Traverser Management System

Chapter 174: Soul absorption

Among the six demon sects, from the suzerain down to the handyman disciples, all were scratched by these uncontrolled spirits, running around on the ground!

Before, the encounters of the sects from Zhongzhou to Shiwan Dashan made all the monks dare not directly act on Zheng Yu.

They knew that they could not pose any threat to him at all, so they would rather resist these uncontrolled souls among the public, and no one would be willing to step out of the big formation and face this Qingtian Immortal.

The dark souls formed a dark cloud in the sky, their teeth and claws flared, and the souls' eyes were glowing with fiery anger and burning. Their minds were long unclear, and only destruction or hatred was left!

All the places within a hundred li are in a state of flurry of demons dancing.

In the center where he stood, a group of souls lined up towards him very obediently.

These souls were no longer under their control after they merged into the great formation, and at this moment Zheng Yu broke the great formation, and the spirits that had not yet absorbed it, carrying his own hatred to find the monks who had hurt them.

The spiritual energy on some living souls is very strong, and they have reached the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage and the Deity Transformation Stage. Such living souls are not common in the entire Six Dao Demon Sect.

And this kind of living soul also has more powerful abilities, and the slightly lower-level cultivators were swallowed directly by them, or the cultivator's soul was wiped out. Under the chaotic spirit attack, the low-level disciples were almost killed and wounded.

And Zheng Yu continued to investigate outside the big formation to see if there was any soul he knew.

As a result, after all the souls were recovered into the system, there was no soul that he was familiar with.

At this time, half an hour has passed, and the foreign aid mentioned by the Six Dao Demon Sect has not appeared yet.

The Sect Master of the Six Dao Demon Sect received a Feijian Biography a few minutes ago. The message on it was: The latest news, Qingtian Zhenxian forced the entire demon clan into the secret realm, and he left behind in the depths of the hundred thousand mountains A hundred-mile-long handwritten script.

I really dare not face the edge of Qingtian True Immortal. The Supreme Demon Sect and the Seven Emotion Sects have all been gathered into the corpse refining road. The celestial artifacts refined from the mortal remains in the corpse refining door are the foundation, which may resist one or two.

After the Sect Master of the Six Dao Demon Sect had read this letter, he was anxious at the time, and became unconscious after a spit of blood!

At that time, Zheng Yu had already recovered the soul of the sky to the end.

Almost everything in the Six Dao Demon Sect is inseparable from the word refining soul.

But now, none of the souls from top to bottom have been let go by Zheng Yu, and all have been recovered into the system.

At this moment, the combat power of everyone in the entire sect has dropped to the lowest point, and they can only use the spiritual energy of their own cultivation to use some basic methods, and they no longer have powerful attack capabilities.

If they were able to give it a go before, now they can only watch the Qingtian True Immortal walking around the whole school, taking away the resources they have accumulated for countless years.

The Sovereign of the Six Dao Demon Sect also didn't know if he was really unconscious or pretending, Zheng Yu didn't intend to bother.

He didn't even look at the Sect Master of the Six Dao Demon Sect at all. After he had recovered all the materials, the source point had now reached 93 million.

Since it was not the Six Dao Demon Sect who destroyed the small mountain village, he didn't bother to pester these people.

With a wave of his sleeves, he only took away the resources of the entire school, and Zheng Yu did not let go of those who died during the soul riot.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. The aura on these dead corpses will only return to the heavens and the earth in the end. It is better to recover it in one breath, this is also the source!

After all the souls of the Six Dao Demon Sect were recovered by Zheng Yu, this sect was equivalent to being abolished.

Wanting to retrieve so many souls again quickly, it is estimated that they have no other way other than crazy killing.

And if they want to do this, it is estimated that the entire cultivating world will not agree.

There are only two ways to obtain the soul: one is to collect it back after it has died before it dissipates.

There is also a large-scale killing of mortals or monks, and the souls of mortals need to be refined after they are recovered. A variety of soul-related materials are also necessary, after countless years of refinement. It is possible to make a mortal soul meet their requirements.

As for the soul of a cultivator, although it can be used after a little refining after taking it, how can the soul of a cultivator in the world be so easy to obtain.

The army of millions of souls like that before was the family property that the entire Six Dao Demon Sect had only saved for so many years, it just disappeared.

The matter of the Six Dao Demon Sect is now over, and the entire Six Dao Demon Sect has been left behind by Zheng Yu.

The spiritual force is bundled into a line, stretched infinitely towards the distance, like a radar, transmitting everything detected into the mind.

He didn't plan to go to those places with only weak spiritual power. Now the number of his origin points doesn't care about that one or two points. Now there is only one goal left: the path of refining the corpse!

Zheng Yu also noticed when the letter was opened between the six masters of the Demon Sect.

As long as he concentrates, he will be able to detect everything within the scope of his spiritual power, and he also knows that the remaining three major magic gates have all gathered together.

He also knew all the words on the letter paper at a glance, and the direction of the corpse refining road had been found after detecting it with mental power just now.

The dense auras there showed that Zheng Yu was already very excited. He originally planned to recover more than 100 million original sources in this world, and this goal is about to be achieved.

Under the detection of his mental power just now, he also discovered that there seemed to be a power over there that was not weaker than his own, and it was definitely not just a true fairy.

With the aura possessed by the true immortal's corpse itself, plus various materials that are rare in the world of magic spells, the immortal artifacts that have been refined after refining have already possessed more power than true immortals.

Even Zheng Yu's cultivation realm at this moment feels some danger under the influence of mental power, which shows the strength of this power!

In remote places, he used his mental power to probe the past by radar scanning, and he could only feel a general idea.

It's not like being under the scope of one's mental power, everything is invisible.

Therefore, the aura he possessed over there is only a vague feeling, and now he has to get up and go to that place.

It is estimated that this should be his last stop in this world.

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