Traverser Management System

Chapter 150: Take the two maids

"I saved the lives of both of you. One day when I stayed in this world of cultivating immortals, you will be my maid for one day, and you will be free when you leave and give you good luck!" Zheng Yu smiled and looked at These two girls.

Every time, I was running around by myself, and I had never been served by anyone. When I was in the martial arts plane, it was a big business, but I did everything by myself.

At this moment, I can be regarded as a powerful party, why should there be two maids? So he plans to enjoy it now.

Wang Xue and Wu Die looked at each other, but Wang Xue's eyebrows were vertical and she was about to refute.

As a monk of the Golden Core stage, and also a three-generation disciple of the Infinite Sect in the decent sect, how dare this person treat himself as a maid!

Wang Xue has never been so angry since he was a child. The masters and sisters in the door, the brothers and sisters, all regarded themselves as treasures. She was so angry that she wanted to refuse righteously.

But after seeing Wang Xue’s expression, Wu Die stretched out her hand to hold her sleeves, and bowed first and said, “Senior can respect me. It’s an honor for both of me. I don’t know how long seniors will stay in the world of immortality. What's the time? I'm good to report to the teacher!"

Zheng Yu laughed: "You little girl, you are also playing psychological warfare with me, and want to use martial arts to suppress me. Although this is a tactful statement, the meaning is probably correct!"

He said directly: "Your sect is not good enough. If I want to destroy your sect, it will only take a while. You don't need to worry about what I will do to you. It is nothing more than being a maid for me. As for you to follow me more. Long time?"

Listening to what he said, Wang Xue thought that this person was bragging, and no one in the entire cultivating world dared to say such a thing.

But after searching for intestines for a long time, she couldn't find a way to refute it. The shock caused by the empty-handed mine before also made her heart tremble!

Zheng Yu had the final say in his heart, he didn’t know how long it would take, but no matter how long it would take, he said to the two sisters: "Hehe, soon, when will I think about it? Go away, you will be free."

Wang Xue was full of reluctance. Wu Die failed to achieve her goal and said nothing. She stretched out her hand to pass Wang Xue and stood behind Zheng Yu.

Just now Zheng Yu's way of transcending the catastrophe, which regarded the catastrophe as a plaything, had planted the seeds of fear in Wu Die's heart. She also plucked up the courage to ask the words just now.

She knew in her heart that a monk like this was no different from an immortal, and she didn't know when she would be able to ascend, so she didn't dare to make trouble or refute it.

The big formation was slammed by those two scattered immortals, and the big formation was able to avoid the sight of those scattered cultivators, but it could not avoid the insight of these two scattered immortals.

They knew from a glance at this big formation that where they could be attacked, all formations needed the support of aura.

The support point of the spiritual energy, in the eyes of these two scattered immortals, is as vivid as a firefly in the night, and there is nowhere to hide under the detection of the divine sense.

The Taiyi Profound Light Beidou Great Array does not have the effect of attacking. His only two functions are defense and hiding.

His defensive power is equal to the fairy weapon, but even the most powerful fairy weapon can't withstand the constant attacks of two scattered immortals.

In Zheng Yu’s feelings, his formation has already begun to shake, and the formation will be broken in a few minutes at most. If the formation is broken, the formation will be destroyed, and millions of origin points will be replaced. Things, he didn't want to use it last time.

Zheng Yu at this moment no longer has any aura, he is like an ordinary person, standing quietly on the top of the mountain.

The two scattered immortals saw that the big formation was about to break, and suddenly they realized that the big formation in front of them disappeared. After the big formation disappeared, suddenly there was a mountain full of spiritual energy in front of them, and three people stood on the top of the mountain.

Zheng Yu held the formation of the Taiyi Xuanguang Beidou Great Formation in his right hand, and closed his cuffs, the formation disappeared and he was taken into the portable space.

Whether it was the two scattered immortals or the other monks outside, they were all stunned. Could it be that it was not succeeded by others?

Everyone's eyes turned to the three people on the top of the mountain. The young man in front didn't have any aura, and the two women behind were nothing more than the initial cultivation base of Jin Dan, and there was no danger at all.

A cultivator of the Six Dao Demon Sect suddenly exclaimed: "Aren’t those two women the righteous cultivator who ran away before?"

"Unexpectedly, they have actually entered the big formation, and now the big formation disappears, maybe the treasure is on these people!" The cultivator of the Six Demon Sect exclaimed, making everyone around him react. They have seen the big formation, and the treasure might be in these people!

"Hand over the treasure, and forgive you for not dying! The spiritual energy on this mountain is so strong, but there is no breath of treasure, it must be on these people!" Someone also shouted in the back of the casual cultivator.

A casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage came out, pointed at the three Zheng Yu, and said: "You are a mortal and two Golden Core Stages, can you still escape our palms? Or hand over the treasure, we will definitely Let you leave safely."

"Yes! Hand over the treasure soon!" More people hummed in the back.

But they didn't realize that the two Sanxian faces in front of them were already dignified. Even if they had such a strong perception, if they closed their eyes, they would never find out that there were three people on the top of the mountain!

Sweeping with only divine sense, only the two female monks of the Golden Core stage will be seen on the top of the mountain. As for the man standing in front, there is no image in their divine consciousness at all!

As a loose fairy, Yun Xiaozi is very confident of his own strength.

However, a person who can only be detected with the naked eye does not have any image in his immortal consciousness. The only explanation for this kind of thing is that the person opposite does not know how much higher he is!

Chi Songzi swallowed and was about to speak, but at this moment, he suddenly found that the man on the top of the mountain opposite had raised his right hand!

As soon as Zheng Yu recovered the formation, he heard the shouting of a bunch of people below. He had just obtained the origin of a large sum of money, and his happy mood was wiped out.

A group of scumbags want to grab something, not to mention your strength? Just this swearing tone made Zheng Yu feel uncomfortable!

Zheng Yu raised his right hand, pointed it into a palm shape, and pressed it down against the large group of monks at the bottom of the mountain!

"Huh! Noisy." When Zheng Yu raised his right hand, the spiritual energy in the sky began to condense, and a huge gust of wind blew, causing everyone to squint.

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