Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1024 The Green Miracle


In midtown Manhattan, in a meeting room of Christie's auction house, there was a loud noise suddenly, which sounded like a glass being slammed hard.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of angry cursing.

"Fake! We really have blind eyes! When we went to that apartment to move An Siyuan's collection, why didn't we think of searching it thoroughly instead of just doing it half-heartedly!

It's good now, it's cheap, that bastard Steven! That's the secret compartment where An Siyuan hides his things! In addition to the emerald ring, there may be even more precious antique works of art inside! "

The one who threw the glass and cursed loudly was a vice president of Christie's auction house, who was also directly in charge of receiving more than 2,000 pieces of antique art from An Siyuan and auctioning those collections.

At this time, his face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of regret.

"The hidden compartment hasn't been opened yet, so I don't know the specifics, maybe there's nothing in it, it's empty, that guy Steven is just having fun, and he doesn't get a single hair.

Even if the priceless emerald ring was in the secret compartment and fell into the hands of Steven, can we just go to the door and ask for that emerald ring back?

The same goes for other antique works of art in the dark cell. You know, An Siyuan signed an agreement with us very early on, entrusting us to auction off all his collections after his death! "

Another person in the meeting room said, his tone was rather unwilling.

"Don't even think about it! Once something falls into the hands of that fellow Steven, it is definitely more difficult than going to heaven, and there is no possibility at all!

Who ever heard of Steven, that guy gave up the huge wealth he got, anyway, I haven't heard of it, I believe you are the same, that guy is notoriously greedy!

When he bought that apartment, he was probably thinking about this priceless emerald ring and that secret compartment, which was definitely deliberate.

After buying the apartment, he didn't immediately start to look for the emerald ring and the hidden compartment hidden in the wall in the apartment, but chose to be silent.

He didn't start the treasure hunt until the real estate transaction procedures were completely completed and all loopholes were plugged, and he used the live broadcast method, in front of everyone, to be impeccable! "

"Then can we use legal means,

Sue Steven and get back that emerald ring and other antique artworks that may be hidden in the dark room? "

"No way! That luxury apartment already belongs to Steven, and everything in the apartment belongs to him. There is no doubt about it. The law does not support our claim.

Besides, that guy Steven is not an ordinary person, he is one of the top professional treasure hunters and experts in antique art appraisal, even the most outstanding one.

We can't afford to offend this kind of guy, and it's too late to confess. How dare you push him to the dock and stand opposite our auction house? That's the most stupid act!

If we do that, we'll never get a single lot from him again, and the other major auction houses are eagerly awaiting it, and those guys will definitely be popping champagne to celebrate! "

"Damn it! Then we can only watch like this? Watching that guy Steven make a fortune, but we can't do anything, and become a joke in the industry?"

"What can I do if I don't look at it? Who told that bastard to be Steven, there is nothing to do with him!"

The vice president of Christie's said with emotion that his eyes were full of regret and unwillingness.

As he said that, he turned his head to look at the live broadcast screen again, and continued to watch the treasure hunt that was being broadcast live and reached its climax in regret.

At 960 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the area around the apartment building became more and more lively, full of voices!

There are more and more onlookers near the apartment building, which has already blocked Fifth Avenue, and the green lawn of Central Park opposite has been trampled badly!

While discussing enthusiastically, many onlookers at the scene looked up at the window on the eighth floor of the apartment building, with either anticipation or envy in their eyes!

Of course, there are also many guys who are so jealous that their eyes are red.

In the high-end apartment upstairs, the treasure hunt was still going on, and the knocking sound of'bang bang' kept coming from the window, and the sound was still dull!

An Siyuan's priceless emerald ring and the secret compartment where the treasure is hidden have not been found yet, and they are presented to everyone.

At this time, Ye Tian has checked to the bottom of the wall, where it intersects with the floor, and is getting closer to the target.

"It can be seen that this dark compartment is very cleverly set up and extremely concealed. Except for the different sounds fed back from the walls, I haven't found any other evidence until now.

Under such circumstances, it's not surprising that Mr. An Siyuan's butler and those from the Christie's auction house didn't find this secret compartment and the emerald ring! "

While explaining, Ye Tian carefully inspected the wall.

At the same time, he also suppressed his excitement, so as not to reveal any flaws and cause unnecessary troubles!

The bedding is complete, and the door to the treasure can be opened!

The next moment, Ye Tian pointed to some decorations at the bottom of the wall, close to the floor, and said:

"Everyone, please look here. These are some breast patterns, unique patterns on ancient Chinese bronzes and jades. This kind of pattern has a long history! It can be traced back thousands of years ago!

As we all know, Mr. An Siyuan is a famous collector of Chinese antique artworks. He likes Chinese traditional culture very much and has a deep knowledge of Chinese antique artworks!

In this top-level apartment where he has lived for decades, it is normal and reasonable to see these breast patterns with a strong Chinese cultural flavor.

Will these breast lines hide any secrets? Let us explore one by one, and hope that these beautiful and ancient decorations can bring us a surprise! "

As he said that, Ye Tian put the rubber hammer in his hand on the floor, then stretched out his right thumb, and pressed it against the breast patterns protruding from the wall!

Betty and Jason next to them suddenly became tense, held their breath unconsciously, and watched Ye Tian's movements intently, their eyes full of anticipation.

The same goes for countless people on the live broadcast end, watching the live broadcast nervously, expecting a miracle to happen.

Ye Tian pressed his thumb on the first breast pattern, and pressed down hard, but the breast pattern did not move at all, it remained the same!

"Obviously, this is a decoration for decoration. It's really not the button I'm looking for to open the hidden compartment mechanism. Let's take a look at the next one!"

With that said, Ye Tian raised his thumb and pressed it towards the other breast pattern.

"Not this one, move on to the next one, I believe, miracles will always appear!"

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian quickly pressed more than a dozen nipple patterns, but he couldn't find the button to open the mechanism, and the miracle didn't happen.

When he raised his thumb again, he still found nothing.


There was a sigh on the live broadcast end, full of disappointment.

Even Betty and Jason were somewhat disappointed.

But Ye Tian, ​​who was under the spotlight of everyone, was still full of confidence, without showing even a trace of frustration.

His thumb pressed on a breast pattern again, and pressed it lightly, the movement was the same as before.

This breast pattern is the same as other breast patterns, nothing special, very ordinary.

Just when people thought that Ye Tian would return in vain and disappointment, the situation changed.

Through the live broadcast screen, everyone saw such a scene, and the picture was very clear!

The top of the nipple pattern that Ye Tian pressed suddenly sank down, although the amplitude was not large, it was clearly visible.

As for Ye Tian, ​​who was pressing the breast pattern with his thumb, an expression of surprise appeared on his face, followed by an incomparably bright smile!

"The top of this ivory pattern is not cherry wood, but a piece of bionic material that is very similar to cherry wood and made into the same pattern. It is as soft as rubber and is very deceptive.

Under the bionic material, there seems to be a small round button. If it is as expected, it should be the mechanism to open the hidden compartment. I finally found it!

Ladies and gentlemen, as I said before, there is indeed a hidden compartment hidden in this wall, please keep your eyes open, the time to witness the miracle has come! "

Ye Tian said excitedly, mobilizing the emotions of everyone at the scene and the live broadcast.

Before he finished speaking, his right thumb, which had stopped, pressed down again.


A crisp voice sounded at the scene, and everyone heard it very clearly.

The sound came from a piece of floor close to the corner, and almost at the same time Ye Tian pressed the breast pattern, one end of this solid wood floor about 50 cm long suddenly tilted up, and the other end sank!

The height of the floor lift is not much, only about ten centimeters


The eyes of everyone on the scene were immediately attracted to the raised side of the floor.

Jason's phone camera followed and pointed at that location.

The next moment, no matter Ye Tian and Betty at the scene, or the countless people eating melons on the live broadcast, everyone's eyeballs instantly turned green!

What reflected their green eyes was a piece of emerald green and transparent lying quietly under the floor! Like a clear water, it is crystal clear and fascinating!

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