Traverser Management System

Chapter 305: Zen Master Fahai

Although Zheng Yu can live well without eating anything, but Xu Jiaorong's kindness made him unable to bear to push him, but let him talk about it. Now he is playing an ordinary girl, how could he not eat?

He ate some casually, and when he was done, he helped put these things into the kitchen together. After that, Xu Jiaorong drove Xu Xian back to her room and brought Zheng Yu into her bedroom.

"Tonight, I will make do with my sister and take a break here. Tomorrow we will tidy up the original study room and make it a boudoir for you."

"Since my dad left, the study hasn't been taken care of. My younger brother is also a non-reader. Now he can only read, and he has nothing to do with poetry and songs."

"Don't worry about this study room, but there are really a lot of books in it. Does my sister know how to read?"


Xu Jiaorong's eyes flickered. Up to now, she has not asked Zheng Yu's family background or how she lived in Qiantang County.

It’s a long time in Japan, and it’s good to learn more slowly in the future, and then said, “It’s literate, and in the future, if you’re fine, you can read a book to pass the time.”

Then Xu Jiaorong was asking where Zheng Yu had passed along the road, what he had done, whether he was bullied, etc., chatting and chatting, the sky was about to dawn, Xu Jiaorong yawned, Zheng Yu also made a look of sleepiness.

Xu Jiaorong went to sleep peacefully, and Zheng Yu also lay down. However, it is not a big problem for him to sleep or not. Time is tight now, and the mana on the body has not yet been fully integrated. He didn't want to waste every second.

Although he closed his eyes, his mental power still spread. He used his mental power to make a protective film on Xu Jiaorong's body. The rest was covered by his mental power, and the mighty spiritual energy was directed towards Zheng Yu. It rushed over, and it seemed that the whole room was calm and calm. If anyone had spiritual consciousness, they would feel that the spiritual energy here had already boiled, just like the torrent of water in a river.

Zheng Yu's mental power has expanded to its maximum. Within one mile of this radius, all the auras are flowing towards him, and this large-scale absorption of auras makes a person aware of it.

He didn't know that there was a temple more than a dozen miles away. A high tower stood in the temple, and a monk sat cross-legged on the edge of the tower.

The monk was in his prime, with piercing eyes, a purple golden bowl in his hand, and a rosary in his right hand, moving one by one, his piercing eyes staring in the direction of Qiantang County.

There was something in his mouth: "The aura is turbulent, and there is no demon. Even if I go all out, I can't let the aura surging within one mile. With so many auras, who is this superior? Or which way? evildoer?"

The monk stood up and was about to go to Qiantang County, but he just walked a few steps and saw the surging aura in the sky returning to calm.

Zheng Yu was lying on the bed, so many auras poured into his body. Originally, the mana in his body was sufficient, but when the auras poured in halfway, he found that there was no place in his dantian to hold this. Reiki again. He sighed softly and withdrew his mental power, so that all auras returned to peace.

"It seems that absorbing spiritual energy will not allow me to acquire high-powered mana as soon as possible. Right now, I should slowly integrate these spiritual powers that originally existed in Feng Ling's body."

Afterwards, Zheng Yu continued to close his eyes, sinking the spiritual power into his body, slowly realizing the spiritual power in the body, so that they can be used for himself.

The monk in Jinshan Temple stopped, and the rosary in his right hand moved faster.

"Weird, weird, even if the mana is revoked, there will be no such fast speed. What is the abnormality?" After he finished speaking, he kept walking towards Qiantang County. The monk took a few feet between his steps and arrived in Qiantang County in just a few minutes. After a short while, the monk went around Qiantang County again.

"There is no spiritual power fluctuation, it is quite hidden! As long as you are still in this Qiantang County, I will definitely be able to find you and see where you are."

After the monk murmured to himself, he walked back towards the Jinshan Temple.

Zheng Yu's mental power had long been immersed in Feng Ling's body, and it was still transforming slightly, blending with the majestic mana in the body, and he did not notice that someone was exploring the entire Qiantang County with his spiritual thoughts.

And Zheng Yu had already integrated all of his mana into his body, and took back his mental power. He was immersed in his body. There was no mana fluctuation in his body, and nothing was revealed. It is normal for the monk to be unable to detect him. of.

This monk is at most a top-level monk among individuals. He has not yet reached the level of a heavenly immortal. Even if Zheng Yu uses mana, the monk knows where the mana comes from at best. When he walks in front of Zheng Yu, he may not be able to see him. It's the one who casts the spell.

The sky was dimly bright, and the bells of the Jinshan Temple spread far and wide. The monk changed his clothes, wrapped in a bright yellow monk robe, and walked towards the Great Hall of the Jinshan Temple. It was time for morning class. Arrived.

"Why did the abbot come back from outside the temple?" an old monk asked with his palms folded, watching the middle-aged monk who strode towards the Great Hall of the Great Heroes.

"Last night, there was a strange place in Qiantang County. I went to investigate it. It's nothing serious. Let's go to morning class." After the middle-aged monk folded his hands to the teacher's return, he walked towards the Daxiong Hall again.

After watching the two monks finished talking, a woman walked up quickly, holding a plate in her hand, catching up with the footsteps of the mature monk, and said to her, "Master Fahai, please help me. , These are my offerings."

As the woman said, she stretched out her hand and uncovered the red cloth on the plate. The small silver ingots lined up on the plate, like soldiers waiting to be inspected.

A little monk walked up quickly, took the plate with both hands, bent over to the woman, and walked behind Fahai.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

"My father-in-law was playing in the West Lake some time ago. At night, he saw a huge green snake in the lake. He fainted at the time. He still talks nonsense at home. He talks about monsters when he meets people. Everyone said that there was a green snake, and asked Zen Master Fahai to save him."

After hearing this, Fahai turned to the old monk and said, "You will preside over the morning class. I will follow the female Bodhisattva to investigate first."

After Fahai finished speaking to the old monk, he made a please gesture to the woman and walked out first.

Fahai thought in his heart: "The spiritual energy that covered the sky and the sun last night was surging. The snake demon was causing trouble some time ago. What is the reason for this?"

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