Traverser Management System

Chapter 148: The immortals have arrived

Yang Xinyu was sure in his heart that this time it must be Zheng Yu's third thunder tribulation, and he had seen it with his own eyes in the previous two times.

However, within a few days, the two thunder tribulations passed. This time it was slightly longer and the pressure was greater, and the place where the thunder tribulation came was no different from before.

So he didn't plan to join in the fun anymore, An Xin waited at the door, and his nephew would definitely come to Wan Jianzong and his party.

He had already reported to his father that he had found his nephew, and his father had also reported the news to the elders in the door one by one, but he had not informed the other two righteous sects of all the causes and consequences.

Everyone in Wan Jianzong didn't know that at this moment, the other two righteous sects no longer trusted them, and the great power in their doors had already rushed towards the 100,000 mountains!

After all, people's hearts are separated by their belly, and they simply don't believe that such a powerful Nine Heavens God Thunder Tribulation could come from a human being.

Hundreds of years ago, it hadn't reached the level of Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, when Xianfu was born.

This time it actually triggered the Thunder Tribulation of the Nine Heavens God, such a treasure of heaven and earth, no one would be greedy, these two sects were only meant to be monopolized by the Ten Thousand Sword Sect.

Regardless of the outside world, Zheng Yu was as stable as Mount Tai at this time. He was sitting cross-legged and didn't even bother to raise his head. This shocked the entire world of immortality, and it was like a breeze to him.

The billowing thunder in the sky, like roaring, keeps stopping for a moment. To him, this is just a kid who has been snatched from his lollipop and is crying.

The corners of Zheng Yu's mouth were slightly tilted, and the thunder from the sky descended, and countless sources of origin would be credited!

The casual cultivators outside the formation all looked up at the sky, and they only felt the endless pressure on themselves.

When the sky began to roar, they all began to run out, and the ground was densely packed with various running figures.

They don't dare to fly in the air, maybe, the sky is not pleasing to them, and the thunder will come down, and there will definitely be no bones left.

Everyone ran out of the ten-mile range, and some felt that it was not enough, and they would run farther. This kind of coercion can be felt no matter where they are, and there seems to be no big difference in distance.

Except for these people close at hand, as long as the monks who have reached the Golden Core Stage or above, the entire world of cultivating immortals can feel the pressure of anger in the world.

Thousands of miles away, the white beard and hair scattered immortal, is still moving forward here step by step. Every step he takes will be hundreds of meters away, and soon, people will come.

In addition to him, there are other people who didn't plan to join in the excitement, and also acted.

The hill outside the Shiwanda Mountain is already very lively.

And at this moment, among the 100,000 mountains, some of the monsters wanted to come out to take a look, but they were severely suppressed.

Although there are quite a few people in the monster race, there are only so many who have their wisdom and wisdom. Every loss will be the loss of the entire monster race. Therefore, they never go to the place where humans gather, only in their own one acre. Divide the king and dominate.

This time the coercion ran across the entire world of cultivation, and the Yaozu did not intend to intervene.

Three Supreme Elders came from the Dandaomen, each of them was very powerful, and the worst were all monks in the Mahayana stage. There is also a leader who has reached the tribulation period. If this realm is complete, he will become one of the few people in the world who has the qualifications to become a fairy.

If you can save it, you will become immortal. If you don't save it, you will abandon your body and become a celestial elder. He is more than enough, and he is stuck in the middle just waiting for his life to be exhausted.

Although there are countless pill medicaments at the pill sect, after all, this pill can't be eaten directly to become an immortal. Using only the medicine pill, there is no help in understanding, it can only increase the strength of his own mana.

Therefore, the most powerful person at the Dandao Sect was only the monk who passed the Tribulation Period.

But the Wuliangpai is different. The Wuliangpai enters the Taoist way with talismanism, and the person sent is actually a Sanxian who does nothing in the door.

When there is life and death in the door, he will come out. This time it is not the life and death of the sect, but his life span is approaching. When it comes to his own life and death, this time he came out to find a chance.

Everything that happened outside had no effect on Zheng Yu. He had reached the top of the Nascent Soul Stage at this time, but the energy transmitted did not stop at all, and continued to increase.

The roaring cloud in the sky is already very big, it has been roaring and roaring, perhaps it has long been unable to bear it at this moment, and wants to teach the people below a severe lesson.

In just a few days, Jieyun had come to this place three times, and each time was stronger than the other. This time, it is estimated that Jie Yun has tried his best.

The robbery cloud in the sky has been gathering momentum for a long time, and this thunder and lightning is no longer as simple as a long snake dancing in the sky.

It directly formed a huge thunderball, which fell from the sky, seemingly slow but fluttering and flickering, and it didn't seem to be in the same space.

Such a thunderball is unavoidable. No matter where you escape, it can be transformed in space and teleported to you.

This kind of attack is also extremely powerful. Just looking at the huge thunderball shining with white light, you know that it's not easy to be on your body!

The formation under Zheng Yubu didn't have the slightest effect. The thunderball seemed to have not touched the formation before, and it had already arrived in front of him.

The thunder ball in front of him was countless times larger than Zheng Yu's own body. He himself was like a rabbit standing in front of an elephant.

He looked at this huge thunderball, smiled from the heart, and naturally stretched out his arms, just like welcoming his own friends, and took the initiative to meet this one with a ray of light, which can pierce the eyes of blind people with a smile. Above the thunderball.

Thunderball trembled frantically, as if it was about to burst open in the next moment, but Zheng Yu's eyes condensed, and the aura from heaven and earth swarmed!

These auras have been merged with Zheng Yu's spiritual power, and they are only controlled by him, and even the heavens can't do anything about it. These violent spiritual powers are compressing the thunderball fiercely!

The place where his palm touched was like a catharsis of a thunder ball. The thunder ball shrank crazily. Zheng Yu’s spiritual power kept squeezing it, and his outstretched hand touched it. Below the thunder ball, it is also constantly being absorbed!

This sky thunder was completely absorbed by Zheng Yu in just a few minutes. It seems that the thunderball with the destructive aura in the violent raging just now has never appeared at all!

Zheng Yu cracked his mouth open and laughed. The first thunder came with 3 million origins, and there were eight more behind him. He was looking forward to it!

He yelled at the sky: "Is there only such a degree? Come again!"

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