Traverser Management System

Chapter 161: Mopping up

While Zheng Yu kept sweeping all the way, Wan Jianzong ushered in the encirclement of the other two sects.

On Wan Jianfeng, hundreds of thousands of long swords floated up, exuding a dignified power. All the long swords flew above the Wan Jianzong, and the sword tips pointed diagonally at the other two sects outside the big formation.

Just because of a piece of news from Wanjianzong, the Wuliang faction and Dandaomen sects mistakenly believed that it was Wanjianzong who wanted to take over the treasure.

They secretly sent someone to go, but they didn't expect that only a few of the dozen or so monks sent by the Dandaomen would return, while the Supreme Elder sent by Wuliang has not returned yet.

Dan Daomen was okay, but Wuliang sent to lose the most powerful force in the door.

When the two sects were put together, they simply blocked Wan Jianzong, and asked Wan Jianzong to come up with an explanation and give them an explanation.

Although the supreme master of Wanjianzong Yang Xiaoxiu only had the stage of transforming gods, he was able to impose the power of the entire Wanjian Peak.

Wan Jianfeng, it is no secret among the three sects, they all know that Wan Jianfeng itself is a fairy weapon.

And of course, Wan Jianzong will not only be Yang Xiao alone. There are also seven or eight seniors in the back mountain forbidden area in Wan Jianzong.

At the critical juncture of life and death in the non-door, they will not leave the customs. At this time, they are just paying attention to the outside world, and they don't want to leave the customs at all.

Wan Jianzong can defeat the two factions with just one Wan Jianfeng, and the seniors in the forbidden area are not worried at all.

Dan Daomen didn't intend to come to Ten Thousand Sword Sect to trouble me, but the immeasurable faction suffered a great loss, and it was really unwilling.

The first righteous sect in Zhongzhou is Wan Jianzong, and Wuliang faction and Dan Daomen want to suppress Wan Jianzong this time as a pretext.

At the same time, he also recovered his losses, and Dan Daomen was instigated by the Infinite Sect, and he followed along.

This matter was originally done by the two factions. They didn't believe the Ten Thousand Sword Sect's statement, and they sent people to the outskirts of the one hundred thousand great mountains under the cover of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect.

Sect Master Yang Xiao of Wan Jianzong was angry, listening to the questioning voice from outside the guarding formation, he didn't even mean to answer.

Wuliang faction and Dandumen wanted to do it but did not move. The disciples of Wanjianzong sat cross-legged in place by Yang Xiao and ignored them.

Everyone was consumed like this, only the flying swords densely packed in the sky that day hummed and trembled in the sky.

The people of the Boundless faction don’t know that their Supreme Elder is following the overseas fairy tales at this moment. The two of them covered themselves in black scarves, masks and black clothes, looting all the way on the other side thousands of miles away, making trouble. Chickens fly and dogs jump, the sky is angry and people complain.

"Yun Xiaozi, we have a lot of looting items along the way. Do you count, are the items that we handed over before us have the same value?"

As the great elder of the Immeasurable faction, Chi Songzi has lost his face at this time, and has replaced his identity as a robber!

The two of them are the immortals, they can be regarded as a great power in this world, and letting them not ashamed to rob these low-level cultivators is also considered a trivial purpose.

Afraid of losing face, the two of them wrapped themselves tightly and showed a pair of eyes!

"It's still early, we are all accumulated for thousands of years, and only then have we robbed three or four small sects, martial sects, we haven't done it yet, don't rush, let's go overseas again, the overseas sects are me. Familiar with."

Yun Xiaozi was born as a casual cultivator, and robbery was also commonplace for him, but he hadn't taken any action for hundreds of years, and some were born in hand.

"We'd better not expose it. In case we provoke some hermit fairy, we two will not eat it!" Chi Songzi frowned and thought about it, and then said to Yun Xiaozi!

"So after I got overseas, those people were very familiar with me. At that time, I would show you the way, you go to robbery, and similarly, I will go when I meet someone who is familiar with you."

Yun Xiaozi himself lived overseas, and the monks there were very familiar with Yun Xiaozi.

Yun Xiaozi's signature moves can be recognized by those people at a glance, so he and Akamatsuko took turns taking turns.

"Among the overseas schools, there are a lot of scattered immortals, but if we work together, we can definitely run away even if we can't beat them."

After many monks reached the realm of Sanxian, they ignored world affairs, searched for a fairy island overseas, and practiced with peace of mind to wait for the arrival of the catastrophe.

If the catastrophe fails, the body will die, and some will wait for the end of life. Few people will ask about the world again.

But if someone robbed him on his head, this kind of thing would of course be unbearable, so it's better for the two of them to plan early.

"Then shall we set off now? We have already scanned the martial arts here, and there is nothing good about it, one is poorer than the other."

The two were also cruel enough. Although they did not reach the level of Zheng Yu, the two of them could be regarded as scraping the ground three feet. They walked all the way, as long as they saw someone, they immediately went up and grabbed!

Regardless of sects or monks, they all suffered their bad hands.

Although the two worked very hard, the gains from this journey were very small, so I thought about finding some larger sects to carry out the robbery!

"I know a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, but right now they are weak, and they are a very good target for looting!" Yun Xiaozi's eyes turned, and suddenly he remembered a goal!

"Oh? Lead the way, lead the way, let's set off now!" Chisongzi is also irritable. Even the things he robbed on the way are not eye-catching, let alone the Qingtian fairy.

When they left, they heard with their own ears that if the things the two of them rob did not meet his requirements, they would charge the two of them.

I don’t know how to recharge with two of my own, but it’s definitely not a good thing to think about it!

They still have to work hard to rob and meet the other party's requirements, and they also want to obtain more of the kind of pill that can increase vitality.

At their level of cultivation, the possibility of improvement is very small. Their only wish is to be able to live, the longer they live, the better.

Without life, there is no possibility of further progress. Since the beginning of cultivation, there is a goal that echoes in the hearts of all the cultivators in the entire world of immortality, to become immortals, and to live forever. For this goal, I don't know how many people have consumed their lives.

At this time, Zheng Yu swept all the way and entered the boundary of Zhongzhou, leaving behind a clean monk who was robbed all the way.

There are many sects in the area of ​​Zhongzhou, and there are quite a few monks. Within this hundred li, Zheng Yu's spiritual detection revealed seven or eight small sects.

He cracked his mouth and patted Feng Ling's back. Feng Ling also felt the joy in his master's heart. With his huge wings spread out, he rushed out with his master.

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