Traverser Management System

Chapter 152: Subdue

Zheng Yu wanted to try Feng Ling's combat ability. This was also Feng Ling's first battle since he was born.

The opposite is just a scattered fairy, it is not high or low for Feng Ling this fairy tool, just suitable as an opponent, the fairy tool is equivalent to the fairy!

In the entire world of Xianxia, ​​there are only three immortal artifacts that have been discovered.

There are two human monks, one is in the right way, the ten thousand sword front of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, and the other is in the demon gate, the corpse of the immortal in the corpse refining road. There is also a dragon ball left by the dragon in the monster clan when the dragon soars.

And the earth-shattering great tripod, which has been hidden for tens of thousands of years, was defrauded by Zheng Yu's space-time passage through the plane.

I don’t know how many immortal artifacts that have never been born in this world, such as the fixed void jade ruler that was fused by Zheng Yu before!

Why can immortal artifacts be used as the treasure of Zhenzong? Because something like this is equivalent to being an immortal, but with different functions and abilities.

And Zheng Yu's Feng Ling trained after fusing Fengming Sword and Dingkong Jade Ruler, preserves Phoenix’s spiritual sense, possesses the sharpness of Fengming Sword and the blockade aura of Dingkong Jade Ruler, he is not a creator. Know how powerful this thing is!

Fengming screamed, and the loud voice cut through the sky and spread in all directions. As soon as it fluttered its wings, it swooped down into the sky.

Yun Xiaozi suddenly lost his soul. As a Sanxian who has survived for thousands of years, his life-saving cards are also some.

However, everything needs aura to drive, if he enters Feng Ling's blockade, he will be slaughtered.

He turned around to control the escape light, and rushed into the sky, and at the moment he rushed into the sky, he also threw a dozen or so spiritual charms.

These auras gleamed with aura, and at a glance, they knew that they weren't ordinary goods. Yun Xiaozi didn't want to hurt the enemy, but only wanted to temporarily stop Feng Ling from moving forward.

These magic charms burned in the air on their own, then turned into swords, and slashed at Feng Ling. Such a sword was full of destructive power, and it seemed full of power. Zheng Yu looked into the distance without any intention of intervening.

Feng Ling was an immortal weapon, and such an attack would not pose any threat to it.

Sure enough, as Zheng Yu expected, these swords began to dim at a distance of 100 meters from Feng Ling, and then their spiritual power was imprisoned. After the spiritual power lost the link, it dispersed into the air in the air, drifted away, and disappeared. not see.

Feng Ling had been chasing Yun Xiaozi, Yun Xiaozi ran away, and his speed was only a few hundred meters in one step.

Unleashing the light in the sky, and being suppressed by Feng Ling, he had to return to the ground and ran on the ground.

Feng Ling flicked through the air from time to time, spitting out flames at him, and if he couldn't avoid it, it would burn him yelling.

Every time Feng Ling approached him, he would feel his spiritual power being imprisoned. Sometimes he stepped out. He could have crossed hundreds of meters, but he couldn't even reach ten meters.

His running speed became slower and slower, and finally, Feng Ling spread his wings and directly threw Yunxiaozi to the ground.

As an overseas immortal, Yun Xiaozi already possessed an immortal-level ability, but was severely suppressed by Feng Ling. He didn't even take out his own magic weapon, so he was captured alive by Feng Ling.

The duration of this battle was only a few minutes. After seeing this, Chi Songzi was sweating coldly, for fear that Zheng Yu would treat him the same way!

Feng Ling let out a happy cry, grabbed the cloud on the ground, and flew back towards Zheng Yu.

It grabbed Yun Xiaozi's shoulder, squatted in front of Zheng Yu, and rubbed its head on Zheng Yu's face inviting credit.

After a call, Zheng Yu touched its head and waved his hand. Feng Ling understood what he meant, and grabbed Yun Xiaozi and walked behind him.

Zheng Yu retracted his gaze and looked at the red pine nuts in front of him!

"It's over!" These words flashed in Chi Songzi's mind!

He has never seen this kind of imprisonment of spiritual power. In the entire world of cultivating immortals, he has experienced a lot of battles. In countless years, he has never seen such a powerful ability that can directly confine the spiritual energy of immortal cultivators!

He still hasn't understood whether this phoenix is ​​a real phoenix or a kind of spiritual weapon!

Seeing Yun Xiaozi was trapped, the monks on the ground could no longer hold it and rushed outside.

There were a lot of monks on the ground, and they fled in a mess, giving Chi Songzi a sense of turmoil, and they were all ripped off!

Chi Songzi wanted to escape in his heart, but couldn't make his leg move a step. He was afraid that Yun Xiaozi's ability was almost the same as his ability, and he was captured in just a few minutes.

I guess I can't escape this trick, and I don't know how the other party will treat Yunxiaozi! But at this moment, Yun Xiaozi's life is still there!

Zheng Yu didn’t speak, his gaze passed the Chisongzi, and he looked at the monks who were running away on the ground, whether it was a casual cultivator or a sect monk, whether it was a demon sect or a righteous monk, after his gaze swept over. , I felt a tingle on his back, and the speed of escape was even faster!

These monks Zheng Yu didn't bother to clean them up, since they wanted to escape, let them escape, but he didn't want to let go of this red pine nut.

Even if they don't directly kill them and recover their origins, based on their current state, it will be of great use to Zheng Yu!

Zheng Yu's mental power has been confining Chisongzi. At this moment, Zheng Yu doesn't know how powerful it is.

The giant palm that held the sky just now manifested with spiritual power, and his understanding of power at this time was already very powerful!

Mental power is nothing more than a way of manipulating power. After using it skillfully, it can be attacked or defended, or it can be directly used to imprison the enemy as it is now!

The oath of heaven, although its effect on Zheng Yu is zero, but for this native cultivator, the oath of heaven is the shackles that imprison them.

If there is resistance, there must be no bones left!

Therefore, Zheng Yu intends to let these two people take an oath of heaven and become his two helpers on this plane!

The world of cultivating immortals is extremely large, and there are so many immortal cultivators. I am simply too busy alone. I want to recover these origin points and enrich my origin points to welcome the next face, improve myself, and make myself stronger.

Although there are a lot of origins now, how could Zheng Yu dislike too many origins?

How much you want, this kind of thing will never be enough. No one knows what the plane you will encounter in the future will be, if it is a prehistoric one? What if it is more advanced than the prehistoric?

Even if he has promoted the rank nine profound art to the highest level, he may not be able to withstand the blow of a sage, his origin point is never enough!

If the sky does not take it, it will be killed by it!

What a great opportunity this cultivating plane is!

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