Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1054 Wishful thinking

Seeing the painful look in Cook's eyes, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing smugly, feeling very refreshed!

Immediately afterwards, he asked knowingly:

"Cook, do you need me? I am very curious, what is so important? It is worth flying thousands of miles from Los Angeles to San Jose, Costa Rica.

By the way, I also have something to ask you, when we just arrived here yesterday afternoon, we were followed by a local private eye in San Jose, and we quickly found out!

That guy fell into the hands of the police, and according to him, an unknown Los Angeles client commissioned the business to follow us and report on our whereabouts.

Then you guys showed up in San Jose, which made me wonder if you might be the person from Los Angeles who commissioned that private eye, am I right? "

Hearing this, Cook's face suddenly changed, showing a bit of embarrassment.

However, this guy is considered relatively bachelor, and he didn't deny it all the time.

He also knew in his heart that denying was useless, it would only do bad things!

"That's right! That private detective was indeed hired by me. Asking him to follow you and report your whereabouts is just a normal means of commercial competition without any malicious intentions! I hope you can understand!"

"Normal means of competition? I have to believe it too!"

Ye Tian complained secretly, but didn't say anything, just looked at Cook with a smile.

After a short pause, Cook continued:

"The reason why I hired that private investigator is of course for a reason. As an exploration company owner, I have my own informants in many cities and many comprehensive universities.

Among them is Columbia University. About five or six days ago, I received a message from that informant. It is said that you have a treasure map of the Lima treasure in your hand, and it is genuine!

You plan to join forces with Columbia University's School of History and the government of Costa Rica to form an expedition team to explore the famous treasures of Lima on Cocos Island!

As a professional treasure hunter, it is impossible for me to ignore this news, let alone the famous Lima treasure, so I pay close attention to the movements of the three parties.

When I found out that Professor Douglas of Columbia University and several of your subordinates came to San Jose one after another,

I realized that the search for the treasures of Lima was imminent.

That's why I hired that stupid local San Jose private eye to stalk you and report on your every move in Costa Rica.

I would like to ask, is what I said above true? Do you have the real treasure map of Lima's treasure and are ready to join the other two to explore? "

After finishing speaking, Cook stared closely at Ye Tian's eyes, his eyes full of anticipation, expecting to hear the best answer.

At this point in the matter, there is no need to hide the guy in front of me, and it doesn't matter to tell him.

Even if you don't say it now, Cook will know the general situation of this matter in a few hours.

A bright smile appeared on Ye Tian's face again, and he nodded with certainty and said:

"That's right, Cook, the information you received is accurate. I do have a treasure map of the Lima Treasure. After my appraisal, there is a 90% chance that this treasure map is true.

But it is a pity that this treasure map of Lima Treasure has been burned by me, and it has long been reduced to ashes. Now it only exists in my brain, and there is only one copy in the world, and nothing else!

It is true that our tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of Lima is also true. Today is a beautiful day to sign the tripartite joint exploration agreement. You are here just in time! Don't miss this important moment! "

"Ah! You actually burned the treasure map of Lima's treasure?"

Cook exclaimed directly, his eyes widened, and both eyeballs were about to fly out of their sockets.

At the same time as he exclaimed, he cursed crazily inwardly.

"Fake! This damned bastard is always so thorough and impeccable! This game is over, the treasure map is impossible to get, the only way to go is to cooperate and explore!"

"Yes! That treasure map no longer exists, Cook, from what you said just now, you obviously came for the treasure in Lima, am I right?"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"You guessed it right, Steven, I came here for the Lima treasure. As a professional treasure hunter, who wouldn't want to find the second largest known treasure in the world? Me too.

Our Golden Eagle Exploration Company also wants to join this joint exploration operation and go to Cocos Island with you three parties to explore this world-famous pirate treasure.

To show our sincerity, Golden Eagle Exploration Company can pay a certain price, such as bearing all the expenses required for exploration operations, providing the most advanced exploration equipment and so on.

In the field of exploration and treasure hunting, Golden Eagle Exploration Company has very rich experience and is one of the most outstanding companies in the industry. Our joining will definitely make this exploration more effective!

As for the revenue share, we can discuss it again. I believe we can find the most reasonable distribution plan. I hope you can accept the addition of Golden Eagle Company, which is beneficial to everyone!

In the past, there were many conflicts between us, and several conflicts broke out, but business is business, as long as it is beneficial to both parties, I think we can put aside our differences and cooperate! "

Cook nodded slightly, and explained the purpose of the trip, and the abacus was very loud.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Tian full of hope, waiting for Ye Tian to give an answer.

But life is unsatisfactory nine out of ten! Cook didn't get the answers he wanted.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately gave the answer.

"I'm very sorry, Cook, all the matters related to going to Cocos Island to jointly explore the treasures of Lima have been negotiated by the three parties, and we just need to sign the joint exploration agreement.

The conditions you offered are very attractive. Golden Eagle is indeed one of the best exploration companies, which is recognized in the industry, but you are a little late, and I don't plan to add any more partners.

This time it can only be like this, very sorry! I believe that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future. There are countless famous treasures in the world, and opportunities for cooperation may come soon! "

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was decisive, leaving no room for doubt at all.

Cooperate with your Golden Eagle Exploration Company? What are you dreaming of? Unless my head is flooded, I will do that kind of stupid thing that asks for trouble!

Don't talk about cooperating with you, just walking on the same road with you bastards, I have to be vigilant at all times, beware of you bastards shooting black guns from behind!

You bastards can definitely do this kind of shitty thing about giving birth to a son!

Hearing Ye Tian's answer, Cook immediately showed a disappointed expression.

He knew that his company's hope of participating in the joint exploration has been completely shattered. Although Steven is an extremely hateful bastard, he has always followed his word, which is well known!

As long as it is his decision, no one can change his mind!

Knowing that there is no hope, Cook still can't help but want to fight for it. Lima's treasure is so attractive, who is willing to give up?

"Steven, is there really no chance at all? If you are willing to accept the Golden Eagle Company to join this joint exploration operation, in exchange, I can provide news about another famous treasure.

It is a famous treasure in southern Europe, and there are countless gold and silver treasures buried in it. After several years of investigation, visits and field surveys, we have basically determined the location of that treasure!

As long as you nod your head, I will give you all the information about that famous treasure, and it will definitely bring you a huge surprise. How about this exchange? Think about it! "

"Wow! It is indeed a well-known exploration company in the industry, and it really lives up to its reputation! It is really enviable to have such good resources at hand!

To be honest, Cook, the quid pro quo you offered is extremely tempting, and I am very tempted, but I am very sorry, but I still cannot agree to you!

Golden Eagle Company will definitely not be able to participate in the exploration of Lima's treasures. Fortunately, there is also the famous treasure in southern Europe. I hope you will get surprises there and make a fortune! "

Ye Tian first complimented a few words, and then unceremoniously rejected Cook's offer.

Dude has this pair of eyes that can see everything, is it still difficult to find treasures? There's no need to exchange with you, I can't afford to lose that person!

As the saying goes, it's too much to speculate!

The conversation has reached this point, and the communication will definitely not continue, and there will be no results if we continue talking, it's just a waste of words!

Cook didn't bother anymore, and said with regret:

"Since this is the case, then I can't force it. It seems that our Golden Eagle Exploration Company has indeed missed the famous treasure of Lima. It's really a pity!

Steven, I still have something to do, so I have to say goodbye and leave. Here, I wish you all the best in this joint exploration operation and make a fortune! "

"Thank you for your blessing, Cook, let's say goodbye here, and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in treasure hunting in the future!"

Saying that, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand, ready to shake hands with Cook to say goodbye.

Cook, who had suffered a dark loss just now, would not be fooled again, isn't he really an idiot! And it's kind of irredeemable.

He smiled wryly and nodded at Ye Tian, ​​then turned around and walked towards the door of the suite.

Soon he walked out of the suite, came to the elevator, and joined the two men who were waiting here.

When they got into the elevator, the elevator doors closed, and they started to go downstairs, Cook immediately gritted his back molars and whispered:

"Smith, let people keep an eye on the deep-sea exploration ship Intrepid in New York Harbor, keep an eye on the ship's every move, and don't let go of any details.

After returning to Los Angeles, immediately organize company staff to land on Cocos Island as individual tourists, search the island, and try to find the treasure of Lima.

That is the second largest known treasure in the world, and that bastard Steven must not let that bastard eat it all by himself. No matter what, I will bite off a piece of fat from it! Otherwise, I will never be reconciled! "

"Okay! Boss, when I get back to Los Angeles, I will start making arrangements immediately, but we must pay attention to one thing, the Costa Rican government prohibits anyone from treasure hunting on Cocos Island! Unless officially approved!

Tourists are not allowed to stay on the island for more than twelve days. In other words, we can only scatter treasure hunts in the dark. Many exploration equipment cannot be carried and used, and it must be completed within twelve days! "

"I know this, if you can't use high-tech exploration equipment, then use manpower, arrange for everyone to set off in stages and go to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima, and the discoverers will get a big reward!

It is a small island covered by tropical rainforest, with a small area of ​​only 24 square kilometers. As long as everyone enters the depths of the rainforest, they can avoid the sight of those island managers.

We must find the Lima treasure before Steven and his joint exploration team, otherwise we can only fight with those New York bastards in the rainforest, that is the last choice! "

While talking, the elevator has reached the first floor.

The moment the elevator door opened, Cook immediately stopped talking, walked out of the elevator with two of his men, and left the Intercontinental Hotel quickly!

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