Traverser Management System

Chapter 278: Tragic

There is nothing left in the place where the aliens have passed, and the direct economic loss cannot be calculated by numbers at all. Now the loss of the population is as high as one million.

The technological power of these alien creatures is more powerful than that of the people on earth, even on the sea, they still have the power to advance fast.

Those weirdly shaped aircrafts like motorcycles, as well as weirdly shaped vehicles, travel very fast on the sea.

Of course, the aliens on the sea, the people on the earth would not just sit idly by. The countless warships all set up tall gun barrels, layered on top of each other, densely infinite.

The joint forces of countless countries all brought their warships over, and there was almost no sea water in sight on this piece of sea.

At first glance, all of them are full of steel, almost one after another.

With the roar of artillery fire, the number of aliens destroyed was indeed a lot, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

Fighter gunships in the sky are also roaring at these alien creatures.

The strategic-class aircraft carrier formation has also arrived in the designated area. Various warships are densely packed, raging their artillery fire on the calm sea.

The vehicles of alien creatures are more agile, and these creatures will never die at all. Even if the companion next to them dies, they won’t turn their heads and take another look. They only know to rush forward and destroy what they can see. Everything.

The muzzle of the black hole was spraying flames, and countless fighter jets crisscrossed the sky from time to time.

Alien creatures on the ground are not only beaten, and will not fight back. You only need to look at the explosions of these fighters in the sky from time to time, and you can clearly understand that their attack power is so powerful.

The waves splashed in the artillery fire were crystal clear.

Their location is not under the black passage, everything is so distinct under the shining of the sun.

There is more than two miles of sea water between the troops on both sides. There is no living creature here, and the one on the left is an alien creature.

All of them are pitch black. The alien creatures are wearing pitch black armor, the vehicle under them is pitch black steel, and the sky is flying a pitch black warship. Everything seems to be shrouded in darkness, ready to face Humans crushed over.

Almost all the warships on the human side are based on blue, and the sea water against the sea is even more silent. The artillery fire of the coalition forces is shining one by one. They are fighting for their own survival.

Everyone understands that they are fighting for themselves and for the entire human beings on the earth. This is a war between the invaders and the guardians. He determines the fate of all human beings.

In this battle, no one can retreat, they cannot retreat, they can only use their flesh and blood and everything to press on it, breaking the boat.

Almost all the military forces of the entire planet have been assembled here, even if they have not yet come, they are still on their way.

A huge beam of light roared towards the warship where the humans were. People could only see the target he was attacking with the naked eye. The beam of light broke through the obstacles of the air at a terrifying speed. Zoom in.

The violent explosion sound, the attack power of the beam of light was very powerful, when the first battleship exploded, the explosion sounded continuously behind him.

The scorching firelight flashed in the battle group, and the people around seemed to see the sun lose its luster, and they were drowned in flames.

Such a powerful beam of light is not the only one. In the group of alien creatures, countless beams of light began to shine indefinitely.

One after another, human beings came over, and there was more than one such explosion. In just a few tens of seconds, humans suffered heavy losses, and the warships lined up in front were almost completely lost.

Deafening explosions kept sounding, and one after another explosion made all human beings lose their confidence.

A few hours later, the military force on the entire sea surface was completely destroyed under the constant attack of alien creatures. This was the first complete defeat in human history.

After these extraterrestrial creatures have been crushed all the way, even if they see the soldiers struggling in the sea, they will continue to attack without hesitation.

All kinds of debris, debris, and corpses are floating on the surface of the sea.

The loss of the alien creatures is not great, they just lost a part of the alien creatures in the front row, and the huge war machine at the back began to move.

Although these huge war machines look like solid iron, they are running fast on the sea. These war machines are not just on the sea, they can fly in the air and sneak under the sea at the same time.

It is simply a one-sided war.

The high level of mankind was silent again, and this kind of combat power was simply not what they could imagine.

The technological power of alien creatures has far surpassed them, and they have no way to resist, and now these alien creatures are running horizontally in the ocean, and there is no force at all to stop them.

There are countless countries connected by the sea. They can land from anywhere and start their invasion.

On the path of these aliens, nuclear submarines on the bottom of the sea gradually surfaced, and their torpedo attacks could not help these aliens.

For nuclear submarines, the huge war machine sneaking under the sea has almost no means to stop the opponent.

"Sir, let the nuclear bomb explode!" A soldier in the nuclear submarine looked resolute. He stood up, saluted his officer, and said something like this.

When he said this sentence, he was hoarse, like roaring out with the strength of his whole body. Most of the soldiers in the submarine heard it, and they fell silent after hearing this sentence.

But then everyone shouted: "Sir, let the nuclear bomb explode!"

The nuclear submarine carried four nuclear bombs, which were used as the last defensive force. They did not receive orders from their superiors to use nuclear bombs.

But at this moment, all the viable power around has been almost completely destroyed, and only them are left now.

"Wait for these chopsticks to get close, let them taste it, ours is great!"

"Everyone is in place, ready!"

"After dozens of seconds, detonate the nuclear bomb, pray everyone, pray that mankind can win the final victory, and let our sacrifices not be wasted!"






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