Traverser Management System

Chapter 400: Time to come

The trees and green grass on Wuzhi Mountain sprouted new shoots. Only half a month passed, and the whole Wuzhi Mountain was full of colorful flowers and blooming flowers.

After sending away the ninth golden cicada, Zheng Yu went directly to Wuzhi Mountain. Of course, Zheng Yu would not break the appointment for a year and January, and at this time he has been here for half a month.

Spring is about to end, and the scorching summer is about to usher in, and Monkey King is lying here at this time, it has been 450 years.

450 years later, Monkey King couldn't even scratch his body, he could only say that he had a tough heart, and he is still alive and well up to now.

Recalling the original plot, Monkey King lay alone at the foot of this mountain and no one asked. He stayed like this for 500 years. After he came out, he was still alive and well. I don’t know if this monkey is heartless. Or does he have a good temperament?

Ever since Zheng Yu came to the bottom of this mountain, Monkey King's broken mouth film has never stopped, chattering from beginning to end.

Up to now, he has been twittering for half a month, and I don't know where he got so many lines.

An event happened on the remote Lingshan Mountain. This event completely kicked off the journey to the west.

In the Da Leiyin Temple, the Buddhas are shining, auspicious, three thousand Buddhas, five hundred Arahants, eight vajra, boundless Bodhisattva, one by one, there are banners, treasures, and exotic flowers, arranged on both sides of Lingshan, with a smile Look towards the top directly ahead.

Dao Dao Zen sound was spit out from the Buddha's slightly squirming lips, spreading out the three-way magical memorial, let the Buddhas listen.

Just when the chanting of Buddha's music suddenly stopped, the sound of cicadas all over the sky came to an abrupt end, and the many Buddha's vajra who were comprehending Buddhism below all woke up.

"Why is the Lord?" This voice was gentle and compassionate. He was dressed in white, with a compassionate face, walked out of the many Buddhas, came to the lotus platform, and asked.

"I look at the four continents. The good and evil of all beings are different. Some respect the heavens and the earth, some fight for more killings, right or wrong. I have the Tripitaka, and I can persuade people to do good."

After listening to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, he knew that the journey to the west was finally about to begin.

Afterwards, Guanyin Bodhisattva took his orders happily, and amid various instructions and explanations, half a day passed, one year in the sky one day on the earth, a half day in the sky passed, and the half year on the earth quietly passed away.

Avalokitesvara put his hands together in a ceremony and retreated, slowly walking out of the Western Spirit Mountain.

She looked at Dongsheng Shenzhou from a distance, and then gently raised her right hand. The three golden hoops above, with varying levels of mana concentration, made Guanshiyin Bodhisattva squint slightly.

"This time the task is very heavy. First seek protection on the road, and then find the person who learns from the scriptures. You must protect the person who learns from the scriptures in the dark. Don't let him have any injuries, otherwise the trend of great prosperity will be hindered. , Can't be consummated."

Avalokitesvara was carefully pondering what the Buddha had said to him just now outside of Lingshan, and then took a step forward, and a cloud of auspicious clouds appeared under his feet, supporting him and heading straight to Liusha River.

There are four destinations for him, one is Liusha River, the other is Gaolaozhuang, then Yingshoujian, and then Wuzhishan. The final destination was the Jin Chanzi that was about to reincarnate in the Tang Dynasty.

It was already the second year that Zheng Yu came to Wuzhishan again. He just came, and Monkey King waved his hands impatiently and called to him loudly: "Little monk, you are here, my grandson this year. It's really hard to endure. The wine you left me was drunk by me as early as two months ago."

When he said this, Monkey King couldn't help but laugh, fiddled with the bottles and cans on the ground with one hand, grabbed one and shook it twice, and there was the sound of gurgling water.

Then he showed it to Zheng Yu, and said again: "My grandson was so greedy at last, so he poured some rainwater in the bottle and put it in his mouth to taste the alcohol. Do you know how difficult my grandson is? ?"

Zheng Yu's head was full of black lines, and he reached out to take the bottle handed by Monkey King and looked inside, then put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

The faint smell of alcohol has almost disappeared, except for a little smell. I don't know what Sun Wukong thought.

"I left you with dozens of bottles of wine when I left. How can you drink so fast? Can you blame me for failing if you don't count the time?"

Zheng Yu threw the bottle away. The monkey's gaze followed the parabola of the bottle and nodded, and then immediately said eagerly: "Little monk, don't say anything more. Get the wine and food quickly. I Lao Sun hasn't tasted meat fish for two months. How miserable this day is."

The only thing that was exposed outside the mountain was a monkey head and one arm. That arm swayed on his face and scratched his cheeks. Seeing his eager appearance, Zheng Yu smiled helplessly, then unwrapped his body and spread it all at once. Open it directly in front of Monkey King.

Sun Wukong looked at the bottles and cans inside, all kinds of food, and immediately opened them one by one in a hurry, took them one by one in front of him, and sniffed them.

Zheng Yu looked at Sun Wukong with a look of intoxication when he just smelled it with his nose, and suddenly laughed.

"I bring you things every year. Are you so anxious? Eat slowly. It's still early for a month. When the month is over, I will prepare more for you."

"My old Sun is a monkey, it's okay to be anxious, it's okay." Monkey King grinned, grabbed a bottle in front of him and poured it into his mouth. After two gurgling sounds, there was not even a drop of wine left in the bottle. He swallowed them all in his stomach.

After taking a long sigh of relief, Monkey King's face was intoxicated, as if he had eaten some delicacies of mountains and seas, which made Zheng Yu's mouth grow fluid when he watched.

"Every time I come to see you monkey eating meat and drinking, I feel that the world's food is so sweet, I come to drink with you."

Zheng Yu silently calculated the time in his heart. Until now, there are still decades left, and the journey to the west will officially begin, and then the Monkey King will be born directly.

Just as the two of them were eating and drinking, eating large pieces of meat, and drinking heavily, a white auspicious cloud in the sky flew over.

Originally still thousands of miles away, after a flash of flicker, the white cloud directly landed on Wuzhi Mountain and moved towards the two of them.

Zheng Yu had never seen Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, but this Monkey King who was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain could be known.

Sun Wukong took a sip of wine and looked at the person falling in the sky. He shouted: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, but do you want to let my grandson go out?"

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