Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1037 God's gift

The last room was still empty, nothing was found.

So far, this world-shocking treasure hunt has finally come to a successful conclusion.

"Clean up, let's get ready to leave here, there must be many people waiting for us outside, waiting for these priceless treasures!"

Ye Tian said excitedly, and pointed to Central Park outside the window.

"Of course, especially those media reporters who are guarding outside, they have long been waiting to see through!"

David said with a chuckle, also very excited, his eyes shining brightly.

The same is true for Jason and Betty next to them, with bright smiles on their faces, full of excitement!

Afterwards, everyone began to pack their things and prepare to leave the luxurious apartment.

Jason stopped shooting and returned the phone to David, while Betty was arranging her clothes and touching up her makeup, showing her perfect side.

Ye Tian and David separately checked the things they carried with them to avoid leaving them here.

Everyone packed up quickly and could leave.

"Let me arrange the division of labor, Jason, when you go downstairs, you can take five golden nanmu boxes and give me the other five boxes.

David, you are still holding Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam", and Betty doesn't need to take anything, she is only responsible for one thing, and that is to be beautiful.

When you walked out of the apartment building, you were a few steps behind and stood behind me. The media reporters outside left it to me to deal with it, so you don’t have to pay attention.

You know the specific value of the things you each take, and they are all priceless treasures, so be careful, and don't have any accidents! "

Ye Tian looked at the three people present and quickly arranged the division of labor.

"Understood! Steven, we will be extra careful, and nothing unexpected will happen!"

David and Jason nodded vigorously and responded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian turned on the call function of the invisible headset again, and began to notify the security personnel outside the door.


Inform guys, be alert, get the convoy downstairs and the H155s in the air ready, this treasure hunt is over, we're out now! "

"Okay! Steven, I'll notify the guys right away, get everyone ready, come out, the door of the apartment is safe, and it's all under our control!"

Matisse's voice came from the earphones, full of confidence and excitement.

"Let's go, get out of here, and come home triumphant!"

As he said that, Ye Tian picked up five golden nanmu boxes, and together with Betty, walked towards the door of the apartment.

David was holding the "Creation of Adam", Jason was holding the other five golden nanmu boxes, and followed closely behind.

At this time, they were in the innermost room of the apartment, some distance from the door.

On the way, David asked curiously:

"Steven, what do you plan to do with this apartment? Live in it yourself or sell it out? After this treasure hunt, the popularity of this luxury house has undoubtedly soared again, and the price will definitely rise!"

"I haven't made up my mind yet, but the possibility of living by myself is unlikely. This apartment is too big. I don't want to be like An Siyuan and turn my home into a museum!

Home is where you live and it should not be mixed with business! Warmth and happiness are the themes of family life, which can make people relax and bring people happiness!

Looking back, if the price was right, I would have sold this apartment, one of the three best luxury homes in NYC, no worries about buyers! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his expression was very relaxed.

Betty had no objection to his idea of ​​disposing of this top-of-the-line apartment.

In comparison, Betty prefers the top-end apartment on 110th Street at the north end of Central Park. Although the area is smaller than this one, it feels like home!

While speaking, everyone had already reached the door of the apartment, opened the door and walked out.

Walking out of the apartment, Ye Tian immediately saw the security personnel on high alert.

Led by Mattis, there were six people in total. The four who came behind were all fully armed, wearing Kevlar body armor and holding short assault rifles, showing a murderous look.

In addition, there was one person each at the stairway and the elevator, also fully armed.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others appear, Mathis immediately greeted them.

"Steven, the guys are ready, the building is safe, there is no threat, the convoy stops at the door of the apartment building, and you can get in the car when you go out.

The Airbus H155 helicopter driven by George hovered directly above the convoy, monitoring the scene from a high altitude in the air, ready to provide air support at any time.

In addition, Kenny and the others have been watching the situation on the nearby streets through the Manhattan municipal monitoring system, and have not found any hidden dangers so far! "

"Okay! Let's go downstairs!"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, then walked towards the elevator, still holding the five golden nanmu boxes in his hand.

At this time, Betty had already locked the door of the apartment and followed quickly.

The same goes for David and Jason, holding their treasures in their hands, they walked towards the elevator together.

Matisse and several security personnel quickly spread out and stood in a diamond shape, protecting Ye Tian and the others, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

Soon, the group of them entered the exclusive elevator of this luxury apartment and disappeared from this floor.

When the elevator door opened again, it was the elevator room on the first floor.

There are also heavily armed security personnel guarding here, Cole and Raymond.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others stepped out of the elevator, Cole immediately greeted them.

"Steven, many onlookers and reporters from major news media gathered at the entrance of the apartment building, as well as many New York police officers maintaining order.

The situation on the scene is under our control. It doesn't seem to be dangerous at present, but we still need to be more careful to prevent accidents from happening! "

"It's okay, this situation has been expected, let's go, let's meet those enthusiastic onlookers and those media reporters!"

Ye Tian looked at the door of the apartment building and said with a light smile.

After speaking, he and everyone walked towards the door of the apartment building under the armed guard of Mattis and the others.

Outside the apartment building, everyone was staring at the gate not far ahead, and the guns and short cannons in the hands of all media reporters were facing that gate.

Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation, some people were even praying in low voices, and kept crossing their chests.

Suddenly, the door of the apartment building opened.

Under the strict protection of a group of armed security personnel, Ye Tian walked out of the top-level apartment building and appeared in front of everyone.

Under heavy protection, Ye Tian and the others, either holding a golden nanmu box or a painting wrapped in white moisture-proof paper, walked quickly towards the heavy convoy parked on the side of the road!

Seeing this scene, the door of the apartment building immediately boiled, and the shout that had been brewing for a long time immediately sounded, the sound was very loud, resounding through the sky.

"Steven, show everyone the "Creation of Adam", and let us also appreciate Michelangelo's pinnacle work!"

"That's right, Steven, let us also feel the miracle of God, and give everyone a chance!"

This is the voice of ordinary onlookers. Almost everyone wants to appreciate, or look at, Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam".

In addition to ordinary onlookers, there were also many reporters from major news media on the scene.

While these guys frantically pressed the camera shutter and took pictures, they didn't forget to ask questions loudly.

"Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times. When will you publicly display this Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam"? Can you give a specific date?"

"Hello, Steven, I'm a reporter for the Christian Science Monitor. This "Creation of Adam" is a gift from God to Americans and a national treasure of the United States. You can't let it out of the United States!"

All kinds of shouts sounded together, and the voices became louder and louder, one after another, and it was very lively.

But they could only stand a little far away and shout, in order to attract Ye Tian's attention, and they couldn't get close at all.

The New York police, who were watching eagerly and waiting in full force, and the unusually sturdy armed security guards around Ye Tian, ​​all reminded people what kind of consequences they would face if they rushed forward!

It's a pity that Ye Tian didn't bother to answer them at all, and walked straight to the Paramount Predator parked by the roadside, turning a deaf ear to these shouts.

It wasn't until he walked to the side of the predator, sent Betty to the back seat, and put away "Chunhua Pavilion" and "Creation of Adam", that Ye Tian turned his head to look at those shouting and emotional people.

The next moment, his clear voice reached people's ears.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure to meet you here, thank you for your attention, and thank you for your support, it's a great honor!

The environment here is too noisy, obviously not an ideal place to display paintings, if something unexpected happens, no one can afford that kind of loss!

Don't be too anxious, I will show Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" publicly in a few days for everyone to appreciate and admire!

I want to emphasize that if this is a gift from God, it was also given to me, and it belongs to me alone. There is no doubt that you are all witnesses to this miracle.

Of course, I don't mind making it a gift from God to all Americans. There is a premise here, that is, the American people are willing to pay a huge price for it!

That's all for today, let's go, don't get stuck here, it will affect the traffic and the lives of others, I wish you all a good day, goodbye! "

After speaking, Ye Tian turned around and boarded the rear seat of the Paramount Predator, and closed the car door casually, blocking everyone's sight outside.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse and the others got into their cars, ready to drive away.

"Fuck U! Steven, you greedy bastard!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of curses from the crowd of onlookers, angry and helpless.


The huge roar of the engine suddenly sounded, immediately suppressing the curses of the people.

The heavy convoy parked on the side of Fifth Avenue immediately started, lined up, and drove away from here!

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