Traverser Management System

Chapter 176: Shishan

The entire mountain of the corpse refining road is still covered with a thick layer of soil, and the soil is still covered with trees. Various flowers and plants also grow in these woods. It looks similar to other sects. .

There are also martial squares on this mountain, as well as various buildings.

Although there is no bird language on this mountain, it is still scented with flowers. Although the sect of Refining Corpse Road is not seen by others, it is also beautiful from the top of the mountain, with strange peaks and rocks everywhere.

However, just under this piece of peaceful and peaceful scenery, who would have thought that there are endless dead bodies hidden in this whole mountain?

The Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao walked down from the top of the mountain step by step. With every step he took, his aura would rise a little, and he walked down calmly.

And Zheng Yu stood at the bottom of the mountain and looked up towards the mountain. There was no formation in this corpse refining road, nor did it make everyone stand up. It just spread out and stared at him.

Zheng Yu is a little strange, do these people really have any strong cards? The only thing that could threaten him was the corpse of the fairy.

Gradually, Zheng Yu felt that something was wrong. As the Sect Master of Practicing Master Dao, the immortal corpse walked down, his aura became stronger and stronger, and the whole mountain was connected to him.

The immortal himself was only at the level of a true immortal, but after a few hundred meters further down, his aura had already approached the immortal, and the feeling of threat became stronger and stronger.

The Sect Master of Corpse Refining Dao continued to walk down, and after a few hundred meters, his aura had stabilized at the level of a heavenly immortal, and he was still increasing upward.

Zheng Yu let go of his spiritual power and enveloped the body of the corpse refining Taoist master, carefully exploring to see where he obtained these powers. Is it really a step-by-step improvement? Is it just a sense of oppression brought by aura?

The detection of mental power did not arouse the other party's awareness. Zheng Yu felt it carefully, and he found that it seemed that between every step this person took, the whole mountain would transmit a little power to him.

After infinitely superimposed, this power became the spiritual energy in the main body of this corpse refining Taoist school.

This power is very weird, with a sense of evil, and a strong smell of death.

From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, this road is very long. If he is really allowed to walk from beginning to end and accumulate strength, he may reach Xuanxian.

At that time, apart from turning around and fleeing, Zheng Yu estimated that he would only consume tens of millions of sources in exchange for some means to fight the opponent.

And these origin points are only consumed directly, and can't raise one's realm upwards, they are just complete consumables.

And this level of consumption may not be able to be recovered on this mountain after the victory, it is completely outweighed by the gain.

Zheng Yu has known for a long time that the power of one's own origin in exchange for it is gradual and cannot be achieved overnight.

It is simply impossible to instantly elevate oneself to the level of Da Luo Jinxian with countless origins.

According to his current rate of improvement, there are still four stages in the middle to reach Da Luo Jinxian, and every time the time is consumed, it doubles upward.

In a few decades, it is estimated that even the Taiyi Golden Immortal will not reach it.

Starting from the true immortal, it is the Tianxian, Xuanxian, Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, and the Hunyuan Jinxian above is the saint!

The highest level of my Nine Ranks Profound Art is Da Luo Jinxian, and it was discovered in the system that if he wanted to reach Da Luo Jinxian, he would not be able to achieve it with his current power transmission speed for hundreds of years!

No wonder these people in front of them are full of confidence. It is estimated that they feel that their current abilities are integrated and they are like real immortals, so they are completely sure to stay here!

My own physical body is already above the real immortal, between the heavenly immortal and the true immortal, this kind of physical defense is very similar to the guy on the opposite side.

Rank Nine Profound Art specializes in defense, and the energy that escapes becomes a realm, so his defense is very strong.

And that fairy corpse, after thousands of years of refining, his defensive power does not need to be questioned.

It was not that Zheng Yu had never thought that he would directly recover the mountain in front of him, so that the other party would lose the source of power, but the mountain under his spiritual power could not be recovered directly.

This big mountain is connected with the corpse of the fairy on it, and the soul in the corpse controls everything. If the soul is not destroyed, he will not be able to reclaim the corpse mountain.

And if he can’t recover this corpse mountain, the realm of the fairy corpse on it will continue to improve. Although he doesn’t know where his limit is, that guy will always suppress himself based on his realm. This endless cycle makes Zheng Yu feel a little bit in his heart. Irritable!

I don't know what agreement the other two sects on this mountain have reached with the corpse refining road, everyone copy their hands and stand aside, watching the battle that is about to take place in front of them.

All the demon cultivators know that if their side wins, they will get all the items that Qingtian Zhenxian has robbed along the way, and if their side fails, then their own collection of countless years will definitely give in! This is a huge gamble and the ultimate battle in this world!

I don't know how many years there hasn't been such a battle. Two people above the immortal level, as long as there is a battle, it will definitely be earth-shattering. If the battle starts directly within the range of the corpse refining road, then the mountain gate of the refining road will also be wiped out!

Therefore, other cultivators in the corpse refining road have already begun to arrange formations. This formation has no other effect, it just protects the entire mountain.

Zheng Yu didn't take advantage of the fact that they were arranging the formation, and this mountain was also his recovery target.

He didn't want this mountain to be damaged. Who knows what the two people's battle will make this mountain look like. What if the damage is too severe and it can't be recovered by then?

It is rare to see a 10% fusion of the entire world of immortality at one time. This world of immortality is not like other planes!

Like the previous martial arts plane, if Zheng Yu goes back now, it only takes half a day to integrate the entire plane directly, and he has been in the realm of cultivation for a long time, giving him a hundred years may not be able to integrate 10 %!

His own side throws a rat avoidance weapon, and the other side does not want to damage his own source of power, the battle between the two sides will inevitably not be carried out on the ground.

Between the two people's eyes, they have already set the main battle direction, that is in the sky!

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