Traverser Management System

Chapter 242: Mess up

Zheng Yu has actually decided to do something, so naturally he has found his goal.

In order for Butterfly to grow faster, let her fight more criminals and do more things that superheroes should do.

So where do the criminals come from?

He had already had an idea when he first arrived in this world. If he releases the criminals who have been arrested and lets them continue to do evil, then he can complete the task of justice and stop evil issued by the system. This will not happen. Will there be more source points?

"Anyway, being idle is also being idle. If you do something, maybe you will get a lot of gains?"

Since we are going to do things, of course we will not go to prisons like those petty thefts arrested by the police to release those prisoners. Even if that kind of prisoner is released, how much damage can it cause, and then arrest these people again, at most, it is the acquisition of dozens and dozens of original sources.

However, what if those super villains are released?

There is a place in this world that can be called the highest-level prison. This prison is filled with the black technology of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., and all kinds of black technology are enriched by the densely packed Mahjong prison here. The people imprisoned here are all high-endangered criminals.

Some of the criminals in it were created by themselves, and some were captured from other places.

They made all kinds of super soldiers themselves. The super soldiers they planned to make did not obey their assignments and committed crimes. They did not intend to kill them directly, so they were captured and locked up. stand up.

There are also super criminals caught from other places. These people may have other uses, or their abilities are very magical.

In short, there are various research values ​​or use values, so these people survived and were kept in this prison.

The Isolated Island Prison is not far from New York City and has been observed since Zheng Yu came to this place.

However, the prison's protection capabilities are very powerful. Although for him, no matter how strong the protection is, he can't withstand a few attacks of his own, but when he is not sure what he wants, he does not pay attention to this prison.

But now that the butterfly's growth has been restricted, and his own development plan has been stranded, how can he bear it?

So he set his sights on here. The Isolated Island Prison is the crystallization of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s black technology. There are not many staff here. Most of the staff are actually researchers. Almost all the protection capabilities here are used. All kinds of high-tech are stacked.

A stand was set up in the prison, protected by countless laser guns controlled by a computer terminal, and all the jailers here were wearing armor with very strong protection capabilities, and they could easily identify everyone's facial features for review.

Anyone who arrives here will go through countless audits before entering this prison.

Maybe you pass by someone before you know it, and that person is already a checkpoint.

The entire prison is sealed and not on the ground. This prison usually dives deep into the seabed. There are countless neurotoxin jellyfish wandering in this area around the entire prison.

Various protective measures have made this prison never run away from any criminal.

And the criminals imprisoned here are stronger than the other.

Under the warm sun, Zheng Yu wore a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of beach shoes on his feet, and walked on the beach with butterflies. He occasionally came out to play, and he was in a much better mood.

Only a few minutes after Zheng Yu came to this beach with butterflies, there were more people on the beach, men and women, how many of them really came out to play? Zheng Yu was too lazy to take care of it, it was just that the person monitoring him changed places.

If you really want to get rid of all these people, it's easy, of course, killing them is the same.

Zheng Yu didn't bother to mobilize the nerves of these people, so he chose to ignore it, as long as he finishes what he wants to do, whatever else you do.

Although Zheng Yu is now taking a leisurely walk with the butterfly on the beach, his mental power has already reached the bottom of the sea.

There is a layer of mud and sand on the seafloor with uneven rocks, and groups of jellyfish wandering leisurely in this area.

At this depth, the light on the sea has long been unable to shine through. There is darkness here, but in Zheng Yu's mental power, the light from one direction in the distance can shine through.

The jellyfish here are full of neurotoxins and have a strong aggressiveness. There are no living creatures in this water area except the jellyfish group. The daily food of these jellyfish is put on them by specialized staff.

There seems to be nothing in this world that can detect Zheng Yu's spiritual power. Even if there is, it is those people who react very strongly to energy, and such people are rare.

And Zheng Yu’s mental power has enveloped a huge building. The glass windows that are tens of centimeters thick show a little bit of light to the square buildings, and it does not cause any trouble to Zheng Yu. His spiritual power It penetrated directly.

And here is the undersea prison that holds a large number of villains in the entire Marvel world, the most powerful defense: the island prison.

The isolated island prison has been raised to the ground a handful of times since its creation, and even the transported prisoners were sent to the isolated island prison through special equipment, and now the entire isolated island prison has begun to tremble slightly.

Whether it was the staff inside or the super criminals, their eyes widened.

General Ross is now full of gray hair. He has participated in many soldier transformation plans, and various super soldiers have emerged from his hands.

Although he is now more than 60 years old, he is still full of energy and a burly figure.

The camouflage suit wrapped his burly body, and walked into the monitoring room with a powerful step, looking at everything on the screen, but from the beginning of the vibration to the present, he did not find any clues.

In addition to being a general, General Ross also served as the warden of the isolated island prison. He picked up the microphone at his hand and shouted inside: "The villains, please quiet down for me. If you don't want to suffer, don't do it. Anything that disgusts me!"

He didn't find any clues in the surveillance, but he saw these criminals who had already begun to restless, and he was immediately furious.

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