Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1077: Targeting Game at Sea

"Steven, the two Costa Rican police escort ships, the passenger ship transporting supplies and equipment, and the interview ships from three TV stations have all adjusted their positions!

The fleet is now a fan shape radiating outwards, we are ready for target shooting practice at sea, a big surprise for those guys behind! "

Matisse's voice came from the earphones, full of excitement.

"Now that you're ready, let's get started and frighten the guys behind, even if you can't kill them, scare them into a cold sweat!

You can release floating targets, and don't forget to warn the guys behind, let those ships slow down, keep the distance between us, and avoid conflicts!

While deterring those guys behind, we must be impeccable, so that others can't find any excuses to attack, and avoid unnecessary troubles! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, murderous intent loomed in his words.

"Okay, Steven, we will warn the guys behind through the automatic ship identification system and the light language, everyone can hear and see, absolutely invulnerable!"

"After setting up the floating targets, you'd better personally guide that kid Logan to practice marksmanship, lest that guy get too excited and shoot bullets at the ships behind.

Let the rest of the guys be vigilant and be ready to respond at any time. If the guys in the ships behind dare to attack, then open fire and send those guys to hell!

Considering that there are many ordinary people in the boats behind, it is best not to attack in a large area, just use the Barrett sniper rifle to call names, and kill whoever shows up! "

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone immediately, but don't worry, no one can threaten this super yacht and everyone's safety!"

Matisse's voice came again, full of confidence. ,

At the same time, what came to Ye Tian's ears was the excited cheers of that boy Logan.

He is currently staying on the flybridge deck of the yacht, with a bright smile on his face, and a 4A1 assault rifle in his hand, ready to start sea target practice!

Those ships with different purposes are still following the joint exploration fleet, sailing on the sea two to three hundred meters behind, and there are dozens of them in the dark!

They are advancing at the same speed as the United Exploration Fleet, neither approaching nor moving away, and they intend to keep following until they reach Cocos Island.

At this time, the people in these ships all had surprised expressions! He widened his eyes and looked ahead.

"What kind of tricks is that bastard Steven playing? Why did the exploration fleet suddenly change its formation? It turned into a fan shape, directly exposing the tail of the super yacht. How bold!"

"Whatever tricks he plays! We just need to keep up with this fleet. Before the treasure of Lima appears, nothing major will happen!"

Not only these followers, but also many people in the United Exploration Fleet, the live broadcast reporting teams of the three TV stations, and the countless viewers in front of the TV are also confused at the moment!

Everyone didn't understand why the fleet suddenly changed formation, and they didn't know what Ye Tian's intention was!

Just when people were surprised and puzzled, the super yacht in the focus of sight suddenly issued a serious warning and played a series of light signals.

"Please pay attention to the following ships, we are going to conduct sea shooting training, please reduce your sailing speed and keep a safe distance to avoid accidents!

I hope you pay attention to this warning and follow it. If you ignore the warning and insist on breaking into the dangerous area, all the consequences caused by it can only be borne by yourself! "

In just one minute, the warning and the light signal were repeated three times, each time with a more severe tone, beyond doubt!

Immediately afterwards,

A red floating target was released by the Leshun super yacht, landed on the sea surface, was engulfed by the waves at the stern, and quickly drifted backward.

After receiving the warning through the ship's automatic identification system and understanding the meaning of the lights, the people in the ships behind and all the people watching the live TV were all stunned! Without exception!

Everyone had a dumbfounded expression, staring at the luxurious super yacht with wide eyes, full of incredible eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they had just heard and seen!

Even many people in the exploration fleet, as well as all members of the three TV stations' live broadcast teams, were stunned by the warning and the lights!

Immediately after the shock, there was a frantic exclamation from all the live broadcast terminals.

"Oh my god! Did I hear you right? Steven and his guys are going to have shooting training at sea! This is too crazy!"

"Shooting training at sea? Isn't he afraid of misfiring his gun and causing a fire? I have to say that Steven is definitely the craziest guy I've ever seen. There is nothing he dares not do!"

Compared with the people who were watching live TV, the people in the ships behind the joint exploration fleet were more impacted!

Apart from shock, they were also a little apprehensive, even fearful.

"Fack! Steven, the damn bastard, is actually crazy to play such a trick! Will these New York bastards take this opportunity to attack us?"

"Probably not! That bastard Steven is extremely cunning and never gives anyone a handle. In such a public place, he will never take the initiative to attack!"

Angry cursing rang out everywhere, from every ship that was following the Joint Exploration Fleet.

Although very angry, no one doubted the authenticity of this warning and the consequences of ignoring it.

Everyone knows very well that these New York bastards always do what they say and never let go!

Since they issued a public warning, the next step must be a sea shooting practice, there is no doubt about it!

After a burst of angry cursing and denunciation, these guys who felt that the crisis was imminent immediately began to discuss coping strategies.

"What should we do? Do we really want to slow down the speed, distance ourselves from the exploration fleet ahead, and watch Steven and his gang of bastards run amok?"

"What can I do if I don't look at it? Could it be that I rushed to eat the gun? You pick up the binoculars and look, the muzzles of the gang of New York bastards on the super yacht are all pointing here, ready to fire at any time!

Especially the two Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifles on the flybridge deck are too threatening. It takes only a few attacks to destroy our ship and send us into the sea to feed the fish.

The purpose of our trip is the treasure of Lima, not to seek revenge on that bastard Steven. Before the treasure of Lima appears, there is no need to conflict with them!

Since those New York bastards issued a warning, we might as well listen to them, reduce the speed of the yacht, distance ourselves from the joint exploration fleet, and retreat out of the danger zone!

Cocos Island has always been deep in the Pacific Ocean, and it will not grow wings to fly. As long as we look for this target and ensure the correct course, it is impossible to be thrown away.

For the sake of safety, we still need to make some necessary preparations, everyone, take out your weapons and ammunition, if those New York bastards attack us, we can only do it with them! "

"Okay! Boss!"

The same scene is happening in many ships.

Soon, the speed of these trailing ships slowed down, and the distance between them and the exploration fleet became wider and wider.

Except for most of the ships that came purely to join in the fun, the people in the other ships quickly armed themselves and kept their eyes on the fleet ahead, ready to respond at any time.

In an instant, the atmosphere in this sea area became tense. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, which was so strong that it would explode at a touch!

At this moment, no matter the people in this sea area or the people watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, the focus of everyone's attention is on that super yacht!

After completing the arrangement and issuing three warnings in succession, Mattis took Logan to the rear of the flybridge deck of the super yacht.

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