Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1056 The Final Negotiation

When Ye Tian and the others walked into the temporary meeting room in the banquet hall, the official representative of Costa Rica was already waiting inside.

In addition to Flores and the others I had met before, there were two more unfamiliar faces on the scene, both of them were Hispanic whites in their fifties and sixties.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others come in, several Costa Ricans they knew immediately greeted them.

After shaking hands and greeting each other, Flores began to introduce the two newcomers.

"Mr. Steven, Professor Douglas, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Ramos, from the Costa Rican Parliament, and this is Judge Molina, from the Supreme Court.

When we finalize the terms and sign the tripartite joint exploration agreement, Mr. Ramos and Judge Molina will witness on the spot to ensure that the entire process is open and transparent and confirm the legitimacy of the agreement! "

While Flores was introducing, Ye Tian took the lead to take a step forward and greeted each other enthusiastically.

"Good morning, Mr. Ramos, Judge Molina, I'm Steven, from New York, nice to meet you, Costa Rica is a beautiful country, I like it here!"

“Mr. Steven, good morning, nice to meet you too, welcome to Costa Rica, hope you have a great time here!”

With a smile on his face, Ramos said some clichés in blunt English, and shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​with a little curiosity in his eyes, no likes or dislikes could be seen.

Immediately afterwards, Judge Molina shook hands with Ye Tian again and said hello.

Judge Molina's English is very good, and he speaks authentic American English. He should have a background in studying in the United States!

In Costa Rican politics, this situation is normal. The small group of people who hold power in this country are the so-called elites.

These elites basically have the experience of studying abroad in Europe and the United States, and it is normal to know one or two foreign languages! There is no obstacle in communicating with Ye Tian!

Next, Professor Douglas and David also came forward and got to know them.

After exchanging polite greetings, everyone sat down at the large conference table arranged in a triangle with delicate flowers, and took each side to start the final negotiation and negotiation.

"Professor Steven and Douglas, after some consultations, we have decided on the number and composition of the exploration team.

Now let me introduce you.

The Costa Rican team participating in this joint exploration is the same as what you requested before. It is small and fine, with a total of twelve people, composed of members from four departments.

The two are from the police and the Ministry of Public Safety. Their main task is to assist security personnel, ensure the safety of the entire exploration team, and maintain close contact with the outside world.

They also have supervisory responsibilities. Cocos Island is a natural ecological reserve in Costa Rica. When you explore the treasure, please don't destroy the ecological environment on the island! "

Surveillance and supervision are probably their most important tasks! Everything else is secondary. As for protecting the ecological environment of Cocos Island, forget it!

If it weren't for the pirate treasures buried in Cocos Island, you Costa Rica would make it a natural ecological reserve? I'm afraid it would have been abandoned long ago!

You are nothing more than closing Cocos Island under the guise of protecting the ecological environment to prevent those professional treasure hunters who are eager to make a fortune from landing on the island to hunt for treasure! Good to swallow those pirate treasures!

Although I thought so in my heart, I certainly couldn't say it out of my mouth.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, smiled and said:

"Please rest assured, Mr. Flores, we are going to Cocos Island to explore the treasure, not to log there, and we will not destroy the ecological environment of the island!"


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and the atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed.

After the laughter stopped, Flores continued:

"The composition of the remaining members is as follows, four researchers from the Faculty of History of the University of Costa Rica and four researchers from the Central Museum of Costa Rica.

The other two are from the Ministry of Culture and Youth. The treasure of Lima not only means a huge amount of wealth, but also has a very important historical significance and is of great research value..."

In the following time, Flores listed the results of their discussions one by one, basically all of them were within Ye Tian's expectations, and they didn't ask too much.

The Costa Ricans also know that the treasure map is not in their own hands, and the exploration operation is funded by the other party, so their right to speak is too little!

If the requirements put forward by his own side are too harsh and the lion opens his mouth, this expedition to explore Lima's treasure is likely to fail, and everyone will fall apart.

As for throwing away these New Yorkers in front of you, and organizing forces from the Costa Rican government to go to Cocos Island to find Lima's treasure, that's not feasible!

It has been more than a hundred years since Cocos Island belonged to Costa Rica. If this method was feasible, the treasure of Lima would have been found long ago, and it will remain there until now!

In addition, Costa Rica is a republic, and next year is an election year. If you miss this opportunity, the Lima treasure may have nothing to do with people like yourself!

God knows which political party will win in next year's election. If the winner is not his own political party, then he will probably have to stand aside and stay cool!

At that time, Lima Treasure will say goodbye to itself completely!

If you have the right not to use it, it will become invalid after the expiration date!

Taking advantage of the fact that they are still in power, Flores and the others will certainly not let go of this opportunity.

In addition to the natural fatal allure of gold and silver treasures, they also saw the huge influence brought by Lima's treasures, which might help next year's election!

After Flores listed their deliberation results, the three parties began to deliberate and discuss the terms of the joint exploration agreement one by one. Everyone is very serious, and every penny counts!

While they were discussing and discussing in the meeting room, many media reporters staying at the entrance of the banquet hall had already entered the banquet hall under the guidance of the hotel service staff.

Next, these media reporters quickly selected a location, and then began to set up the machines, gearing up one by one, preparing for a press conference that shocked the world.

In the outside world, the news that Ye Tian appeared in San Jose and planned to cooperate with the government of Costa Rica and Columbia University to jointly explore a famous treasure has spread rapidly!

The people who heard the news were completely shocked, everyone was stunned, their eyeballs were about to explode!

After confirming that the news was true, everyone couldn't help feeling emotional, without exception!

That bastard Steven was just as lucky as hell! The treasures in the world seem to exist just for him, just waiting for him to discover, and no one else can even touch a hair! It's so unfair!

At the same time of emotion and envy, people, like the media reporters at the scene in San Jose, began to speculate where this treasure is and what is buried in it.

Of course, many people have guessed the treasure of Lima, but they are not sure!

Time passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was past eleven o'clock in the morning, and it had been an hour and a half since Ye Tian and the others walked into the temporary conference room.

The media reporters staying in the banquet hall were somewhat impatient after waiting, and kept raising their hands to check the time.

Suddenly, the door leading to the conference room opened.

The Columbia University group headed by Professor Douglas walked out of the conference room first, followed by Ye Tian and the others, and finally the official representative of Costa Rica.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, very enthusiastic!

All the media reporters in the banquet hall stood up and applauded Ye Tian and the others.

Accompanied by the applause, some media reporters couldn't wait to start asking questions loudly.

"Steven, can you reveal the answer now? The famous treasure that you are going to jointly explore this time, which treasure is it? Tell everyone!"

Hearing the inquiry, Ye Tian, ​​who was walking towards the signing platform, stopped immediately, turned his head to look at the media reporter who asked the question, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Mr. reporter, please don't worry, the answer will be revealed soon. I am very sure that every reporter friend who is in this banquet hall today will get a headline!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked quickly to the signing platform.

"clap clap"

The applause sounded again, more enthusiastic than before.

Although they didn't get a definite answer, the clouds and mountains were still shrouded in mist, but many media reporters at the scene became more excited, and their eyes were shining brightly, extremely bright!

If someone else said this, they would definitely discount it, but if it came from Steven, it would be 100% credible without any doubts!

The treasure that Steven can value so much is definitely enough!

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