Traverser Management System

Chapter 276: Still waiting

Zheng Yu was on the balcony on the third floor, looking up at the sky above. Although it had been completely sealed by alien creatures with black metal, it could not block his eyes.

Sure enough, it is a place full of black technology. Missiles can cross the void, break through the atmosphere, violently explode in outer space, and be accompanied by a roar. Think about it, this world is actually quite interesting.

If humans have no more powerful means than nuclear bombs, they may only be waiting for destruction.

Even the mutants have entered the joint force, and they are also attacking alien creatures together with humans as a side force.

No matter whether these mutants are willing to admit that they are humans, or the kind of new humans in their own mouths, they are humans after all.

If these alien creatures are allowed to invade, they will no longer exist. No matter who it is, the positive forces or the opposition forces, or these forces that think they are superior, they will all unite together in order to survive.

Feng Ling has been a bit irritable in recent days, and it can clearly feel that it is around him, and it seems to have a weak sense of threat all the time.

This sense of crisis makes it uneasy. It always wants to kill all the threats outside, but Zheng Yu restricts it and prevents it from going out.

If all these extraterrestrial creatures are cleaned up at this time, do humans still need to find their own energy bit by bit?

Although it seems that the current human loss is really heavy, but for Zheng Yu, if all this plane is merged, it can make time go back to the moment he came into this world.

Let them do it again, resurrect all the dead, and restore all the ruined things, so Zheng Yu didn't feel any guilt in his heart.

What he has to do now is just to wait for the alien creatures, make all countries feel afraid, and make them pay a heavy price, before he can understand that perhaps cooperating with himself is the only way to save mankind.

Zheng Yu has played very few times in this world, and there are only two news that humans on earth can get.

One is the scene of him fighting with those troops outside New York City, and the other is the moment when the nuclear bomb explosion was easily blocked by him.

Powerful, you don’t need to use too much language to describe it, just by looking at what he has done, you can easily understand what is powerful.

Energy is an indispensable thing for every country. These things can be used to protect themselves, can be used to initiate wars, can be used for life, and can be used for hoarding.

No country is willing to give up all its energy.

There are really many types of energy that Zheng Yu can recover, just like the energy of the previous nuclear bombs. Although the amount of the original source obtained after each recovery is small, it cannot support its huge base.

After Zheng Yu used it to recover a nuclear bomb, even if only 10,000 of its origin were obtained, which country did not have thousands of nuclear bombs?

In addition to these things, there are other energy sources, such as electricity. You must know that this plane has a lot of black technology.

Each country has achieved certain results in the research of these black technologies, and these results are also within Zheng Yu's recovery range.

The gem of wisdom is already in your hand, and the Cosmos Cube is in front of you, and you can reclaim it at any time.

Thor's hammer is in Thor's hands, and he is still fighting those alien creatures. He has joined the human side and is fighting hand in hand with the human in the human force.

Thor's Hammer, of course, is also within his recovery range, as long as he wants to, he can take it away at any time.

Maybe, this time on this plane with a generally low force value, the source points that can be obtained will be more than the source points obtained on the previous plane.

These things are only what Zheng Yu knows, and there are more things he doesn't know, like the so-called Protoss Asgard.

There are also giants, and these aliens. How magnificent this world is, but he is just a passer-by here. He can recycle as much as he can. Don't there still exist butterflies?

"Nicole Fury! Maybe you can contact again and see if they will agree to my request. I only need energy from various countries. As long as these energy are handed over, I will clean up these alien creatures! "

Zheng Yu did not appear directly in front of Nicol Fury, but his voice was clearly in his ears.

Nicol Fury has been boring here for several days, and the food is provided by butterflies every day. He doesn't know what happened outside.

All he could know was that when he came here, the densely packed alien creatures had already begun to build their base, and afterwards the small building was completely enclosed.

A few days later, he did not propose to Zheng Yu that he wanted to go out to fight those alien creatures. He didn't know that he had entered the battle between humans and alien creatures.

From the time when the superheroes came here, until now, they can't seem to find anything to do except eat and sleep.

Of course, Zheng Yu didn't bother to pay attention to them. The abilities of these people are not particularly powerful. Even if they are all released, the effect will not be too great, just a few humans, can it be compared with hundreds of thousands outside Are the troops compared?

At the same time, this can be regarded as Zheng Yu's protection of his own property. All the superheroes here have signed a contract with him, which means that in the next few decades, they are all working for Zheng Yu.

If they were released at this time, there are so many alien creatures outside, who knows if one or two will die.

These alien creatures were beaten to death by these superheroes, although he can also get the origin point.

But no matter what, he will definitely make a move later, and there is no need for these people to risk their lives to help him get such a poor source of origin.

When the loss is more than the gain, Zheng Yu certainly knows how to choose.

Nicol Fury's communicator was connected to the outside world to get in touch with the joint forces, and when he asked Zheng Yu to ask for it again, the other side was silent.

Of course, some people agree, some people disagree, and most people still tend to disagree. They think that their own troops have assembled hundreds of thousands here, and more support is still coming here.

They have enough nuclear bombs to launch several times, even if these alien warships in the sky come again, they are not afraid, it seems that things have not reached the most critical moment.

They are not willing to give up all their energy.

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