In two or three steps, Ye Tian had already reached the window on the left.

Without waiting for a moment, after standing still, Ye Tian immediately stretched out his hands, pressed on the edge of the wall where a gap had been opened, and pushed the wall away.

Following his movements, the tall wall slowly opened to the room, and the hidden compartment behind it gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The first thing people see is the internal structure of this secret compartment.

This is a wall that has been almost hollowed out, only the outer facade of the wall is preserved, that is, the side facing the Central Park, to hide the eyes and ears.

The rest are all made of aluminum alloy, including arm-thick aluminum alloy cylinders for support, and large aluminum alloy plates welded together to act as walls, which are very strong.

The aluminum alloy wall in the reception room of the Chong apartment is tightly wrapped by light brown cherry wood boards, which is perfectly concealed and no flaws can be seen.

Even more ingeniously, the inner space of this secret compartment is divided into two parts with different sizes.

The hanging area is the upper part of the dark cell, where the aluminum alloy walls look thicker, compressing the inner space of the dark cell more severely.

The aluminum alloy walls that make up the lower part of the dark cell are relatively thin, and the interior space appears larger.

It is precisely because of the difference in thickness that the situation just now occurred. Ye Tian knocked on the walls of the two areas respectively, and the feedback sounds were slightly different.

In addition, there are vents in this secret compartment, which are perfectly integrated with the ventilation system in the apartment, making the environment in the secret compartment basically the same as the indoor environment.

In this case, the antique artworks hidden in the hidden compartment are no different from those displayed in other places in the apartment, which is conducive to the preservation of antique artworks.

This is simply a well-designed, strong and unusual safe! And it is very hidden, almost no trace can be seen from the facade.

Seeing the internal structure of this secret compartment, everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

Only top antique dealers and collectors like An Siyuan would spend so much money to renovate the entire wall! Turn it into a safe to hide your beloved antique art.

Most of the other people don't even have the opportunity to enter this top apartment, let alone remodeling the entire wall, let alone remodeling!

Even if he is strong enough to buy this top-level apartment, does he have top-level antique art that is worth such a big fight and needs to be hidden? I'm afraid not necessarily!

Although the secret compartment is very delicate, it is not the target of everyone's attention.

What everyone wants to know more is, what kind of treasure is hidden in the dark cell, which is worthy of An Siyuan's treasure? How much are these treasures worth? Is it priceless?

With this in mind, everyone looked into the dark compartment one after another. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, full of expectation, and even a bit of greed.

There are a lot of things in the dark compartment. There are ten very exquisite flat wooden boxes with basically the same size, about 40*30*15, which are placed obliquely in three rows on a shelf in the dark compartment.

Those who are familiar with Chinese antique works of art or Chinese furniture can recognize them at a glance. These are very rare golden nanmu boxes, and they are all old antiques!

A gold silk nanmu box of this size is either used to hold ancient books and rare books, or it is used to hold precious jewelry. These two purposes are basically used, and it is unlikely to be used for other purposes.

It's a pity that these golden nanmu boxes are all covered, so it's not clear what's inside, let alone the value of the things inside.

There is also a painting in the dark cell. It looks like an oil painting. It is not small in size. It is wrapped in white moisture-proof paper and stands against the wall. The specific content cannot be seen clearly.

Apart from these, there is nothing else.

Although the specific content of these things cannot be seen,

I don't know how much they are worth, but the scene in front of me still caused a huge sensation on the live broadcast.

"Wow! There are so many things in this secret compartment, there are actually more than a dozen of them! That bastard Steven is extremely lucky, and it's another windfall!"

"I don't know what is contained in those exquisite boxes? That painting standing against the wall is the work of that master artist? I really want to know the answer!

Since they are qualified to appear here and are carefully collected by An Siyuan, they must be priceless top-level antique works of art, there is no doubt about it!

In the top mansion on 110th Street before, Steven discovered two top famous paintings by Cézanne, which fetched a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of dollars. I don't know what he will get this time? "

While there was a lot of discussion, people were all staring at the treasures in the dark cell, their gazes were extremely hot, and they wished they could see through the screen and see the true faces of those treasures clearly.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Tian completely opened the secret compartment, forming a ninety-degree angle with the window, and presented it in front of everyone.

"Wow! An Siyuan's handwriting is too big, and he actually created such a big hidden space!"

David said with emotion, his whole body was extremely excited, his eyes were shining brightly.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the structure of this hidden compartment, then smiled and said:

"That's An Siyuan, one of the top antique dealers and collectors in the world. There are at least tens of thousands of pieces of antique art that have passed through his hands, or even hundreds of thousands of pieces.

There are many antique works of art among them, which will stay in his hands for a period of time, and he has also collected a lot of fine works, so he naturally needs some relatively safe places to store them.

In addition to those leased safes on Manhattan Island, it is not surprising that he has transformed such a safe-like hidden compartment in his own home.

Judging from the style of this hidden space and some traces left behind, this hidden space has existed for at least 30 years, and it should have been rebuilt in the early 1980s! "

"Steven, let's not talk about the hidden compartments, there will be time for research later! What everyone wants to know most now is what is in those boxes? Whose work is that painting? How much is it worth?"

Jason said excitedly, looking a little impatient.

The same goes for Betty and David, both nodded at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes fixed on the boxes in the dark cell and the painting standing against the wall.

This is especially true for the countless people who eat melons on the live broadcast end, who are already tormented by curiosity and are about to scratch the wall.

"Okay then, let's reveal the answer now, lest everyone suffers again, and then draw circles and curse me behind my back!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, accepting Jason's proposal.


There was laughter immediately at the scene and live broadcast, and the atmosphere eased a little.

Afterwards, Ye Tian suppressed the excitement in his heart, and reached out to pick up a golden nanmu box from the shelf in the dark compartment.

The moment he picked up the box, his movements became much gentler, like holding a newborn baby! Be careful to the extreme!

"You may not know this box. This is a very small piece of furniture with Chinese characteristics called a box. It is made of golden nanmu. It is very rare and valuable!

Caskets of this size are generally used to hold rare ancient books, Buddhist scriptures, and other books. Some people also use them to hold stationery or complete sets of jewelry.

According to my judgment, this gold silk nanmu box should come from the Qing Dynasty court building office in China. It has a history of more than 200 years, and it is a rare antique!

This golden nanmu box should have been used to hold books in the past, as can be seen from the verses engraved on it, but I don’t know what it contains now, I hope it can bring us a surprise! "

With that said, Ye Tian opened the golden nanmu box in his hand and looked inside. 2k reading network

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