Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1044 Crazy Quotes

Seeing someone raising a placard to bid, the auctioneer Jefferson immediately showed a smile on his face, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand to gesture to the position of the person holding the placard, and said loudly with passion:

"The buyer of No. 25 should ask for 400 million U.S. dollars. There are several gentlemen from Boston. The current price is 400.3 million U.S. dollars, 400.3 million U.S. dollars. Which gentleman should ask for it?"

At the same time when Jefferson made a loud bid, Ye Tian and Betty turned their heads together and looked at the position of bidder No. 25.

These are a few white men in their sixties. They are formally dressed, with serious expressions, and their faces are very tidy, which can be called meticulous. There is a pious look in their eyes.

From their behavior and mental state, Ye Tian immediately guessed their identities, they must be priests from a certain church organization.

Betty's next words also confirmed his conjecture.

"This is the clergyman of the United Church of Christ, and the one in the center is the pastor of the Old South Church in Boston. I have seen him in the church before, and he is very popular in Boston.

The United Church of Christ is one of the oldest religious groups in the United States. It has great influence and strength. They are obviously determined to win this "Creation of Adam"! "

"That would be great, the more such competitors the better!"

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, and nodded to those priests.

The other party also noticed him, nodded slightly to him, and responded!

Although they behaved fairly friendly, it could be seen from their eyes that they were very afraid of Ye Tian, ​​even somewhat hostile.

No wonder! Not long ago, the Old North Church was turned upside down by Ye Tian.

With everything still vivid in his memory, how could the clergy from Boston have a good impression of him?

After greeting each other, Ye Tian and Betty turned their heads and looked at the auction platform ahead.

At this time, someone raised a placard to ask for a price.

"Forty-five million dollars, Jefferson!"

The voice came from the telephone bidding area on the right side of the auction hall, and some buyers joined the competition by bidding by telephone.

"Buyer No. 136 quoted 405 million U.S. dollars. It was a telephone bidding. The current price is 408 million U.S. dollars, 400.8 million U.S. dollars. Gentlemen, it's time to make a move!"

While shouting loudly, Jefferson quickly raised his hand and gestured towards the bidding area on the phone, and then quoted a new price.

Before he finished speaking, someone at the scene raised the bidding number plate in their hands and shouted loudly:

"$420 million, Jefferson"

Hearing this voice, everyone in the auction hall turned to look at this new competitor with a bit of curiosity.

Jefferson's voice suddenly rose a few degrees, quickly raised his hand and gestured towards the audience, and shouted passionately:

"Bidder No. 62 offered 420 million US dollars, from Mr. Francois' art dealer in France, very generous! The current price is 423 million US dollars, 423 million US dollars, Who will pay the price?"

While quoting loudly, Jefferson kept scanning the scene with his eyes very sharp and excited.

Instigated by his rapid-fire words, the atmosphere in the auction hall has become more and more heated, and the competition has gradually become fiercer.

"Four hundred and twenty-eight million dollars, Jefferson!"

"Okay! Buyer No. 38 quoted US$428 million from the famous billionaire and top collector, Mr. Leon. The latest price is US$431 million,..."

"Here, Jefferson"

"Forty-five million dollars, this Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" belongs to me, no one can take it away from me!"

"Stop dreaming! White, that treasure can never be yours, it's mine, $460 million, Jefferson!"

"The buyer of No. 76 quoted 460 million US dollars, and the current price is 463 million US dollars, 463 million US dollars. That gentleman makes a move, accept this price?"

The competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the bidding numbers in the hands of many buyers on the spot, as well as the bidding numbers in the telephone and online bidding areas, are constantly raised, one after another.

The sound of quotations from all corners was even more continuous, resounding through the entire auction hall, and everyone's voice was full of anticipation, revealing an aura of giving it to me.

But this is just the beginning, not even a warm-up!

In the blink of an eye, the quotation for "Creation of Adam" exceeded 500 million US dollars, creating a new record for public auction of antique works of art, almost crazy!

The moment the quotation exceeded US$500 million, applause erupted in the auction hall, short but warm and deafening.

Immediately afterwards, many buyers at the scene engaged in more intense competition, and there was no time to cheer for witnessing the miracle.

The number of bids in people's hands has risen and fallen more frequently, the voice of quotations has become louder, the competition has become more intense, and the smell of gunpowder in the air has become stronger and stronger.

"Congratulations, Steven, you have created a brand new auction record. I believe this record will belong to you for a long time to come, and it will be very difficult to be broken!"

Julian, curator of moma, pointed his head and said, eyes full of envy.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this old friend, smiled triumphantly and said:

"Hahaha, thank you, Julian! Although 500 million US dollars is very high and exciting, it is not the value that "Creation of Adam" should be. This painting will definitely fetch a higher price!"

"Isn't it! The auction reserve price set by you is probably more than 600 million U.S. dollars? Of course you don't pay attention to the sky-high price of 500 million U.S. dollars!"

Julian said angrily, rolled his eyes directly, and his tone was quite helpless.

"As for the auction reserve price, I still have nothing to say. When this auction is over, no matter what the result is, the auctioneer Jefferson will announce the reserve price, and then you will know the exact amount!

Is it time for your momas to end? The National Museum of the United States and the Paul Getty Museum of Art have both raised their cards to join the competition. Their strength is very strong and should not be underestimated! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his expression was very relaxed.

"We, moma, have our own judgment on this Michelangelo's pinnacle work. It's too early to participate in the competition. It's just a waste of emotion.

The guys at the National Museum and the Paul Getty Museum obviously don't know you very well. If they knew you well enough, they wouldn't end up so early!

With your usual style and level of greed, no one can take advantage of you, they can only stretch their necks and be stabbed by you, no exceptions! "

Julian shook his head slightly, and continued to watch from the sidelines.

Just as he finished speaking, a loud voice suddenly came from not far behind.

"Five hundred and sixty million dollars, Jefferson"

The voice came from the area on the left side of the sixth row. The loud bidder was a famous art dealer, who knew Ye Tian and the others well.

Hearing this brand new offer, everyone at the scene turned their heads to look over there.

At the same time, the high-pitched and loud voice of the auctioneer Jefferson came again, reaching everyone's ears.

"Buyer No. 76 offers US$560 million from Mr. Warren Buffett's art dealer, Mr. Hall, welcome to participate in this competition.

The latest offer is US$563 million, US$563 million, gentlemen, don't miss this opportunity, or you will regret it! "

Before Jefferson finished speaking, the auction hall was completely boiling.

"I'll go! Stock god Warren Buffett is also involved. The situation is not optimistic! The competition will be even more fierce!"

"Warren is gone, do you think Bill will also participate in this competition, competing for this Michelangelo's pinnacle? It seems very likely.

If Bill also participates in the competition, then our hope of winning this "Creation of Adam" is very slim. Bill and Warren are the top three super rich people in the world! "...

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