"The origin of the name Qingtian True Immortal, this is Qingtian!"

Lu Kexin, An Qing Anyu behind her, everyone in the sect, as well as the monks in the distance, were all horrified and inexplicably, they couldn't help but think of this sentence in their hearts.

This hand covers the sky and the sun, and it is not much smaller than that city. When it appears in the air, even if it is hundreds of miles away, you can see it!

The giant palm that covered the sky and sun disappeared.

The air pressure brought up when the giant palm descended, and the violent wind that formed, roared and surged in all directions.

With a handful of it, the soil it brought up was like a mountain and the ground cracked, and everyone could feel the first tremor.

The spiritual veins were dug out from the ground by this giant palm, and a huge pit that stretched for ten miles appeared on the ground.

The spirit vein has not been dug out, and there is still a small section deep in the ground. Zheng Yu ignored it, and always left a bit of root for him, let these two schools continue to explore!

After this catch, it is estimated that the inventory of this spiritual vein has been dug out for thousands of years, and 6 million source points have been paid in.

In addition to this little sect in front of him, everyone from another sect in the distance also gathered in the open space in front of the sect.

They opened their mouths wide and didn't know how much dust they had eaten, but no one cared about it at this moment. They were all panicked and their thoughts were blank.

After Zheng Yu transformed all the spiritual veins he had harvested into the origin point, he threw the excavated soil casually and fell into the distance, forming a hill.

After that, his gaze turned to the sect directly below him, and his gaze focused on the two children.

He stretched out his hand and beckoned, the two children floated, the boy was full of novel and excited, he found that he was floating towards the phoenix.

The girl was surprised and a little scared. She was not as heartless as her brother.

An Qing and Anyu were recruited to the top of Phoenix by Zheng Yu. He sat cross-legged and looked at the two cute children in front of him. The boys were strange and strange, but the girls were very calm.

An Yu squatted and touched the feathers on Phoenix's back, soft and very happy.

Although An Qing wanted to touch it, she looked at the man in front of her who was called Qingtian True Immortal, her small face that should have been frightened was full of curiosity. This man did not look as terrible as the rumors. .

He looked neither fierce nor wicked, nor arrogant, but looked very handsome, with a dusty temperament, and couldn't help but want to get close to him at a glance.

Zheng Yu didn't care about the actions of these two children. He searched the system and found the cultivating aptitude that he had spent 100,000 yuan in exchange for, the innate spiritual root.

He stretched out his hand and flicked it forward, and the two children could no longer move. He gently brought the two children to his eyes, and stretched out his hand and stroked them on the top of their heads.

An Yu was ignorant, and only felt a warm force coming from his body. He closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

An Qing, the moment Zheng Yu touched her head, she felt her aptitude grow in an instant.

The aura around her is no longer in harmony with herself, and she can clearly feel that the aura around her is more closely connected with herself.

It seemed that while breathing could allow them to enter the body, she realized that her cultivation progress at this moment was hundreds of times higher than before.

Her eyes widened and she was about to ask, but suddenly she felt her head groggy and fell asleep.

Lu Kexin below was very nervous when she saw the Qingtian Immortal touching the top of the two children's heads, for fear that Zheng Yu would do something to her two disciples, but at this moment, she had nothing to do.

"I hope these two disciples of mine can really improve their aptitude!" she thought silently in her heart.

When she turned her head and looked intently at her two apprentices, she suddenly found that a faint stream of light flashed in the bodies of her two apprentices.

The aura around them swarmed into their two small bodies.

In just a few minutes, the two apprentices had risen to the first level of foundation building from the Qi training period.

Zheng Yu has planted innate spiritual roots for these two children. From this time on, these two children will have no bottleneck until the Yuan Ying period!

At this time, Lu Kexin's heart was excited. This immortal Qingtian was really a believer, and she did what she said, even if she traded all the spirit stone veins for it, she was willing.

These two disciples are everything to her.

Zheng Yu waved his hand and put the two children back to their original places.

Lu Kexin only felt that there was a flower in front of her, and the two children had already arrived by her side, lying on the ground quietly, with aura fluctuations between their breaths, their aptitudes were already unmatched.

Lu Kexin hurriedly stepped forward and hugged the two children, using his spiritual sense to probe the meridian and spiritual roots of the two children.

She discovered that the aptitudes of these two children were so high that they would automatically absorb the spiritual energy without using the exercises.

She hurriedly bowed down and said in the direction of Phoenix: "Thank you immortal, I, Lu Kexin, will never forget the great kindness of immortal!"

"It's okay, just exchange!" Zheng Yu's voice came down from the sky and fell in everyone's ears.

"Let's go! Go to the next school." Wang Xue and Wu Die on the ground flew towards the Phoenix, and fell behind Zheng Yu again, standing quietly.

Zheng Yu stretched out his hand and patted Feng Ling's back lightly. Feng Ling spread his wings, and a phoenix chirping sounded. A fiery red streamer flashed towards the distance and disappeared.

And Lu Kexin, who was still bowing in place, straightened up, hugged the two children, and walked towards the main hall in the door.

But before she took a few steps, there was a sound of breaking through the air behind her, which was found by the head of the school opposite.

The surname of the head of the sect opposite, He, saw with his own eyes the aptitudes of these two children to this point in just a few minutes, and his heart was fiery.

The whole school of his family is almost the same as Lu Kexin's school. There are also three or two kittens.

This spiritual vein is shared by the two sects, and it is not the product of Lu Kexin alone. After the exchange of these two spiritual roots and two children, he feels that he should have a share too.

"Head of Lu, these two children, can you give me a personal disciple? I will teach them carefully and cultivate them with all my strength!" Headmaster He said with a sullen expression, embarrassed.

"No, these two children are my disciples!" After Lu Kexin said this sentence, he felt that the persuasiveness was not strong, and continued: "I treat them like my own children. If you want to take them away, I will all I won't take a break with you, I want to be a disciple, step on my corpse first!"

Where did the head of this sect dare to do this, the cultivators all believe in the fate method, he said that he did not dare to **** the two geniuses created by the Qingtian real immortal, who knows whether he will offend the real immortal!

"I didn't mean that, Lord Lu should not worry about it. Our spiritual veins now only have one root system. I don't know when we will become spiritual veins again. Our two schools no longer need to exist. It is better to merge. Right!"

After speaking, he looked at Lu Kexin eagerly.

"Merge?" Lu Kexin's heart moved, with some doubts and a little moved.

"Merge!" Head He replied affirmatively.

Zheng Yu didn't know that the two spiritual roots he sent out from the exchange this time actually grew into a new overlord of the immortal cultivation world!

However, at this time he encountered a strange thing.

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