Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1048 Costa Rica

On the afternoon of May 14th, San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica in Central America.

A silver-gray private plane roared from the north and landed on the runway of San Jose Ann Santa Maria International Airport.

The plane was still taxiing on the runway, and a convoy had already galloped from the hangar not far away, heading straight for the sleek Bombardier Global Express 8000.

The convoy consisted of six black full-size SUVs, beginning with a bulletproof SUV, the Cadillac Escalade President One, which was quite imposing.

When the Bombardier Global Express 8000 came to a complete stop on the runway, the convoy also approached.

The six SUVs were connected end to end and parked on the side of the aircraft door. The tall body of the full-size SUV blocked the sight from a distance and blocked the shooting angle of the sniper.

"Bang bang bang"

The doors opened one after another, and ten heavily armed security personnel immediately poured out of the six SUVs, and quickly dispersed to perform vigilance.

There are not only the security personnel of the fearless exploration company, but also the guys from the Raytheon security company. It is Cole who is in charge of commanding these armed security personnel.

In addition to the ten armed security personnel, a few more people got out of the car, namely Jason, three employees of Intrepid Exploration Company, lawyer Anderson, and two Hispanic Costa Rican government officials.

Jason and Anderson came to Costa Rica for the first stop. They arrived here two days ago to prepare for tomorrow's joint exploration signing ceremony.

As for the 8,000-mile passengers on the Bombardier Global Express, they are naturally Ye Tian and his crew.

After the 'European Classical Art Auction' ended successfully the day before yesterday, it immediately caused a huge commotion, and Ye Tian became the focus of everyone's attention without any surprise.

Of course, there is also Michelangelo's pinnacle work, "The Creation of Adam", which created a record price of 930 million US dollars.

As soon as the auction ended, Ye Tian and the others were surrounded by swarms of media reporters as soon as they walked out of the auction hall. The scene was extremely exaggerated.

Fortunately, Matisse and the others were well prepared, and with the assistance of Sotheby's security department, Ye Tian and the others escaped from the encirclement under the protection of a large number of security personnel, and quickly left Sotheby's auction house.

Over the next day or so,

Ye Tian became the target of all the news media's crazily chasing, and also became the focus of the whole United States!

No matter where he appears, downstairs in his apartment, in a certain restaurant, or at an auction venue, he will be surrounded by a large number of media reporters trying to interview him.

At first, he also answered questions from several media reporters, and his performance was acceptable.

In the end, there were too many reporters swarming in, and he couldn't handle it at all. He could only choose to remain silent and try to avoid those uncrowned kings!

Fortunately, the time to sign the joint exploration agreement is approaching. Taking this opportunity, Ye Tian took Betty to leave New York in a private jet and flew to Costa Rica in Central America.

Those annoying media reporters have been thrown away by him, but it is conceivable that when he leaves Costa Rica and returns to New York, he will face a more grand scene and a crazier news media.

Once the news of the tripartite joint exploration of Lima's treasures is revealed, it will definitely catch the attention of countless people!

This includes ordinary people, people in Latin American historiography, professional treasure hunters, people in the field of antique art collecting, and all news media.

Costa Ricans, Spaniards, and Peruvians, all closely related to the treasures of Lima, are included without exception! Everyone will be stunned by the shock!

After confirming the safety of the scene, Cole said through the invisible headset:

"Steven, Mattis, you can come out of the cabin, the outside is safe, the scene is under our control"

"Okay, Cole, we're coming down!"

Ye Tian's voice came from the earphones, and it sounded quite relaxed.

As soon as the words fell, the door of the private jet slowly opened and fell to the ground.

Mattis and three other security personnel were the first to walk out of the cabin, each of them heavily armed and on high alert.


The two Costa Rican government officials who came to greet Ye Tian gasped at the same time, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them!

"Damn it! It's exactly as the rumors said, these are a bunch of ruthless New York bastards who regard human life as nothing, and they are extremely greedy!

This is Costa Rica, a peaceful country known as "Switzerland in Central America". Isn't it a place where four wars have occurred like Iraq and Syria? Does it need to be fully armed? "

The two Costa Rican government officials secretly complained frantically, their eyes full of worry.

Thinking of the bloody killings that Ye Tian and the others had made, the two of them felt chills coming from their backs, and they were terrified!

Team up with these tough New York bastards to explore the hidden treasure of Lima on Cocos Island. For good or bad, I hope you're safe!

Matisse and the others quickly walked down the gangway and stood on both sides of the gangway.

Immediately afterwards, David and a paralegal walked out of the cabin.

In the end it was Ye Tian and Betty. The two walked down the gangway one after another and came to the runway.

As soon as they stood still, Jason immediately stepped forward and said in a low voice:

"Steven, the hotel is ready. It is the best five-star hotel in San Jose. The conditions are not bad, and there is no problem with safety. You can stay at ease.

Professor Douglas from the School of History of Columbia University and his team also lived in the same hotel, just in a few rooms downstairs to facilitate communication with each other.

Tomorrow's signing ceremony will be held in the banquet hall on the second floor of this hotel, and the press conference after the signing ceremony will also be held in the same place.

The Costa Rican government attaches great importance to this joint exploration operation and has provided a lot of convenience. We did not encounter any trouble in the early preparation work, and everything went very smoothly! "

"Good job! I hope that the tripartite joint exploration agreement can be successfully signed tomorrow, and then we can go to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima! Shock the world again!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, affirming Jason's work.

Afterwards, Jason took Ye Tian to the two Costa Rican government officials and gave a brief introduction to them.

"Steven, this is Mr. Romero from the Ministry of Culture and Youth of Costa Rica, and this is Mr. Herrera from the Ministry of Police and Public Security. They came here specially to welcome you.

Gentlemen, this is Steven, the owner of the New York Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, a well-known professional treasure hunter and expert in antique art appraisal, and the initiator of this joint exploration operation! "

"Good afternoon, gentlemen, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, Costa Rica is a beautiful country, I like it here, I've wanted to come here for a long time!"

Ye Tian greeted the other party with a smile on his face, and praised Costa Rica by the way, his performance was like a spring breeze, impeccable.

While saying hello, he also extended his right hand to the other party.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I've heard you for a long time! I'm Romero, and I'm working in the Ministry of Culture and Youth of Costa Rica. It's a pleasure to meet you too. Welcome to Costa Rica!"

"Mr. Steven, good afternoon, I'm Herrera, it's an honor to meet you, I hope you enjoy your time in San Jose, I think you will fall in love with this beautiful city!"

The two Costa Rican government officials shook hands with Ye Tian one after another, and were polite.

After getting to know each other and chatting a few words, Ye Tian pointed at the SUV parked beside him, and said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, let's get in the car, I can't wait to see the sights of San Jose, it must be very beautiful!"

"Indeed, you won't be disappointed, Mr. Steven!"

Romero nodded affirmatively, with a bit of pride in his eyes.

Afterwards, everyone got into the car and prepared to leave the airport for San Jose.

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