"Continue to monitor Cook's gang of bastards, and if they have any changes, report to us immediately!"

Ye Tian said in a cold voice, his eyes flickered with murderous intent looming.

"Okay, Steven, we'll keep an eye on those bastards!"

Kenny's voice came through the earphones again, full of confidence.

Afterwards, Kenny reported some other situations before ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian began to understand the situation of the other group of people.

"Jason, can you hear my voice? Tell me about the situation on your side! Where are you now? Have you entered Caldera Port? Is the journey going smoothly? How is the material reserve?"

The next moment, Jason's excited voice came from the earphones.

"Good morning, Steven, I can hear your voice very clearly! We are now off the coast of Port Caldera and will be entering the port soon.

After leaving San Diego, we headed south along the Pacific coastline, and the journey went very smoothly, without any trouble, and everyone got along very well!

The material reserves on the yacht are very sufficient, all purchased in San Diego, and each material has undergone extremely strict security checks before boarding the ship, without any problems! Don't worry though! "

"That couldn't be better! You are ready to enter the port, we are on our way to Caldera Port, we will arrive in half an hour at most, and meet you!"

"Okay! See you later, Steven!"

"Goodbye, Jason"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and then ended the call.

As early as five days ago, Jason quietly left New York with two company employees and several security personnel and flew to San Diego, California!

San Diego is located in the southwest corner of the United States, close to the east coast of the Pacific Ocean, and is the third largest city in California! It is also a famous tourist city.

In San Diego, Jason and the others rented a super yacht with a length of more than 100 meters, purchased a lot of living materials, and loaded all these materials on the yacht.

Afterwards, they drove the super yacht away from San Diego, all the way south along the Pacific coastline, heading for Caldera Puerto, Costa Rica.

In the upcoming tripartite joint exploration operation, this super yacht will serve as Ye Tian's sea life base, and set off with the exploration team to Cocos Island.

It is also an obvious logistics base, providing support for the exploration team of the brave and fearless exploration company! And cooperate with the Dreadnought hidden in the dark!

This super yacht not only carries a lot of living supplies, such as food, fresh water, etc., but also has a complete set of top entertainment equipment, which can make this exploration trip easier and more enjoyable!

In addition to these, there is also a medium-sized helicopter parked on the yacht flybridge deck, which can take off at any time and fly directly from the sea to the depths of Cocos Island to provide support for Ye Tian and the others.

In the garage at the stern of the yacht, there are two high-speed feeder boats. As long as the garage is opened, it can be quickly put into the sea and run at high speed on the sea.

Others such as deep diving equipment, oxygen tanks, oxygen concentrators, fully wet underwater thrusters, spear guns, etc., Jason and the others have also rented them, and put them in the yacht, everything is available!

As for the other two underwater weapons, P-11 underwater pistol and underwater rifle, Ye Tian and the others have successfully brought them to Costa Rica using three private planes, and they are now in the trunk of a certain SUV!

In addition to the deep-sea salvage ship Brave Intrepid and the rented super yacht, Ye Tian also prepared other backups!

After the joint exploration team leaves Caldera Port by boat and goes to Cocos Island, Zhou Jiakang and Andre will leave San Jose and go to neighboring Panama!

There is a medium-sized seaplane waiting for them in Panama City, where they will be on standby, ready to fly to the depths of the Pacific Ocean to pick up Ye Tian and the others from Cocos Island!

Before leaving New York, Ye Tian also reached a secret agreement with Wilson, the boss of Raytheon Security Company.

If necessary, Raytheon will provide timely and powerful support to Ye Tian and the others to ensure that they can continue to explore the treasure of Lima and safely evacuate Cocos Island!

This includes not only weapons and manpower support, but also using Raytheon's military background to mobilize warships cruising in the waters near Cocos Island to cheer for Ye Tian and the others!

Everyone has done the same thing once in the Caribbean, so they are familiar with it!

Of course, if Ye Tian wants to get these supports, he has to pay a lot of money for it!

But compared to the innumerable and dazzling gold and silver treasures in the treasures of Lima, this price is insignificant, not worth mentioning at all!

With such a careful arrangement, this joint exploration operation will be smooth sailing, and no one can stop us from discovering the treasure of Lima and shocking the world!

For this, Ye Tian is extremely confident!

After seeing Ye Tian end the call and turn off the call function of the invisible headset, Logan next to him immediately said with emotion:

"Steven, I didn't expect you to deploy so many backers. Not only deep sea salvage ships, but also super yachts. It's too unexpected. I'm afraid everyone didn't expect these!"

"Hahaha, these preparations are very necessary. Cocos Island hangs alone in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by a vast sea, and there is nothing but endless sea water!

Costa Rica is another country without an army, and the protection it can provide to the exploration team is very limited. Faced with this situation, we can only protect ourselves!

If you want to go to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima, you must consider all possibilities and do your best to prepare. Only in this way can you be prepared and achieve your goal smoothly! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, with a bit of complacency in his tone, his eyes full of confidence.

While saying these words, he also secretly said:

"What's the point of this! What you see is only a part, your brother-in-law and I still have a lot of backhands, and when those backhands are revealed one by one, it will definitely surprise your kid's eyeballs!

When we arrive at Cocos Island, the drama will officially begin. Maybe you can experience the fun of exploring treasures under the protection of Burke-class destroyers! "

"No wonder you can succeed time and time again, harvesting countless top-level antique artworks and various treasures! One aspect is your sharp vision, and impeccable preparation is also an important reason!"

Logan sighed sincerely, eyes full of admiration.

"Bingo! You are right! This is what people often say, genius and hard work are indispensable, and the perfect combination of the two can breed success!"

Ye Tian waved his fist lightly, and said with high spirits.

While they were chatting, the speed of the convoy did not slow down, it was still speeding at high speed, and it was getting closer and closer to Caldera Port!

Outside the car window, the acacia trees standing on both sides of the road like private soldiers receded rapidly.

The flowers blooming in the crown of the tree, like pieces of delicate yellow clouds, are blown by the fresh and slightly fishy sea breeze, gently drifting past the car window! The picture is very moving and pleasing to the eye!

Since San Jose is located on a plateau with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, Caldera Port is by the sea. The road leading to the port is naturally a winding road with a very wide view!

Not long after leaving Ann Santa Maria International Airport, the vast Pacific Ocean broke into everyone's eyes. Looking far away, there is a blue sea and blue sky, and the scenery is very spectacular!

Seeing this scene outside the car window, everyone couldn't help being shocked, they stopped talking and began to appreciate the picturesque scenery!

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