Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1022 Approaching the Target

In the rest of the reception room, he pretended to be knocked and searched carefully, and when the scene was full, Ye Tian came to the place where the real treasure was hidden.

This is a wall on the west side of the reception room. Like the rest of the room, the wall is covered with light brown cherry wood panels, which is solemn, elegant, and exudes a luxurious atmosphere.

The entire wall is empty and very drab, without any decorations or furniture, let alone valuable antique works of art.

Going closer and observing carefully, you can see some traces left on the walls and the floor, which should have been treated. Although it is very shallow, it can still be found!

Judging from these traces, there was once a painting hanging on this wall, and two pieces of furniture were placed on the front floor, which should be a double sofa and a side table!

Adjacent to this wall is a tall and bright window. Through the glass on the window, you can see the green lung of New York and the most beautiful place in New York, Central Park.

The sofa that was placed here before is right in front of this window, and the location is perfect.

People sitting on the sofa look back with green eyes and greenery! In New York, a modern city full of high-rise buildings, it is particularly rare, and it is also a very good enjoyment.

Standing in front of this wall, Ye Tian saw the lush Central Park at a glance through the window, as well as the crowd of onlookers gathered on the grass in the park.

Among the onlookers downstairs, there were many reporters from major news media in New York. They were holding up their guns and short cannons, and they were shooting at the upstairs.

Almost at the same time Ye Tian saw them, these guys also spotted Ye Tian through the telephoto lens on the camera.

"Look! That guy Steven has appeared, right next to the window facing the street! He is observing the wall next to the window!"

With a loud shout, almost everyone at the scene looked up, and everyone's expressions were quite excited.

The cameras and video cameras in the hands of many media reporters quickly pointed to the window where Ye Tian was, and the sound of shutters came one after another.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came again, and it reached everyone's ears through various live broadcast terminals.

"If you are familiar with Mr. An Siyuan, you should be familiar with this area. In this reception room, this is his favorite place, and he left many photos!

In front of this window,

There used to be a Georgian loveseat sofa, made of walnut, beautifully crafted and elegant!

The walnut two-seater sofa came from the British royal family. It is one of the most typical works of British furniture in the walnut period in the early eighteenth century. It is very rare and valuable!

Next to this sofa, close to this wall, there is a side table. It is a piece of huanghuali furniture from the Ming Dynasty in China.

Like the previous huanghuali armchairs, this huanghuali side table is also of high value. At the special auction of Jinse Nianhua, it was hammered down for more than 1 million US dollars!

The upper layer of this side table is an exquisite and unique table lamp, which is composed of a Chinese blue and white jade pot and spring vase in the late Ming Dynasty and an antique Tiffany lampshade at the end of the 19th century!

Regarding the blue and white jade pot and spring vase from China in the late Ming Dynasty, I can give you a specific figure. Its market value should be around 800,000 US dollars! Even higher! "

"Whoa! That's an exaggeration!"

There was another exclamation on the live broadcast end, one after another.

"My God! Any item is worth tens of millions of dollars, or even tens of millions of dollars. This is where people live, and heaven is nothing more than that!"

"It's no wonder that guy Steven stopped working on Wall Street and went to an antique store, turning himself into a professional treasure hunter and a top expert in antique art appraisal.

From his point of view, it is obviously easier to make money in antique shops than in Wall Street. If you pick up a mistake, you can pay for the hard work and hard work of others all your life. How can you justify it? "

Just when people were talking about it, the live broadcast screen changed again!

Ye Tian raised his hand and gestured towards the mark on the wall, signaling Jason to point his phone camera there and take a close-up of it!

Immediately afterwards, his professional explanation followed.

"Everyone, please look at this imprint. It can be seen from the size of the imprint that there was once a painting hanging here, and the size is not small, about 150*80.

What used to hang here was a Chinese traditional painting with elegant meanings, a masterpiece by Shi Lu, a famous modern Chinese painter and founder of the Chang'an School of Painting, "Spring Plum Blossoms Independence".

He is a modern Chinese painter that An Siyuan likes and admires very much. This "Spring Plum Blossom Independence" is the first Shi Lu work that An Siyuan collected, and it was purchased in the 1970s.

Because of this work, An Siyuan fell in love with Shi Lu's art. In the 1980s, he bought a large number of his paintings from Shi Lu's family to enrich his collection.

Under the promotion of An Siyuan, Shi Lu's paintings became the first modern calligraphy and painting works in mainland China to enter the international art market, and were recognized and praised by the international market.

Although An Siyuan has many paintings by Shi Lu, his favorite is still this "Spring Plum Blossom Independence". This painting is excellent in terms of painting techniques, artistic conception, and calligraphy!

It is precisely because of his love for this painting that he hangs this "Spring Plum Independence" here, so that he can appreciate it at any time, and this has become his favorite place to stay.

Because he likes to stay here, we can see this Chinese traditional painting in many of his photos, and we can see that erect and proudly blooming ink plum blossom!

After An Siyuan's death, his favorite Shi Lu painting, "Spring Plum Blossoms Independence", was also sent to Christie's auction, and the final hammer price was 520,000 US dollars!

All the other paintings of Shi Lu in his collection were also auctioned off, but none of the paintings sold for more than this one, which shows what an outstanding work of art it is! "

"Wow! Another multi-million dollar piece of art, too bad it's not mine!"

The exclamation sounded again, covering every live broadcast end.

Those melon-eaters who were watching the live broadcast of the treasure hunt, their eyes were red with envy, they were going crazy!

Suppressing his excitement a little, Ye Tian continued:

"This "Independence of Spring Plum Blossoms" is one of An Siyuan's favorite paintings, but when it comes to how much he likes it, it is far inferior to the huge, green and transparent emerald ring on his hand.

Mr. An Siyuan has left us, may he rest in peace in heaven! All of the more than 2,000 antique artworks in his collection have been auctioned off in accordance with his wishes.

However, the emerald ring is the only one missing! Although he once said that before he died, he would swallow that emerald ring in his stomach and bring it into the coffin to be buried with him!

I don't know if others believe this, but I absolutely don't believe that An Siyuan would do this. It is a very crazy and stupid idea, and no smart person would do that kind of thing!

An Siyuan is obviously a very smart person! So where would he hide that priceless emerald ring? Will it be here? It's a place he likes so much.

This possibility is obviously not small! Maybe I can find a surprise here, find that famous and priceless emerald ring, and close this unsolved case in the field of antique art collection!

Having said so much, it’s time to get to the point. Follow me and discover the treasure. Don’t walk away. A miracle might happen in the next second. It would be a pity to miss it! "

With that said, Ye Tian took a step forward and began to check the wall in front of him.

Provoked by his words, the atmosphere on the live broadcast side became even hotter. Everyone focused on the live broadcast screen, looking forward to witnessing a miracle!

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