"Bang bang bang"

The deafening gunfire continued, as dense as rain.

The battle became more and more fierce. In the second bedroom of this luxury suite, it was quiet on the contrary. There were neither gunshots nor extremely shrill screams.

Everyone knows what this means.

"James, I'm very sorry, I just killed another scumbag with a head covered, and sent that guy in the bedroom to hell, that's your subordinate, right?

Don't worry, soon you will enjoy the same treatment, closely follow your subordinates, go to hell to report, I am happy to help you this favor, no need to thank you! "

Ye Tian sneered and said loudly that he was making fun of James and the others.

At the same time, holding the shield against the rain of bullets, he took a step to the side, left the door of the second bedroom, and began to look for a suitable attack position and angle to deal with the remaining two opponents.

"Fake U! Steven, I must kill you damn devil, avenge the dead brothers, avenge Luka!"

James cursed so angrily that his throat was about to split.

The M4A1 assault rifle in his hand never stopped, continuously spraying flames, pouring bullets crazily, and the barrel turned red!

The other masked scumbag was the same, while cursing crazily, he was also shooting non-stop, trying to tear Ye Tian into pieces in order to avenge him!

However, the bullets fired from the two assault rifles in their hands all hit the tall and strong black police shield, not even touching Ye Tian's hair, let alone kill him!

The sound of gunfire in the suite was deafening, the smoke filled the air, and the fighting was extremely lively. The elevator room outside the suite, as well as all the live broadcast terminals, were also in full swing at this time.

"My God! This is a luxury suite in a five-star hotel! It's a battlefield where bullets fly and blood is everywhere! It's hell!"

"It's really crazy! Only that fierce guy Stephen dared to break into such a desperate situation with a pistol and a police shield. If it were someone else, he would have died hundreds of times earlier!"

While there was a lot of discussion, people unconsciously had a new understanding of Ye Tian's strength, and they were all secretly shocked.

If it is true what Steven said,

He must be the winner of today's duel, and he will walk out of that luxurious suite alive. After that, he must stay far away from this guy, and he must not be provoked!

Such a cruel, insidious, cunning, extremely powerful guy who dared to risk his life, who could provoke him? Unless you are tired of living and want to kill yourself!

"Bang bang bang"

The bullets kept hitting the heavy shield, like a hailstorm, and the sound was very dense.

These bullets didn't pose much threat, they only brought waves of powerful impacts, but they couldn't shake Ye Tian at all, nor could they stop his actions.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had moved to the side of the living room holding a heavy shield.

This place is exactly parallel to the hiding position of James and the others. The sofa they used as a cover has completely lost its function as Ye Tian's position changed, and even became a burden.

These two scumbags can be killed, just wait for the time to come!

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the two scumbags a few meters away, showing his murderous intent!

Seeing the loss of the geographical advantage, and being unable to break open the damn heavy shield for a while, and unable to successfully kill the bastard hiding behind, James couldn't help but become even more anxious.

time is limited! God knows when those idiot policemen and the FBI outside will rush in, it might be the next second!

Can't continue to consume it! Otherwise you will get nothing! And you have to take the lives of yourself and your subordinates, it's not worth it!

Thinking of this, James immediately gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, ready to attack boldly, in order to end the duel as soon as possible.

"Marcus, let's outflank from the left and right and kill this damn bastard. No matter how strong the police shield in his hand is, it is impossible to block attacks from the opposite directions!"

James shot wildly while arranging offensive tactics loudly, without any intention of avoiding Ye Tian.

Everyone was fighting face to face, and they were so jealous that no one would back down. The distance between each other was so close that even if they wanted to avoid it, they couldn't avoid it!

"Okay! Boss, this is a very good idea. I will definitely kill this devil and avenge my brothers!"

Marcus yelled back, jumping into action.

But Ye Tian, ​​who was about to be pinched, had a playful smile on his face, and his eyes were full of disdain and contempt.

It is undeniable that this is indeed a nearly perfect attack plan. A police shield really cannot protect the left and right directions, and half of the body must be exposed to the gun!

But the premise is that the assault rifles in your hands have infinite bullets and will never run out, leaving no space for changing magazines. In that case, you may be able to kill Lao Tzu.

It's a pity that although the two assault rifles in your hands are powerful, they will eventually run out of bullets! Magazines also need to be replaced.

There is no shield between us, the distance is so close, if you scumbags dare to change the magazines, I dare to send you to hell to report.

Within thirty meters, Lao Tzu is a god!

If you are still like before, two people gather in the same direction, cover each other and shoot alternately, to be honest, I really can't find a good opportunity to attack.

Since you want to die, why are you being polite! This sends you to hell.

While complaining secretly, Ye Tian stared through the shield, watching the movements of the two guys in front of him closely! Be ready to respond.

In particular, Marcus and the HK416 assault rifle in his hand were Ye Tian's main focus.

Under the perspective, Marcus' actions, as well as the situation of the assault rifle, were all clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes, without any secrets.

There are only four 5.56mm bullets left in the magazine of the HK416 assault rifle. Maybe it only takes one shot, and Marcus will change the magazine.

But at this time, he didn't realize this, he was still firing non-stop, and strode forward, outflanking Ye Tian to the right.

James also took action, firing crazily while stepping out, preparing to outflank Ye Tian from the left.

"bang bang bang"

The gunshots continued, and hot rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, straight towards Ye Tian, ​​and all hit the heavy police shield, making it jingle!

Under the intensive and fierce attack of the two assault rifles, Ye Tian seemed to be completely suppressed, and he didn't dare to stand up, let alone fire back.

"Steven, this guy won't be cold, right? He's obviously boasting too much, and in the end he took his own life into it. It's not easy to be a knight!"

Countless people on the live broadcast end had this kind of thought in their hearts, and they were very pessimistic about Ye Tian.

And Ye Tian, ​​who was the focus of sight, was still hiding behind the heavy police shield, with a wider smile on his face and a murderous look in his eyes.

"One, two, three, four! It's now!"

The countdown is over! The smile on Ye Tian's face instantly became colder, and the killing action started immediately.


The sound of the bullet being emptied suddenly sounded, very eye-catching.

Hearing this sound and feeling the change of the assault rifle in his hand, Marcus couldn't help being a little surprised, and was slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, despair and fear emerged from his eyes, completely devouring him.

At the last moment of his life, he saw such a picture.

The heavy police shield that had been blocking Steven's bastard suddenly opened to the left, facing the direction James was outflanking, completely covering the left side of Steven's bastard.

The right half of the bastard's body was completely exposed in front of his eyes.

It's a pity that the HK416 assault rifle in my hand has already run out of bullets, and it's too late to change the magazine!

Of course, Steven's ruthless bastard couldn't be so generous, leaving time for himself to change the magazine, that can only be wishful thinking.

While seeing Ye Tian's cold smile, Marcus also saw a dazzling flame, which came from that deadly CZ83 pistol!

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