Traverser Management System

Chapter 196: Open a shop

"Don't pay attention to that little spider for the time being, first arrange the manpower to figure out all the details of this superhero!" He gave orders with a serious expression.

"Yes, sir, I will do this now!" The officer stood up and saluted, then turned and walked outside the door.

And on the side of a road hundreds of kilometers away, the girl had restored her original dress in a one-piece nightdress, and her golden curly hair had turned into black and supple hair.

She was looking around in a daze. She found that she was in a location without a vehicle at all. She wanted to go back to the city, but she didn't know how long she would have to walk on.

When she wanted to transform into a superman again, the system reminded her that her energy had been exhausted and it would take 24 hours to recover.

She has begun to accept this setting from the bottom of her heart. Anyway, she doesn't know where she came from or where she is going, even her own name is not known. She walked around here in a daze, but looking at the direction she was walking, she went against the original city.

Zheng Yu showed his figure a few hundred meters away and walked towards the girl face to face.

It’s also fun to make a chance encounter!

The girl was walking barefoot and crooked, when she suddenly noticed that a big boy appeared in front of her, beckoning to her with a shy smile.

"Hello! How come you are here alone, um...are you traveling?" Zheng Yu asked knowingly. Although he thought he was a bit idiot, he always found a topic to strike up a conversation with.

"No!" Boys and girls who are beautiful or handsome are always more popular. If the other person is very ugly, he probably won't even be willing to answer. It's good if you don't take a detour.

"Then how should I call you? We are predestined when we meet. My name is Zheng Yu. What about you?" Zheng Yu really doesn't know what this girl's name is.

The girl's thinking was so confused that even the subsystem could not detect the girl's original name.

"I don't know!" The girl frowned. She felt a headache for thinking about names, so she simply shook her head.

"For a person, when he comes to this world, he will have his own code name. This code name is its name. It proves that it has come and existed. So, do you need a name?"

Zheng Yu stood in front of the girl, looking directly at her, the girl showed no shyness in his warm gaze.

She frowned and thought carefully, then firmed up her mind, and replied to Zheng Yu in an affirmative tone: "Need!"

This time it was Zheng Yu's turn to think about it. He thought carefully about the people he had encountered in these worlds.

There was a person who was deeply impressed. When he left the world of cultivating immortals, he had heard the girl's name.

The girl didn't forget her hatred at the time, she walked into the 100,000 mountains with one sword, and killed those enemies who might kill her.

During the period of time that the girl followed Zheng Yu, her cultivation level had reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

He has always noticed that this girl has a powerful hatred in her heart, and this hatred has always been her powerful driving force.

In the end, before I left, I still heard that this girl was killing the people in the magic door among the hundred thousand mountains.

Zheng Yu admired the girl's spirit. If it wasn't for time, he would want to find the girl among the 100,000 mountains and improve her skill.

There is no way to go to the world of cultivating immortals for the time being, if you want to, you can travel to the next world at any time.

However, the last world made him tired for a long time. It is also good to rest in this world. Just use the game to cultivate a powerful superwoman!

If Wu Die is fast, he will be the same as Butterfly. It's not good to just use another person's name, just call it Butterfly.

"Otherwise, call you Butterfly!" Zheng Yu's brilliant smile infected the girl who had just named Butterfly.

She nodded happily: "Yeah!"

The feeling Zheng Yu gave her was like a relative who hadn't seen each other for many years. Even if it was the first meeting, it made her trust each other very much. This feeling was not abrupt at all, it was natural.

This is the connection between the main system and the sub-system. When the sub-system is bound to her, this relationship naturally arises.

Her thinking was chaotic, and she didn't know what was missing. The only person she can trust in this world now is Zheng Yu.

Zheng Yu thought about it carefully in his mind, and he already understood the ins and outs of the matter.

But now that it has been decided to cultivate a strong superwoman, now move towards this goal and start acting!

"So, what we have to do now is to find a place to live and do something, otherwise it will be boring in the future, what shall we do?" Zheng Yu asked the butterfly in a questioning tone.

But this kind of questioning is just asking the other party what he meant. He didn't think the other party could give him any advice.


Butterfly frowned her delicate brows, thought carefully for a long time, and finally raised her head to look at Zheng Yu, and said very seriously: "I don't know, you can make a decision!"

"Well, let's open a small shop and sell things!" Since we want to take a good rest in this world, we can't be too tired, or we will lose our original intention.

Butterfly's eyes lit up, and she slapped her hands and said, "Okay, okay!"

"Now that we have made a decision, let's start! First of all, we need to choose a location as the facade of our shop."

Zheng Yu took Butterfly's hand with his right hand.

Butterfly's clothes suddenly changed. The original one-piece nightdress became a set of casual clothes. A pair of jeans that fit incomparably appeared underneath, and he wore a pair of casual shoes of the same style on his feet.

Zheng Yu looked up and down, then nodded in satisfaction, and said, "It's much better than the dirty clothes just now. This kind of dress is worthy of your temperament."

"Then let's go!" After saying this, the two disappeared in place.

Zheng Yu took the butterfly's hand and led her to the world, and the two of them were already on the streets of New York in an instant.

"Let's watch as we walk and see where it is more appropriate!"

Zheng Yu walked in front, and the butterfly followed closely behind. This girl was like a child who had never seen the outside world. She would look curiously and curiously wherever she went.

But Zheng Yu looked at her curiously.

Finally, Zheng Yu stopped before the transfer shop was pasted on the door of a house.

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