nonsense, and the strangely shaped magical weapon with billowing black smoke pressed towards her.

Wang Xue had an experience of confronting an enemy before. This time she didn't rush in her hands anymore. As soon as her magic weapon and long sword came out, she immediately shot her sword energy at the two demon monks, scorning and screaming.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and a hero can't stand the crowd. The first to lose is Tang Yun. Although Tang Yun has a strong offensive power, he has a lot of means.

But the other party separated a whole eight demon monks and attacked him. No matter how hard he resisted, he couldn't hold it back, and he had already consumed most of his aura just now.

Hearing Tang Yun's scream, he was attacked from behind by the demon monk, and a big ghost bite on his back without letting go.

Immediately afterwards, several Demon Sect monks deceived him, and various strange weapons smashed at him.

The demon monk's figure obscured Wang Xue's sight. The moment Wang Xue saw the death of Senior Brother Tang, she was stunned. At this moment, it was too late to dodge and was knocked to the ground by another demon monk.

Of the two Dandaomen monks, one of them was already lying on the ground without breathing, and the other female monk was bloodied all over. It is estimated that it will not last long.

Wang Xue sighed in her heart: I'm afraid I won't be able to live today, brothers and sisters, see you in the next life.

When the battle started outside, Zheng Yu's mental power sent him a warning message. He stopped his power experience and used his mental power to observe the fighting outside.

He didn't intend to be nosy, he saw that Tang Yun was bitten by a ghost, and then suppressed by seven or eight demon monks.

The cultivator of the Dandaomen who also saw with his own eyes was chopped to the ground, and another woman was stained with blood.

But when he saw Wang Xue, his eyes condensed, and his Feng Ling was able to complete it thanks to her blessing. If he watched her die like this, but he had the ability but didn't save him, Zheng Yu felt ashamed in his heart.

Zheng Yu waved his hand. The two demon monks outside who were attacking Wang Xue felt a pressure from the sky, and immediately after the body was out of his control, he was thrown to the side. .

Wang Xue was lying on the ground, holding the magic sword, resisting it, and suddenly found that the opponent in front of him had disappeared.

She looked at the two demon monks lying on the ground strangely, wondering what had happened.

Zheng Yu thought to himself, since one has already been saved, let's save the other one who is still alive!

Immediately afterwards, the demon disciples who were attacking the female monk also found that their bodies were out of control, pushed aside by a huge force, completely unable to get close to these two righteous disciples!

These magic monks only noticed a flower in front of them, and the two still alive disappeared, and the corpses on the ground were nowhere to be seen.

The two corpses on the ground were recovered by Zheng Yu. The original source of more than 30,000 is also a good income. Since they are all dead, let's make the final contribution!

At this time, he observed these people appearing within the scope of his mental power. With his eyes condensed, there were two Mahayana monks, and he didn't know when they arrived!

When he realized the power just now, he put his heart and soul into it. There was nothing in the unexpected world. After calculating the time in his mind, it was only a dozen hours later.

Of the two righteous cultivators who were rescued, one was Wang Xue, and the other was the surviving Dandao monk.

This is also a woman. She and another Dandaomen monk were originally Taoists, but her Taoists just died in front of her in order to save her.

The female monk of the Dandao Sect was named Wu Die. She had just died of a man. She was lost in her eyes right now, wondering what was in her mind?

At this moment, Wang Xue was looking curiously at the man in front of him who was meditating cross-legged.

I saw his sword-eyed star eyebrows, with a dusty temperament, a snow-white robe, two large peony flowers on his chest, and a fiery red phoenix-shaped belt around his waist. Wrapped around his waist like a desire fly.

The jet-black hair was randomly scattered behind her head, giving her an indescribable feeling, like an immortal looking down on the earth in the sky, the panic and power was shocking.

She could feel the vastness of the person in front of her, the aura that was as vast as the sea, which was countless times stronger than when she first met the boss, she did not dare to make any trouble, and stood quietly in place.

She knew that the person in front of her saved the two of them. Such power is usually moody. If she doesn't say a word right, it will provoke the other party, and maybe it will be out of the question, so she decided to remain silent and wait for the other party to speak. .

Zheng Yu glanced at both of her, threw out two pills, and said: "Find a place to recover at will, don't disturb me!"

After Zheng Yu finished speaking, he closed his eyes again and quietly realized the power coming from his body.

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