Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1075 Entering the High Seas

In Manhattan, New York, the brave explore the company's office area.

All the employees staying in the company have put down their work and stared at a large projection screen temporarily arranged in front of them. Everyone's expression is very excited and their eyes are full of expectation.

On the projection screen in front, the National Geographic Channel's live program is being broadcast, and the live broadcast content is Ye Tian's tripartite joint exploration of Lima's treasure.

Not only the left-behind employees of the brave and fearless exploration company were watching this live broadcast, but countless people in other parts of the world were watching the live broadcast of this treasure exploration operation.

Especially in Costa Rica, almost everyone in the whole country is watching the live broadcast in front of the TV. Everyone is very concerned about this joint exploration operation and looks forward to the reappearance of the treasure of Lima in the world!

Of course, the same goes for the Spaniards and Peruvians.

They are also very concerned about this exploration operation, but their mentality is different from other people's. The eyeballs of each of them are red, and they are spitting fire, which is the result of jealousy and hatred!

Because of differences in regions and languages, people choose to watch different TV stations.

People in the English-speaking area mostly choose National Geographic Channel or New York NBC TV, and people in the Spanish-speaking area choose Costa Rica National Television!

Although the TV station and the live broadcast language are different, the live broadcast images and content presented to everyone are basically the same!

While the screen was changing, a superyacht about 120 meters long, cutting the waves and sailing at high speed appeared on the live broadcast screen and appeared in front of everyone!

Above this super yacht, a flock of white seagulls are soaring, up and down, left and right, dancing freely in the sky!

In addition, on the sea in front of the yacht, there are more than a dozen bottlenose dolphins riding the waves, accompanying this super yacht!

These sea elves swim fast, chasing and jumping on the waves, sometimes they dive into the water, sometimes jump out of the sea, showing their graceful figure to people!

The picture that appeared in front of people's eyes was incomparably perfect and fascinating!

While the picture was changing, the live broadcast host's magnetic voice came out and reached everyone's ears.

"What you see now is a superyacht rented by Steven,

The brand is Leshun, Germany, which is one of the top super yacht brands. It is very luxurious, like a palace on the sea!

In this operation to explore the treasures of Lima, this superyacht will be the sea life base and logistics base of the tripartite joint exploration team, providing the exploration team with the top sea life experience.

Honestly, I'm so envious of the guys on the superyacht, I wish I was enjoying life there instead of this half-new Beneteau! The National Geographic Channel is too stingy! "

As soon as the words fell, the photographer's lens immediately swiped down in coordination, showing the yacht that the National Geographic Channel live broadcast team was riding on.


There was a burst of laughter from the live broadcast, from those who were watching the live broadcast.

Along with the laughter, there were many envious discussions.

"Who wouldn't want to be on that superyacht? Enjoy the warm sunshine, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Pacific Ocean, dance with those spiritual sea creatures, taste the wine and food! That's life!"

"I have to say! This guy Steven is too willing to spend, and he is extravagant to the extreme. No matter where he goes, he will not treat himself badly, and he enjoys the top things.

Although I don't like this arrogant guy, I have to admit that this is a very generous boss, and the treatment of his employees is definitely the best in Manhattan! "

When people were discussing, the clear voice of the host of the live broadcast came to everyone's ears again.

"At this moment, the fleet that was heading to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima has left Caldera Port, leaving Costa Rica far behind, and is heading for a destination hundreds of kilometers away!

About half a nautical mile ahead, this fleet will sail out of the 12 nautical miles of Costa Rica's territorial waters and truly enter the high seas. The next voyage will be sailing in high seas!

Everyone, please look at the sea ahead. There are many ships moored in the high seas outside the territorial waters of Costa Rica. These ships must have heard the news and are planning to go to Cocos Island to watch the excitement!

Behind us, there are also many ships coming here quickly, and their purpose is the same. They are going to go to Cocos Island with the fleet and witness the treasures of Lima with their own eyes! "

While talking, the live TV screen changed again!

The photographer used a telephoto lens to present the situation half a mile away in front of everyone.

In that piece of open sea waters, there are dozens of ships parked densely, of different sizes and types!

Among them are yachts, fishing boats, passenger ships, and official ships of some countries!

Seeing this scene, many people on the live broadcast could not help but gasp, and they were speechless inwardly!

Immediately afterwards, countless live broadcast terminals were completely boiled.

"Oh my god! There are so many boats! I'm sure that not all the people in these boats rushed to Cocos Island to join in the fun, and there are definitely not a few guys who have the idea of ​​Lima's treasure!"

"Great! Steven and his gang are in big trouble! This exploration operation must be very exciting, and a bloody fight between life and death is likely to erupt around the treasure of Lima!

Cocos Island is full of tropical rainforests. When I think of the jungle battle scene with bullets flying across, I am so excited that I wish I could fly to Cocos Island immediately and experience it for myself!

In the city, Steven and his gang have proven that they are almost unbeatable! I just don't know if they are as strong in the tropical rainforest? So much to look forward to! "

The moment they saw those ships on the sea in the distance, many people knew how many people with ulterior motives were hidden in those ships, staring at the fleet sailing to the high seas!

The temptation of Lima's treasure is too great. It is a normal thing for someone to take risks and try to snatch this treasure. It is strange if there is no one!

The same goes for the left-behind employees in the Fearless Exploration Company. Their faces changed instantly, and the atmosphere on the scene became tense.

"There are so many ships going to Cocos Island, it's too exaggerated! Steven and the others will be safe, right? I hope everything goes well!"

"Everyone, don't worry! Steven has made all the preparations. There will be no accidents in this exploration operation. No one has been able to threaten them before, and this time is no exception!"

Betty said loudly with a smile on her face, no matter her tone or eyes, she was full of confidence!


Under the blowing of gusts of sea wind, there were waves of waves on the sea surface, rushing towards the joint exploration fleet non-stop! Then it smashed into the bow of the ship, rippling around!

It is about to sail out of the territorial waters of Costa Rica, and a few hundred meters ahead is the high seas!

At this time, standing on the bow of the ship or on the deck of the yacht flybridge, you can already see the flags hoisted by the ships in front, so as to distinguish the country to which they belong.

Everyone was mentally prepared for the appearance of these ships and was not too surprised.

The fleet continued to cut through the waves and advance at high speed, and did not slow down because of the appearance of these uninvited guests, and still maintained the previous speed.

In a blink of an eye, the fleet moved forward for more than 200 meters, and the high seas were within easy reach.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, among those boats ahead are official ships from the Peruvian Coast Guard, and they, on behalf of the Peruvian government, once again issued a formal protest to us against this exploration operation!

They did not forget to mention the Solima Treasure, and once again stated that the Lima Treasure belongs to Peru and the wealth of the Peruvian people, which are all clichés! How to deal with these guys? "

"Don't talk to those guys! Let the representatives of the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture and Youth and the Costa Rican police deal with it! They changed their names to make it easier.

Inform the guys, let everyone be vigilant, and prevent the Peruvians from jumping over the wall! Also beware of other guys with ulterior motives, there must be many eyes staring at us! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, with a bit of disdain in his tone.

"Okay, Steven, I'll let everyone know!"

Mattis responded, full of confidence.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian immediately picked up the G36C assault rifle that had been prepared and kept at hand, got up and walked towards the stairs.

Seeing his action, Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado, both in the living room on the main deck, couldn't help their eyelids twitching wildly, feeling a little frightened!

On the other hand, Logan's eyes were shining with excitement, extremely bright, and he looked like watching the excitement is not a big deal!

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