Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1031 Break through the valuation of the sky

"Fake! How is it possible? Didn't An Siyuan already sell it in 2003? The buyer was the Shanghai Museum of China, and the transaction price was US$4.5 million.

When the Japanese bid $11 million, they didn't buy that set. Who would have thought that An Siyuan still has one, and it seems to have a longer history.

If what Steven said is right, this is from the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, then I am sure that our auction house has missed a rare treasure! Big loss! "

The vice president of Christie's auction house held his head and exclaimed, his expression was extremely painful, and those who regretted it were going crazy.

"You know, it was $4.5 million in 2003, and if you put it in the current antique market, even if you spend $45 million, you may not be able to buy that set of fa-thongs.

After the previous set was acquired by the Shanghai Museum, it was quickly designated as a national first-class cultural relic. It is a veritable national treasure of China, which shows its importance.

If this set is really rubbed in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, then I can't imagine what level of cultural relic it will be classified as, let alone its value! "

With a bitter smile, said one of Christie's antiques experts.

At the same time, the same scene is playing out in many places.

All those who knew about this set of transformation books were stunned and stunned, and could hardly believe what they saw and heard.

This also includes many professionals from domestic antique shops, and even officials from the Chinese embassy and consulate in New York and the delegation to the United Nations.

The live broadcast was still going on, and Ye Tian's clear voice kept coming out, reaching everyone's ears.

After introducing the basic situation, Ye Tian began to use the scroll in his hand as an example to support his appraisal conclusion and give a rough estimate.

"I said in the live broadcast just now that this is a set of important cultural classics from the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty. It has a history of more than a thousand years. It is extremely precious and can be called a priceless treasure!

Why do I come to such an identification conclusion, and so sure? Of course, this is justified and well-founded, and it is definitely not nonsense, and I will explain it one by one!

The book I have now is the first volume of the whole set of Dharma papers, that is, the Emperor Volume. When we open this volume of Dharma papers, we can see the year of the rubbing, which is very clear! "

With that said, Ye Tian gently opened the cover of the ancient book in his hand and pointed to a line of small characters on the front page.

Jason's cell phone camera quickly followed, and a close-up shot showed the line of small print on the live screen and in front of everyone.

"Everyone, please see, this line of text is very clearly written 'Chunhua three years of rubbings', from this we can see that this is the first rubbing version, which is rare in the world!

Below this line of text, there are two red seals, which are very eye-catching. One is the collection seal of Song Taizong Zhao Kuangyi, and the other is the collection seal of Song Huizong Zhao Ji. It is not difficult to distinguish the authenticity.

From this, it can be determined that this set of first extensions should have come from the court of the Northern Song Dynasty and have been handed down in the hands of the emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, which can be regarded as an orderly inheritance! The veins are clear!

The same seals are on the other nine volumes, as well as seals left by several other Northern Song emperors, as well as the collection seals of a contemporary emperor of the Jin Dynasty!

From this change, it can be seen that this initial expansion version, like its original owner Song Huizong, became a trophy of the Jin Dynasty and fell into the hands of the emperor of the Jin Dynasty! "

Hearing this, those calligraphy lovers and familiar professionals on the live broadcast side have gone completely crazy!

"Oh my God! The first version of Chunhua's three-year expansion, and it is the treasure of the Zhao Song royal family! Is it true or false? If it is genuine, it is probably the most important in a thousand years.

Compared to this, the Southern Song Dynasty edition from the Palace Museum and the Shanghai Museum's so-called rarest book are not worth mentioning at all! "

"I don't know if the seal of Song Taizong is real or not, but the seal of Song Huizong Zhao Ji looks very real.

I have seen it in his calligraphy and paintings.

If this set is really the first version of Chunhua's three-year expansion, and it is the collection of the royal family of the Song Dynasty, then I am sure that there will be a tenth-magnitude earthquake in the Chinese antique shop! "

Exclamations sounded in many places, and some professionals even jumped on the TV screen, widened their eyes, and carefully identified the ancient book in Ye Tian's hand.

They wished they could go straight to the TV, appear in the luxury apartment on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, grab the ancient book from Ye Tian's hands, and take it as their own.

Without a moment's pause, Ye Tian continued to explain his identification basis.

"In addition to the text information and these seals, we can use another method to start from the physical characteristics of this set of scientific identification.

The conditions here are limited, there is no high-tech testing equipment, and analysis and testing cannot be carried out, but it does not matter, I naturally have my own methods, and can also draw accurate identification conclusions.

Please take a look at the paper and ink on this roll, although after thousands of years, these papers are still tough and the ink is still clear, which is simply a miracle.

I can tell you that the paper and ink used to print this volume are the famous "Chengxintang Paper" and "Li Tinggui Ink" in Chinese history, which are the top stationery supplies.

Regarding Chengxintang paper and Li Tingguimo, I won't introduce them here. I can't explain one or two sentences at all. It's a waste of time, and I believe everyone is not interested in learning about them.

In Chinese history, it is said that only the first extension version uses Chengxintang paper and Li Tingguimo. Other versions do not have this treatment at all, and they cannot be used!

For thousands of years, this top-level version has only existed in legends, and no one has seen this kind of rubbing circulated. This one is probably the only one!

Although Chengxintang paper and Li Tinggui ink in the Southern Tang Dynasty have disappeared, there are still a few antique artworks using this kind of paper and ink, and the identification method has also been passed down, so it is not difficult to identify!

I happened to have appraised this kind of antique art, and I have experience, so I came to such an appraisal conclusion. This is the first edition, a real priceless treasure! "

Many people have heard of Ye Tian's ability and vision in identifying antique works of art, and know that he has never seen it before! No antique art can escape his eyes.

Coupled with the identification evidence he gave, it was so powerful that it was almost irrefutable.

Based on what he said, people have completely believed it!

This is the real priceless treasure from the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the first version, and it fell into the hands of that bastard Steven!

There is no doubt that God's eyes are blind again! I can't see anyone else at all, only the extremely lucky bastard in Steven's eyes!

The atmosphere of the live broadcast has become more and more hot! Like opening a pot.

Many professionals have already picked up their mobile phones, or called, or texted, or used other means of communication, and began to notify their friends to let them watch the live broadcast as soon as possible.

As a professional, if you miss this live broadcast and this opportunity to witness the miracle, then for a long time to come, it is best not to go out, so as not to lose face!

Not only the field of American antique art collection, but even the Chinese antique shops on the other side of the ocean have been completely shocked, and a tsunami has been generated!

Many professionals in domestic antique shops were woken up by the sudden ringing of the phone, and they got up from the bed sleepily.

When they heard on the phone that the first edition of the royal collection of the Northern Song Dynasty had appeared and had fallen into Ye Tian's hands, they were immediately stunned! Just froze in place.

In the blink of an eye, they woke up, and the exclamation sounded frantically!

Immediately afterwards, these guys rushed to the computer, preparing to watch the live broadcast of this treasure hunt over the wall. Everyone's skills became extremely strong, regardless of age, gender, gender!

Ye Tian's explanation continued, his voice was still clear, and he was getting more and more excited.

"In addition to the above, there is also a basis for identification, that is, the original version of this set of rubbings. Compared with the later version, the original version is somewhat different!

The original version that Song Taizong ordered his officials to engrave was engraved on a jujube wooden board. It was engraved and prefaced by the Hanlin Shishu of the current dynasty, according to the famous ink works collected by the Song Dynasty court.

If it is a professional who has done research, it is not difficult to find the difference between the two. There is no doubt that the original jujube wood version is obviously closer to the original.

It is a pity that, after just over fifty years, during the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty, there was an accidental fire in the palace, and unfortunately all the original rubbings of jujube wood were burnt, and not a single one was left.

Due to this fire, the early rubbings were especially precious, and they were regarded as treasures in the Northern Song Dynasty and were invaluable! It is popular and pursued by countless literati and writers!

About this identification basis, it is introduced here! Let’s talk about the valuation of this set of cultural classics. I believe this is what many people want to know and are most interested in! "

Hearing this, the eyes of countless melon eaters on the live broadcast side suddenly brightened, and began to emit green rays of light.

"Isn't it! That's what we've been waiting for!"

Ye Tian paused for a moment, then continued:

"In 2003, Mr. An Siyuan sold a set, known as the rarest book! The buyer was the Shanghai Museum of China, and the transaction price was US$4.5 million.

As far as I know, there were more than one museum that wanted to buy that set, including the Metropolitan Museum, several museums in Japan, and several other famous museums.

The Japanese bid even reached 11 million US dollars, but An Siyuan rejected the other party and finally sold the set to the Shanghai Museum, allowing it to return to its homeland!

In this regard, I admire Mr. An Siyuan's high-fashioned festival very much. It is a treasure of transformation. Only in China can it emit the most dazzling light!

Compared with the one sold by Mr. An Siyuan, this one is obviously better, and its value is much higher than the previous one. The gap between the two is huge.

Needless to say, this set is priceless and invaluable! If I had to give a valuation, it would be $500 million! Only low not high! "

"Ah! Five hundred million dollars! This is going to break the sky!"

All the live broadcasts exploded in an instant, and the people who broadcasted this treasure hunt went crazy in an instant!

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