Traverser Management System

Chapter 382: Five Elements Mountain

Another hundred years have passed, but this time, Zheng Yu didn't use the method to get rid of Jin Chan.

In these 100 years, he also wanted to understand that his identity must have been noticed by these Buddhas, and since he hadn't bothered him, he was also happy.

The wrinkles that had changed over time, after the little monk set foot on the westward road for the second time, returned to the original appearance again.

However, he did not dare to become the romantic and suave one he had before, still in a light yellow monk's clothing, and still in the pottery bowl.

He has planted himself in the mind of the young monk for the second time, and has instilled countless Buddhist principles, so that the young monk knows that he is the person who helps him understand these Buddhist principles and deepens his status. Secondary memory.

There are seven more times.

However, the little monk had already set foot on the westbound road, and Zheng Yu was also developing his own plan. He stepped out and followed the road the little monk had walked.

The place where this little monk walked is naturally the journey to the west, but there is no danger on this road. Only when you reach Liusha River is the end of this ninth world.

The little monk wants to wash away all his own dust, as well as the remaining cause and effect on his body. These nine deaths are indispensable.

On the way now, there is no arrangement of all kinds of monsters and ghosts, and there is no danger. Even the little monk eats all the way, there are special people pretending to be good men and women to prepare for him, only to wait for him to walk towards Liusha River again.

Zheng Yu came out this time, he didn't plan to find the little monk, his goal was Monkey King who was still under the Wuzhi Mountain.

Wuzhishan is really a mountain as its name suggests, with five high fingers erected, and after looking at it, you will find that this is obviously a huge palm.

Zheng Yu stood in the same place and observed and secretly admired that this Buddha is worthy of being a Buddha. Just a simple shot from the sky can build such a huge mountain. Zheng Yu can't do it with the magic power of his entire body. To this point.

Admiration is admiration. Zheng Yu didn't intend to really run to compare the strength of his mana. With the pottery bowl in his right hand, he stepped forward and walked towards the mountain.

The Five Finger Mountain that suppressed Monkey King was restrained by the Buddha no less than one layer after another. In addition to suppressing Monkey King, this prohibition also sealed all the mana in his body. Except for the physical power, all other mana was suppressed, even the slightest. Can't use it.

Even the peach tree close at hand, he could only drool at it, and he couldn't even pick one off and taste it.

I thought that in Pantaoyuan, the peach was thrown away after one bite. What a chic style, now even a mortal little peach can make Monkey King gnaw even the peach pits.

Monkey King looked at the peach tree close at hand with little peaches growing in twos and threes, drooling and intently staring.

At this moment, he seemed to hear the footsteps coming down the mountain. Although all the mana on his body was sealed, his innate sense of hearing and eyesight could still make him clearly feel that someone was approaching.

At this moment, he has been imprisoned by Wuzhishan for 200 years. 200 years ago, there was a monkey head and one arm exposed. The rest of the body could not move at all. This feeling of imprisonment made him scratch his head and cheek every day, painful. Endless.

He has a lively nature and a jealous temperament. He has tried it more than once, and wants to use his physical strength to break free from this cage.

Repeated failures made him understand that this mountain might really be unable to open with his current strength. Since then, he has been waiting here with peace of mind, waiting for the day he can escape.

But I don't know that this wait is 200 years, and no one has ever come to see him. I am alone at the foot of this mountain, and there is not even a person to talk to.

Suddenly someone went up the mountain, making Sun Wukong very excited. He didn't ask this person to release himself, but only wanted this person to chat with him, or else he would lose his instinct to speak.

Monkey King waited for a while, only then saw a bright bald head suddenly appeared around him, and Monkey King suddenly became a little angry, thinking that he was suppressed here by these bald bosses. At this moment, a bald head came. Isn't it annoying?

Then he thought about it, he was a living person anyway, let alone other things, it would be good to ask him to help pick one or two of this peach to relieve his greed.

The bald head was holding a pottery bowl in his hand, and looking up to the top of the mountain with the pergola in his right hand, he didn't seem to see him at all.

Sun Wukong was a little worried, and opened his mouth to shout at the bald head: "Little monk, little monk, look here and see here!"

Zheng Yu had discovered Monkey King a long time ago, and he walked straight towards the position where Monkey King was at every step. When he approached, he naturally felt a breath different from normal mana.

His gaze then looked up to the top of the mountain, perhaps invisible to ordinary people, but for him, a golden talisman on the top of the mountain was hidden on the edge of the mountain peak of the middle finger, containing a powerful aura, and naturally he couldn’t escape him. The Dharma Eye.

He originally planned to go to the mountain to see what the talisman looks like. Anyway, Monkey King was crushed under the mountain and couldn't run even if he wanted to. Just when he was about to move on to the mountain, he heard the monkey shouting. .

Zheng Yu turned his head and looked in the direction of the monkey yelling. He saw a sloppy, grassy monkey with his head stuck on the edge of the mountain, looking at him with his head tilted.

The hairy arm is full of dead branches and leaves. Only the exposed head and the arm can tell that the situation of this monkey is really not good.

Zheng Yu turned his head to the top of the mountain again, and looked at the talisman directly through the layers of barriers.

I muttered silently in my heart: "I'm afraid I can't take this thing down. I have to wait until the little monk grows into a Tang monk, and after ten reincarnations are completed, I'm afraid I can take it down."

Zheng Yu originally planned to go up to the top of the mountain to see if he could take the talisman down, but now, let's go and see the monkey first.

Zheng Yu pretended not to see the monkey, turned his head and asked in the direction the monkey was shouting: "Who is calling me?"

As soon as Monkey King heard the other party's answer, he was immediately excited, and the hand that was still exposed was scratching his head, pulling out all the messy weeds on it, revealing his original appearance.

Only then did Zheng Yu really see clearly, two black eyes, and a mouth that he hadn't eaten for a long time.

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