Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1073 I Will Conquer This Ocean

The people in the boats outside the port looked at the Leshun super yacht passing by with complicated eyes, full of jealousy, greed, and hatred!

In one of the semi-new large sailing yachts, a Hispanic man was staring at the super yacht in front of him, his eyes gleaming! Obviously the visitor is not good!

At the same time, he was also using his mobile phone to report the situation here to his boss.

"Boss, the tripartite team to jointly explore the treasures of Lima has already set off, and just sailed out of Caldera Port, that bastard Steven is in the super yacht mentioned earlier!

As expected, Steven and his bastards were not good at it, and they were very well prepared, and several armed security personnel were deployed on the yacht flybridge deck!

If I'm not mistaken, those New York bastards are holding automatic rifles, and Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifles, which are very powerful and almost invulnerable! "

At this time, if someone is familiar with him, he will definitely be able to tell that the Spanish spoken by this person has a heavy Peruvian accent.

Obviously, the people on this large planing yacht are from Peru. The purpose of their trip is self-evident, and they must be here for the treasures of Lima!

Two hundred years ago, the damned Spanish colonists ransacked Lima, looting almost all the gold and silver treasures in the city before fleeing!

Fortunately, those Spanish robbers were unlucky and failed to transport the innumerable gold and silver treasures back to Spain. They were robbed by Captain Thompson halfway and threw all the Spaniards into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish!

Then, this insane treasure disappeared from sight and is said to have been buried on Cocos Island, making it one of the most famous pirate treasures in the world!

In the nearly two hundred years since then, this huge pirate treasure has attracted countless attentions like a powerful magnet!

Countless professional treasure hunters and adventurers, holding the beautiful dream of getting rich overnight and becoming famous, have landed on Cocos Island one after another, trying to find the treasure of Lima!

But it's a pity that almost everyone returned home with nothing! Some unlucky ones even cost their lives for it, and there are not many people who have made a fortune on Cocos Island!

Even those famous professional treasure hunters who made a fortune found not the Lima treasure, but other pirate treasures, or part of the Lima treasure!

Until the 1970s, the Costa Rican government announced the closure of Cocos Island,

People are not allowed to go to the island to hunt for treasures, and the craze for finding Lima's treasures has gradually receded!

Just when people were desperate and about to forget this treasure, who would have thought that the bastard Steven jumped out and swore that he had the real treasure map of Lima Treasure! Shocked the whole world!

And this bastard moved very fast, almost at the same time he announced that he had the treasure map, he had already started to organize a joint exploration operation, preparing to land on Cocos Island to explore the treasure of Lima!

People all over the world know what kind of person Steven is!

This is a cruel, extremely greedy bastard! Obsessed with finding all kinds of treasures, almost crazy!

At the same time, people have to admit that this bastard is an extremely outstanding professional treasure hunter, and he has never missed a shot, and this time must be no exception!

After learning the news that the treasure of Lima is about to be released, the whole Peru is boiling over! People are both surprised and worried!

The surprise is the possibility of the Lima treasure reappearing in the world, and the worry is because this treasure has nothing to do with Peru now, although it was looted from Lima!

What's even more exasperating is that this treasure is about to fall into the hands of those greedy New York bastards, what can't be tolerated!

Two hundred years ago, we were ransacked by the Spaniards, and the wealth of Lima and even the whole of Peru was looted! It left behind a very tragic history.

It can't be until today, two hundred years later, that the treasure of Lima finally has the possibility of being seen again, but you gang of New York bastards take it for themselves, right?

The treasure of Lima belongs to Peru, and no one can take it away!

It is precisely with this obsession that this large planing yacht from Peru and the people on the yacht appear here, looking at the super yacht in front of them with hatred!

This is not the only yacht that came to Costa Rica from Peru!

Outside the territorial waters of Costa Rica, there is also an official ship from the Peruvian Coast Guard waiting for the team to jointly explore the treasures of Lima.

When the two sides meet at sea, this official ship will represent the Peruvian government and once again protest against this joint exploration operation! And claim the treasure of Solima.

If the protest is ineffective, the official ship will follow the treasure-seeking fleet and go to Cocos Island together! Monitor this exploration operation!

What will happen in the next journey, no one can predict!

In addition, there is a government ship and several ships with civilian flags, which have already rushed to Cocos Island in advance, and will arrive this afternoon, and then berth off the coast of Cocos Island!

All these ships, no matter yachts, official ships, or civilian ships, are quite well prepared. Except for the personnel on board, each ship carries a large amount of weapons and ammunition! in case!

Who is the opponent they will face this time, each of them knows very well!

Steven and his subordinates are simply a bunch of ruthless, murderous bastards, with blood on their hands! All of them are ruthless characters, extremely difficult to deal with!

In the face of such a group of brutal opponents, dare not be cautious? Unless you're bored of life!

As soon as the Hispanic man on the yacht finished speaking, there was a burst of angry cursing from the phone.

"Fack! I knew that Steven and his gang of bastards must be fully armed and ready to kill people at any time. They are a bunch of lunatics! I hate these goddamn Yankees!"

After swearing wildly, this person calmed down a little, and said in a solemn tone:

"You follow that super yacht, keep a good distance between each other, don't get too close, and don't conflict with Steven's bastards, that's not a wise choice!

Although the treasure of Lima once belonged to our country, it is buried in the territory of Costa Rica. According to international law and domestic law of Costa Rica, it belongs to their treasure!

In view of this, you must pay attention to hiding your identities and avoid conflicts as much as possible. I don't want to cause any diplomatic conflicts. Those guys are not good at dealing with them! "

"Understood, boss, don't worry, we will pay more attention!"

"After leaving the territorial waters of Costa Rica, you can contact the official ship of the Coast Guard, and then cooperate with each other to act together!"

"Okay, boss!"

Afterwards, the two Peruvians exchanged a few more words before ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, the large gliding yacht started its engine, moved slowly, turned its bow and followed the convoy of the joint exploration team, and sailed to Cocos Island 600 kilometers away!

The same scene is being played out in many nearby ships.

The people staying on those ships started their respective ships while reporting the situation to their superiors, and slowly followed.

As for the media reporters with bright eyes, and the idlers who were going to watch the excitement on Cocos Island, they were naturally unwilling to let them go, and they all followed by boats!

In a blink of an eye, the fleet of the tripartite joint exploration team has successfully passed through the waterway opened by the police and came to the outer sea!

In front of you is the endless Pacific Ocean, without any obstacles, you can ride freely!


The Leshun super yacht blew its whistle again, and the melodious sound of the whistle quickly spread in all directions and far away under the sea breeze!

The sound of the flute is like a declaration, loudly telling the whole world and the Pacific Ocean in front of us!

I am coming! I will conquer this ocean!

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