Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1012 One Hundred and Tenth Street at Night

That night, Ye Tian and the others took the Bombardier Global Express 8000 and a rented Gulfstream business jet to New York's JFK International Airport.

After getting off the two private jets, everyone raised their eyes and saw the company convoy who had come to greet them, and had been waiting by the private jet runway for a long time.

Ye Tian and the others did not enter the waiting hall, but took the Paramount Predator armored vehicle and several other bulletproof SUVs, and quickly left the Kennedy Airport through the VIP passage.

This is a special treatment enjoyed by private jet owners. It is spent with a large sum of green dollars, and of course it cannot be wasted!

Their actions made those media reporters who learned that Ye Tian was about to return to New York, rushed to the airport early to set up long guns and short cannons, and waited at the exit of the arrival passageway all come to nothing!

When these reporters learned that Ye Tian had already left the airport, the heavy convoy that Ye Tian and the others were riding in had already passed through Brooklyn and entered Manhattan Island.

After entering Manhattan, the convoy immediately split into two and headed in different directions!

Some of them, headed by the Paramount Predator that Ye Tian and Betty were riding in, together with several bulletproof Chevrolet Subbans, headed straight for the luxury apartment on 110th Street.

The other part, led by Cole, consisted of two bulletproof SUVs and a GMC commercial vehicle, and went to the logistics base at the east end of 78th Street.

Although Ye Tian and the others managed to avoid the many media reporters guarding the Kennedy Airport, they did not avoid the media reporters guarding the door of the apartment, and more people gathered here.

The convoy had just turned from Fifth Avenue to 110th Street, and from a long distance, everyone saw the scene at the door of the apartment building.

The sidewalks on the same side of the apartment building, the open space across the road, and even the grass in Central Park were crowded with reporters from major media outlets. The scene was extremely crowded and lively, like a vegetable market!

The various models of long guns and short cannons in the hands of these media reporters are all pointing at the same target, which is the area at the entrance of the apartment building. They are waiting for the protagonist Ye Tian to show up!

And the many powerful lights used to assist in shooting, even illuminate the front of the apartment building as if it were daytime, extremely bright!

Even in the air, there were two helicopters from the media, hovering at a low altitude of about 50 meters, and the searchlights located on the belly of the helicopters volleyed down, covering the area at the door of the apartment building!

The whole scene is quite grand and staggering,

Not surprisingly!

You know, Ye Tian is the most concerned figure in the entire United States at this time, the focus of everyone's discussion and attention, and naturally also the target of the news media's crazy pursuit.

For these media reporters, today's interview is a battle. If they win by chance, then tomorrow's headlines in New York City will be their own!

Apart from the bloody media reporters, seven or eight police cars were parked in front of the apartment building and on the opposite side of the road. The police lights were constantly flashing, which looked very eye-catching on the street at night!

It can be seen from a distance that there are more than a dozen New York police officers busy maintaining order at the scene, including several guys in FBI uniforms.

In addition, there was a police helicopter hovering in the air, the engine whistling loudly, and gusts of hurricanes were rolled up, constantly blowing against the street and the street trees on both sides.

Obviously, the New York police and the FBI are very cautious, even a little bit overwhelmed.

They were also worried that the Hell's Angels would not let it go, and came to seek revenge on Ye Tian, ​​and a sequel to the Las Vegas incident would open fire on the streets of New York!

In view of this, they sent a large number of police forces to maintain order and prevent accidents from happening.

It is conceivable that for a long period of time in the future, this top-level apartment on 110th Street and the Fearless Exploration Company located in the Rockefeller Building will become the focus of attention of the New York Police and the FBI!

In these two places, it is inevitable for the police to send people to guard 24 hours a day.

Ye Tian will also enjoy the previous special treatment again. As long as he leaves the apartment, no matter where he goes, there will be tails from the New York Police and FBI behind him to follow him closely.

For this kind of situation, Ye Tian and the others have long been accustomed to it, and they are no strangers to it! There is no resistance either!

This is a free bodyguard representing public power. What a wonderful thing, how could he refuse?

Just as the convoy turned onto 110th Street, Mattis' voice came through the earphones.

"Steven, there are many media reporters gathered in front of the apartment building, as well as many New York police officers and FBI, as well as onlookers watching the excitement. The situation at the scene is quite complicated!

For the sake of safety, after the convoy stops, you don’t have to get out of the car in a hurry, sit in the car first, wait for us to get off the car to confirm the safety of the scene, and then you can get out of the car.

There are our company's security personnel in front of the apartment building, maintaining order at the scene. Those guys can meet us, and they can also set up a cordon in advance! "

Ye Tian naturally had no objection to this suggestion.

"Okay! Mattis, the on-site security will be handed over to you. Tell the other guys to be vigilant and don't be careless. If something goes wrong, it will be too wronged!

David, Jason, you guys are ready to get out of the car and deal with those media reporters. I don't plan to show up in front of the media tonight, otherwise I don't know when I will be able to go upstairs and go home! "

"Okay! Steven, just leave it to us!"

There was a response from the earphones, and everyone was very excited and confident.

"Look to the east, everyone. Steven's team is here. It's as big as ever. That Paramount Predator is so recognizable! It's the only one in New York!"

Suddenly there was a shout in front of the apartment building, very loud and striking.

Hearing the shout, everyone at the scene turned their heads to look east of 110th Street, and the cameras and video cameras in their hands also pointed there.

When everyone saw the heavy convoy speeding from the direction of Fifth Avenue, the scene immediately boiled, and all kinds of flashing lights began to flicker crazily, making people almost unable to open their eyes.

Fortunately, there were quite a few police officers and FBI agents at the scene, and with the assistance of the security personnel of the fearless exploration company, the order was maintained fairly well, and there were no scenes of reporters running wildly in the street with their cameras!

In a blink of an eye, the heavy convoy drove to the front of the apartment building.

Under Matisse's command, several bulletproof SUVs stopped end to end, guarding the Paramount Predator that Ye Tian and Betty were riding in, with the rear doors facing the door of the apartment building.

Taking advantage of the tall, solid bodies of the Paramount Marauder and several other bulletproof SUVs, the convoy perfectly blocks views from across the road, and in the direction of Central Park.

If someone was ambushing across the road, or hiding in the darkness deep in Central Park, trying to attack Ye Tian, ​​he would only be disappointed! Because nothing can be seen!

Under the eager eyes of many media reporters, the doors of several bulletproof SUVs opened one after another, and someone got out of the car.

But unfortunately, it was not Ye Tian and Betty who came down, but a group of armed security personnel led by Mathis, as well as David and Jason.

After landing and standing still, Matisse and the others immediately acted and began to set up a cordon.

During the operation, they stared vigilantly at the media reporters who were almost insane, the New York police and FBI agents with nervous faces, and the melon-eating crowd watching from a little distance, ready to respond at any time!

David and Jason, with bright smiles on their faces, strode towards the media reporters, and with the assistance of the security personnel, stopped those guys outside the cordon.

In just two or three minutes, Matisse's voice came from the earphones again.

"The scene is safe, Steven, you can get out of the car, but just in case, it's better not to stay outside the apartment building for a long time, just go upstairs!"

"Okay! Matisse"

With that said, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to open the car door of the rear seat of the Predator, took Betty out of the car, and set foot on the ground of 110th Street again.

"Guys, that Steven guy showed up!"

With a shout, the scene suddenly became more lively.

Many media reporters really wanted to break through the cordon, rush forward quickly, and interview Ye Tianah face to face! It would be great to be the first to take the lead!

However, looking at the extremely capable private security guards in front of them, they never had the courage to step forward and break through the cordon in front of them.

These guys under Steven are all ruthless, they will care about the identity of the uncrowned king, if they dare to attack the cordon, these guys will dare to attack and beat themselves!

For your own safety, stay behind the cordon honestly!

"Ka Ka Ka Ka"

The long guns and short cannons in the hands of many media reporters flickered even more crazily, and the sound of camera shutters became extremely dense!

At the same time, some people began to ask questions loudly from a long distance away.

"Steven, I'm a reporter for The New York Times, can you give me the details of what happened in Las Vegas? People want to know more"

However, they didn't get any response, and few people even saw Ye Tian and Betty.

Without any pause, Ye Tian and Betty walked towards the building door immediately after they landed and stood still, then opened the building door and walked in, disappearing from everyone's sight.


Seeing the door of the apartment building opening and closing quickly, there was a sigh of disappointment at the scene, which came from many media reporters.

Everyone waited here for several hours against the freezing cold wind in New York, each of them was so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back. Just waiting for such a result, can you not feel disappointed?

Unlike them, the New York police and FBI agents who maintained order at the scene breathed a sigh of relief and instantly relaxed a lot.

Thank goodness! Finally nothing happened! This night is expected to pass safely!

When he walked to the door of the apartment building, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, and quickly checked the situation in the building! Not a single corner was spared!

He didn't reach out to open the door until he was sure there was no danger inside, and walked in with Betty.

Next, when he came to the exclusive elevator and the door of his own apartment, he followed the same pattern and quickly checked the situation inside, being very careful!

Have to be careful! There are too many enemies, and there are more guys who don't like me!

No one can guarantee whether there will be some kind of brainless idiot, hot-headed, who came here to seek revenge, seek death, seek revenge for himself or achieve his so-called justice!

Fortunately, both the exclusive elevator and the apartment are very safe. There is no sign of intrusion or any danger, so you can enter with confidence.


At the same time as the door was opened, the lights in the apartment were also turned on. The light was soft and bright, giving off a sense of home, warm and touching!

"Honey, we're home!"

Ye Tian said emotionally, and stretched out his hand to embrace Betty beside him into his arms!

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